
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 25 The Passion and Death of Christ


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On the 9th April 2004, which was Good Friday, I underwent the most Intense and Grueling “Visual Image” for this Lent, again at the Schönstatt Outdoor “Stations of the Cross” location, in Armadale, W.A., and once again at the 12th Station, as had been “Faithfully”  promised to me, by “Our Blesséd Mother”.

Also, once again in keeping with “Our Blesséd Mothers” request to open my Heart and Soul to everyone, I would like to share this most Special of “Visual Images” with all of you, in the hope that it will provide you all, as it has most definitely done for me, with a Deeper Insight of exactly what Our Blesséd Lord went through, in order to “Give” all of us, The “Heavenly Hope”, for Our own Salvation.

As with previous “Visual Images”, particularly as described in the Messages “The Agony of Christ” and “The ‘Legacy’ of Sin”, this “Visual Image” was very “Graphic” and extremely Disturbing for me.

This “Visual Image”, covered the entire “Passion” of Our Blesséd Lord, right from the end of “The Last Supper”, through to the complete “Road to Calvary”, and eventually the “Crucifixion and Death” of Our Blesséd Lord and Heavenly Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Even before I reached the 12th Station, at which point, as has been the case since the first Monday of this Lent, when I first received the “Visual Image”, the emotion of this Special day of Good Friday, commemorating the very day that Our Blesséd Lord Died, in this most Horrific of ways, for Our Sins, had started to take hold of me.

From the very First Station, I was having great difficulty in holding back tears, choking with emotion, as I Pondered and Meditated on the events depicted by the individual Stations, until finally reaching the 12th Station, at which point, almost immediately upon  laying  Prostrate in Front of the “Cross”, at this Station, “Our Blesséd Mother”, as promised, brought down upon me, the “Visual Image” that I am about to describe.

The “Visual Image” started in exactly the same way as the “Visual Image” during yesterday’s “Visual Image” at my Parish Church Hall in Front of the “Altar of Repose”, as described in the Message “Heavenly Obedience”, namely Our Blesséd Lord leaving the table with His Apostles, at The Last Supper, through to His “Agony in the Garden”, exactly as described, in the Message “Heavenly Obedience”, but then continued at the point that Our Blesséd Lord had awoken His Apostles, and after He had Spoken to them.

It was at this point, that I could “See”, albeit in the distance and in the dark, what seemed like a “Group” of people, carrying Lanterns, walking towards the entrance of the “Park” or “Garden”, where Our Blesséd Lord had been assembled with His recently awakened Apostles.

Then as this “Group” of people reached the “Archway”, I could clearly make out that this “Group” of people were armed with Swords and Clubs as Weapons, and were in an extremely agitated state.

Then I could “See”, upon entering into the “Garden”, one of the “Group” or “Mob”, stepping forward, and approaching Our Blesséd Lord this Person embraced Him, kissing Our Blesséd Lord on His Right Cheek.

It was at this point that I  realized that this member of the “Group”, must have been Judas Iscariot, and immediately on greeting Our Blesséd Lord in this manner, I “Heard” Our Blesséd Lord address the “Group”, asking them;

“Who are you looking for?”

I could then “Hear” the “Group” or “Mob”, begin to shout out, that they were looking for Jesus Christ.

Then I “Heard” Our Blesséd Lord in reply say;

“I am He.

But why do you all come to seize Me in this way, with Clubs and Weapons, as if I were a ‘Common Criminal’?

Haven’t I always been Accessible and Available to you, all the time?”

But then I could “See” that the  “Mob” became more Incensed by this response, and began to shout abuse at Our Blesséd Lord, and surged forward to Grab hold of Him to Seize Him and Arrest Him, and as they did so, I could “See”, that one of the Apostles, grabbed hold of a sword, and took a Strike with the sword, at one of the “Mob”, catching him in the right side of the face, causing a long and deep gash in this persons face, as well as cutting off this persons right ear.

