
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 10 Punishing Christ


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During the afternoon of 26th February 2004, and in turn whilst carrying out my “Devotions” of the “Station of the Cross”, at the Schönstatt Sisters’ outdoor “Stations”, at their Shrine in, Armadale, W.A., “Our Blesséd Mother” “Came” to me with a “Personal” Message.

This took place as I was just completing my Prayers and Reflections at the “Ninth” Station, “Jesus Falls the Third Time”, and during my Prayers and Reflections at the “Tenth” Station, “Jesus is Stripped of His Garments”.

But in keeping with “Our Blesséd Mothers” request to open my Heart and Soul to all My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would like to share this Message with you.

This is what She said;

“My Dear Son, now that you have started your ‘Devotions’ to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, for this season of Lent, in Walking ‘The Road to Calvary’  with Him, I would like you to reflect upon exactly what your Sins have been doing do My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

My Dear Son, it is you , who has been the ‘Persecutor’, Punishing My Belovéd Son, Jesus, the ‘Persecuted’, who moreover was, and is Totally ‘Innocent’  of any wrong doing.

It has been you, who has been ‘Tearing’ at the Flesh on His ‘Sacred Body’, as with each and every Sin that you had committed against Him, you had ‘Lashed’ Him with the ‘Whip’ as you ‘Scourged’ Him.

Please reflect on Why you have been Punishing your ‘Innocent Saviour’, when all he was doing, was showing you The Heavenly Love He has for you, when You, of all My Children, should know how it feels to be ‘Persecuted’ Innocently for carrying out a ‘Loving’ act, as you yourself had been Innocently ‘Persecuted’ when you carried out your own ‘Loving’ act towards your ‘Adopted’ Mother when arranging her Memorial Mass.

My Dear Son, as I have already shown you and ‘Shared’ with you ‘My Sorrows’, I would ask you to Continue always to reflect on this ‘Suffering’ of Mine, as I continue to ‘Witness’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, being so severely  ‘Lashed’ with each and every one of your Sins.

My Dear Son, I, as your Heavenly Mother implore you, to reflect hard on this ‘Unjust’ Punishment that your Sins mete out on My Belovéd Son, Jesus,  as you Walk ‘The Road  to Calvary’ during your ‘Stations of the Cross’,  this ‘Lent’.

Please remember, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in spite of being ‘Unjustly’ Punished by your Sins, still continues to ‘Love’ you, and is still so ‘Merciful’ towards you, and is extremely ‘Forgiving’ towards you, but you, My Dear Son, have to be ‘Truly’ and ‘Sincerely Remorseful’, for your ‘Unjust Cruelty’ through your Sins, and that you must have a ‘Truly Dedicated  Commitment of Amendment’ in your Heart, to ‘Atone’ for your Sins.

It is of no value to you, or indeed to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, if your ‘Contrition’ is only of a ‘Token Nature’ in Word alone.

Your ‘Contrition’ has to be one of a ‘Total’ and ‘True’ Commitment of Heart and Soul, for it to have any value and meaning, and thereby obtain ‘Complete Absolution’ in the Loving Heart of Your Heavenly Father.

This level of ‘Amendment’ and ‘Commitment’, My Dear Son, is not easy to carry out, but with your continued ‘Trust’ and ‘Faith’ in Me, your Heavenly Mother, I will help you to achieve that  level, which is required of you.

Please continue with this level of ‘Commitment’ in your Heart, to Reflect on what I have Revealed to you today, as you carry out your ‘Stations of the Cross’ each day during this Lent.”

Then with this Message, “Our Blesséd Mother” left me to continue and complete my “Stations of The Cross” for today.

It did, however, leave me most “Ashamed” and Sad, to now realise that together with the Message of “Our Blesséd Mothers Sorrows”, and now this Revelation, exactly how “Cruel” and “Sinful” I have been towards my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