I could then “See”, the person, whose ear that had been cut off, falling onto one knee, on to the ground, holding onto the side of his face, screaming out in Agonizing pain, with blood pouring out from both the side of his face as well as from the wound from where the ear had been “Severed”, all down his arms and onto his Clothing, totally covering them in blood.

I could then “See” A scuffle breaking out between the Apostles and some of the “Mob”, and in the midst of this Melee, Our Blesséd Lord, picked up the “Severed” ear, in His Scared Hands, and with the “Severed” ear still in His Sacred Hands, placed His Hands on the side of this persons face, and placed the “Severed” ear in place, instantly restoring it back to its normal state, as well as instantly “Healing” the Deep Gash to the side of the face, that this person had sustained, as a result of this Strike with the sword.

Then I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord, requesting calm from the Apostles, and turning to Peter, the Apostle, who had struck out with the sword, I “Heard” Him say to Peter;

“Put the sword away. Have you forgotten, that those that live by the sword, also die the same way?

If I were in need of protection from anyone, I need only to call on my Father in Heaven, but it is My Fathers ‘Will’ that I need to carry out now.”

I could then “See” The “Mob” Seizing Our Blesséd Lord, and then, Tying and Bounding Him up like a “Common Criminal”, they led Him out of the “Garden”, but with the Apostles, each and every one of them, fleeing from the scene, from apparent fear, that they too would be set upon by the “Mob” and Arrested, as they had just been “Witness” to, with Our Blesséd Lord.

Then as the “Mob”, with Our Blesséd Lord in “Tow”, made their way out of the “Garden”, I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord catching sight of the person whose ear that had been “Severed”, and smiling at Him, addressed him by name, for I could “See” that Our Blesséd Lord recognized him as Malchus, who was in fact, a servant of the High Priest.

Then, I could “See” the “Mob” walking down a street with Our Blesséd Lord still in “Tow”, and with the “Mob”, was Malchus, all the while, holding the side of his face and feeling his ear, in Total Amazement and Disbelief, of what he had just “Witnessed” and “Experienced”.

Then I Could “See” Our Blesséd Lord, still Tied and Bound, standing in what looked like an “Auditorium”, with a row of ‘Tiered’ Seats in a Semi circle formation, surrounding Our Blesséd Lord, with a number of elderly looking men, most with lengthy white beards, but all of them dressed in Elaborate and Ornate “Robes”.

At this point I realized that what I was “Seeing” was Our Blesséd Lord being Present before the “Sanhedrin”, with its Chief Priests and Scribes.

Then one by one, I could “See” these Chief Priests and Scribes all dressed up to the Hilt in their Elaborate and Ornate “Robes”, coming down from their seats, approaching Our Blesséd Lord, who was standing in the centre of the “Auditorium”, pointing fingers at Our Blesséd Lord, and Gesticulating and Waving there arms about, with some of them, even Slapping Our Blesséd Lord about the Face.

I could “See” a lot of, what seemed like Frenetic activity, with many people being called into the “Auditorium”, as what I presumed to be, “Witnesses” against Our Blesséd Lord, but at this point I could not “Hear”, what was being said, but from what I could “See”, it appeared, that the Chief Priests were not at all pleased with the proceedings, as their faces began to show expressions of Frustration and Concern.

Then I could “See” a High Priest come down from His seat, approach Our Blesséd Lord and “Heard” him questioning Our Blesséd Lord, saying;

“I order you, before this Court, to answer my question - Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?”

To this I then “Heard”  Our Blesséd Lord reply;

“It is you who are saying this.

But what I will say to you is this, that not too long from now, the Son of Man will be Seated at the Right of the Heavenly Father.”

To this reply I could “See” the entire gathering of Priests and Scribes, get up on their feet, in total uproar, Shaking their fists in the air, beating their chests, in “Hypocritical” Piety, and shouting out aloud, I could “Hear” them shouting:-

“ Blasphemy!!!, Blasphemy!!!”

Then I could “See” the High Priest strike Our Blessed Lord about the face,  demanding from the gathering of Priests and Scribes to pass down “Judgement and “Punishment” on Our Blesséd Lord, to which I could “Hear” the entire Gathering of the “Sanhedrin” shouting out:- “Put him to Death, for he has ‘Blasphemed’ the Living God!!!”

I then could “See” Our Blesséd Lord being dragged away from the “Auditorium” by two men, through a crowd of onlookers, many of whom were hitting Him about the Body and the Face, as He was being led away.

After Our Blesséd Lord had been led away from this “Farce” and “Sham Trial” before the “Sanhedrin”, I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord standing in another “Auditorium”, quite different from that of the “Sanhedrin’s”, where I could see Rows and Rows of huge Marble Pillars, surrounding the Perimeters of this “Auditorium” and at one end of this “Auditorium” a large Marble seat, much like a “Throne”, in which was seated who at this point, I took to be “Pontius Pilate”, as he was wearing a Governor’s “Sash”, around his shoulder, and a Governor’s “Wreath”, on his head.

I could “See” Our Blesséd  Lord standing in front of this “Throne” at a distance of about 5  Metres or so away, with a High Priest standing next to Him, and I could then “See” “Pilate” arise from the “Throne”, which itself was perched on a platform, with a row of four or five steps, leading up to it, from the floor level.

At this point the High Priest standing next to Our Blesséd Lord, then proceeded to Read out what seemed like a long list of “Charges” to “Pilate”, with “Pilate” seemingly Totally Disinterested in the whole proceedings.

Once the High Priest concluded with the Reading out of the “Charges”, I then “Saw” “Pilate” climb down the steps, and standing directly in front of Our Blesséd Lord, asked Him if He had anything to say.

But Our Blesséd Lord gave no reply.

Then I “Heard” “Pilate” say;

“From the ‘Charges’ that have been Read out against you, it has been claimed that you are claiming to be a King – a King of the Jews.

Are you then a King, a King of the Jews?”

To this I then “Heard” Our Blesséd Lord reply.

“It is you, who is say that I am a King.”

Then at this point, I could “See” that “Pilate” was getting somewhat restless, and again began to Interrogate Our Blesséd Lord, about this question of being the “King” of the Jews, to which I “Heard” Our Blesséd Lord reply;

“My Kingdom is not of this world, for if it were, I could then call upon My people, to protect Me and defend Me, but, My Kingdom is not of this world.”

To this reply, I could then “Hear” “Pilate” say;

“So you do admit to be a ‘King’, after all?”

Then I could “Hear” Our Blesséd Lord reply;

“It is you who are insisting that I am a King.

The purpose of My coming into this world, was to Bring and Testify to the ‘Truth’.

Anyone who should ‘Hear’ My voice, will then Commit themselves to the ‘Truth’.”

Then I could “See” that “Pilate” was totally confused by this reply, and I could “Hear” him ask Our Blesséd Lord;

“What is ‘Truth’?”

To which Our Blesséd Lord offered no reply.

Then I could “See” that “Pilate” could sense that Our Blesséd Lord had no “Charge” to answer as far as he was concerned, and leaving Our Blesséd Lord momentarily, went into another “Auditorium” that led out to a Balcony overlooking an open courtyard where I could “See” what looked like thousands of people being gathered.

In this “Auditorium” were gathered a number of Scribes and Chief  Priests, and I could “See” and “Hear” Pilate discussing Our Blesséd Lord’s “Charges” with them, and pointing out to them, that he could find no “Case to Answer” against Our Blesséd Lord.

To this, I could “See”, that the Scribes and Chief Priests became very Agitated, with one of them, who was standing on the Balcony, relaying “Pilate’s” feelings to the Crowd below, who themselves were becoming most Agitated and Restless.

When “Pilate” saw this, I could “See” that “Pilate” himself became most Irritated, by the reaction of the Crowd, so he went back into the “Auditorium” where Our Blesséd Lord was, and I could “Hear” him say to Our Blesséd Lord.

“Do you not realize that I have the Power to release you or even, to put you to Death?”

To which I “Heard” Our Blesséd Lord answer;

“You would not have any Power over Me, had it not been vested to you, by My Father in Heaven.”

“Pilate”, I could “See”, was becoming more and more Disturbed himself, and clearly was not keen on putting Our Blessed Lord to Death, and just then seemed to have a “Brainwave”, where he suddenly remembered that being the Feast of the Passover, it was customary for the Romans to Pardon and Release a Prisoner at this time, so in order to try and resolve this matter with a “Clear” conscience, he put a Proposition to the Chief Priests and the Crowd, and offered to them the choice of the Release of a Criminal and Brigand  by the name of  Barabbas, or the Release of Our Blesséd Lord, hoping that they would choose the Release of  Our Blesséd Lord.

Unfortunately, as I could clearly “See”, that neither the Crowd nor the Chief Priests and Scribes, wanted the Release of Our Blesséd Lord.

“Pilate” was, as I could “See”, quite Distraught, having seen that his “Brainwave” had not worked in his favour, so he had Our Blesséd Lord, led out by some Soldiers to be “Lashed” or “Scourged” and to be humiliated by being “Crowned”, with a “Crown” made of “Thorns”, which I was to “Witness”, in this “Visual Image”, once again in the same “Horrific” and “Painful” detail, as described in the Message, “The ‘Legacy’ of Sin”.

As was the case, during the “Visual Images” over the past week, “Witnessing” Our Blesséd Lord undergoing both “The Scourging at The Pillar” and “The Crowning With Thorns”, left me immensely Distressed, Upset and Emotionally Drained, but My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, on this most Solemn of Days, of Good Friday, and during this “Visual Image”, there was so much more, that I still had to endure.

Then after having again “Witnessed” Our Blesséd Lord “Scourged at the Pillar” and “Crowned With Thorns”, I then “Saw” our Blesséd Lord, being led back into the “Auditorium” , where He was then Led onto the Balcony, in a most “Pitiful” of states, “Streaming” with Blood down His Sacred Face from both the “Scourging”, and the “Crowning With Thorns”, and His Garments completely Soaked in Blood, again from the Dreadful “Scourging” that Our Blesséd Lord had to endure, this, in order to be presented to the Crowd and the Chief Priests and Scribes, from the Balcony itself.

Then I “Saw”, “Pilate” once again, put the offer of the choice of release, between Barabbas and Our Blesséd Lord, to the Crowd and the High Priests, hoping that in seeing Our Blesséd Lord in such “Terrible” and “Pitiful” state, that this might persuade the Crowd and the Chief Priests, to opt  for the Release of Our Blesséd Lord.

But on seeing Our Blesséd Lord on the Balcony, and in spite of His “Pitiful” state, I could “See” and “Hear” the crowd, Screaming out louder and louder;

Barabbas, give us Barabbas!”

I could then “See”, that “Pilate”, in fear that the Crowd would begin to Riot, and in utter Resignation to the Indignation of the Crowd, ask the Crowd and the Chief Priests, what he should do with Our Blesséd Lord, who in response Screamed out in one voice, a voice with a depth of Hatred that was so intense, that the entire atmosphere seemed to be weighed down with the intensity of the Hatred, “Scream” out;-


I could then “See” “Pilate”, walk over to a Font that was positioned towards the Balcony, and wash his hands, to indicate that  “Judgement” had now been passed down, but also as if by doing so, it would somehow “Wash” away and “Clean” his Conscience, and then I could “See” “Pilate” handing Our Blesséd Lord over to the High Priests, to carry out the Cruel and Gruesome “Crucifixion”.

Then My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord, being led out of  the “Auditorium”, by two Soldiers, down into the Courtyard below, where the Crowd had been gathered, and then being led into the streets.

There I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord, so Weakened from the “Lashings” that He Had been subjected to during the “Scourging”, barely able to stand on His Feet, being made to carry a Large Wooden Cross, some 4 Metres or so in length, with the Cross being lifted onto the Crest of His Shoulders, by  the Junction of the Arms and the Upright of the Cross, with the bulk of the Upright, trailing behind Our Blesséd Lord, all the while, with the Crowd Booing and Hissing at Him and Hurling all Manner of abuse at Him.

However, so Heavy was the Cross for Our Blesséd Lord to carry, and so Weakened was His Sacred Body, from the “Torture” that He had undergone, I could “See” that after only a few steps, Our Blesséd Lord, from Shear Weakness, “Stumbled” and “Fell” to the ground with the Heavy Cross, Pinning Him to the ground.

With this “Fall”, I could both “Hear” and “Feel” his “Pain”, as He “Screamed” out aloud, and I could also “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” in amongst the crowd “Weeping” profusely, on “Seeing” Her Belovéd Son, Jesus, lying in “Agony” on the ground with the Cross on top of Him.

Then I “Saw” two Soldiers lift the Cross off Our Blesséd Lord, while a third Soldier with a “Whip” in hand “Lashed” out at Our Blesséd Lord, who at this point was still lying on the Ground, but His Weakness was so severe, that He simply did not have the Strength to Lift Himself up from the ground.

On seeing this, the third soldier then Dragged Our Blesséd Lord onto His Feet by His Hair, with the two other Soldiers Repositioning the Cross, back onto Our Blesséd Lord’s Shoulders, and with “Our Blesséd Mother” “Witnessing” this, I could “See” Her Pushing Her way through the Crowd towards Him, to reach Him, and then as He regained His balance, their eyes met, with both Our Blesséd Lord, and His Belovéd Mother, expressing through their eyes, the Immense “Tenderness” and Deep, oh so Deep “Sadness”, that they felt for each other, at that very moment.

However, the Soldiers forced Our Blesséd Lord forward, and then with the Crowd equally surging forward, soon Our Blesséd Lord lost sight of His Belovéd Mother in the body of the crowd.

Then with the Chief Priests and Scribes in the Crowd who were present to witness this “Inhumane” Spectacle, seeing that Our Blesséd Lord was barely able Stand on His Feet, and with the Fear that He might Die from the Dreadful Wounds, inflicted upon His Sacred Body, particularly from the “Lashings” from the “Scourging at the Pillar”, and this, before they had the chance to see Our Blesséd Lord “Nailed” to the “Cross”, were quite visibly Anxious to make sure that He reached  “Calvary” still alive.

I could then “See”, that Three of the Priests had grabbed hold of a man in amongst the Crowd, whom I could “Hear” them addressing, as Simon from “Cyrene”, and under threat, persuaded Simon to Carry Our Blesséd Lord’s Cross, for Him, and so, albeit reluctantly, Simon, then took the Cross from the Two Soldiers, and Heaved it on his own Back, and carried it along, behind Our Blesséd Lord.

Even though the vast majority of the Crowd was made up of  Jews, whom I could quite Clearly “See”, had immense Hatred towards Our Blesséd Lord, some of the crowd, however, which I could also clearly “See,” were made up of Our Blesséd Lord’s “True” Followers.

One such Follower was a Devout Lady, named Veronica, who Our Blesséd Lord knew well, and who, I could “See” make her way through the crowd, to reach Our Blesséd Lord, and on reaching Him, Veronica, wiped Our Blesséd Lord’s “Bloodied” Sacred Face, with a Towel that she had with Her, and I could quite clearly “See” the “Image” of Our Blesséd Lord’s Sacred Face, left behind on the Towel.

Shortly after having His Sacred Face wiped by Veronica, I could again “See” the Crowd jostling around Our Blesséd Lord, and because the Severity of His Weakness was Deteriorating, Our Blesséd Lord did not have the Strength to counteract the jostling of the Crowd, and I “Saw”  Him “Stumble” and “Fall” a Second time.

Again, as was the case on the occasion on the First “Fall”, I could “See” one of the Soldiers, “Lash” out at Our Blesséd Lord as He lay on the ground, and I could “Hear” Our Blesséd Lord “Scream” out in “Agony”, as the “Lashings” reignited all the “Pains” of the “Excoriations” that He had “Suffered” from the “Scourging”, and set off more Bleeding both to His Head and Sacred Body, further staining His Garments with Fresh Blood.

Again, as at the First “Fall”, I could so clearly “See” that Our Blesséd Lord simply did not have sufficient Strength to lift Himself up off the ground, and again the Soldier Whipping Our Blesséd Lord, Dragged Him up onto His Feet by His Hair, setting off another bout of “Agonizing Screams” from Our Blesséd Lord.

Then as He struggled slowly, step by “Agonizing” step along the “Road to Calvary”, I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord catch sight of group of Women in the Crowd, who upon seeing Our Blesséd Lord, so Weakened, and completely covered in Fresh Blood from this Second “Fall”, wept in Pity and Sorrow for Our Blesséd Lord, for they knew that Our Blesséd Lord was Totally Innocent, and that He Truly was The Son of God.

But on seeing these Women “Weeping”, I could “Hear” Our Blesséd Lord in such a Gentle, Caring and Loving voice addressing them, saying;

“My Dear women of Jerusalem, please don’t ‘Weep’ for me.

It is for your ‘Children’ that you should be shedding your ‘Tears’, for what you have been witness to here.”

I could then “See” our Blesséd Lord, almost having reached “Calvary”, once again, “Stumble and “Fall”, now for the Third time, from the now “Extreme” Weakness, both from the Wounds that Our Blesséd Lord had been inflicted with, and from the “Haste” with which the Soldiers were trying to force upon Our Blesséd Lord to undertake this “Torturous” journey.

But once again, as on the previous Two occasions, that Our Blesséd Lord, “Fell” and “Stumbled”, one of the Soldiers, “Lashed” out at Him, in total Futility, as surely it must have been obvious to him, as it was so clearly obvious to me, as I “Saw” and “Felt” Our Belovéd Lord’s “Pain” as He lay on the ground in “Agony”, that virtually all His Strength had now been spent, but in spite of this, the “Cruelty” of these Soldiers that accompanied Our Blesséd Lord to “Calvary”, seemed to have no Bounds.

Again, as before, I could “See” the Soldier who had “Lashed” out at Our Blesséd Lord, Drag Him up onto His Feet by His Hair, and somehow, with what must have been the last Reserves of His Human Strength, I could then “See” Our Blesséd Lord making the final few steps to the Summit on “Calvary”.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I cannot begin to tell you how much of an affect that this “Visual Image” to this point, had on me, being “Witness” to so much “Suffering” that Our Blesséd Lord had to endure, just up to this point of His Passion.

Now with Our Blesséd Lord having reached the Summit, I could “See” the Cross that Our Blesséd Lord was to be “Nailed” to, and eventually “Hang” and “Die” on, being lifted off the back of Simon the “Cyrenian”, who on carrying the Cross all the way along the “Road to Calvary” was a very close-at-hand “Witness”, to the “Torturous Suffering” that Our Blesséd Lord had to endure on His Journey, along this same Road.

Then, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the “Visual Image” continued, as I  “Witnessed” the “Stripping” off of Our Blessed Lords Garments, and His subsequent “Nailing to the Cross”, in exactly the same “Graphic” Detail, as I had both described and experienced, during Passion Week, as described in the Message “The ‘Legacy’ of Sin”, leaving me in the same “Exhausted” state, as during those very “Visual Images”, during Passion Week.

Then Finally, in this “Visual Image” for this Most Solemn day of Good Friday, I was “Witness” to the “Crucifixion and Death” of our Blesséd Lord, as described in the Message “The Agony of Christ”, so to be “Witness” to the entire “Passion and Death of Christ”, Our Blesséd Lord, and Heavenly Saviour.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, on the completion, of this most Intense and Detailed “Visual Image”, that I have received, I was in so much “Pain” and so “Exhausted” both Physically and Emotionally, that it took me quite some time to both compose myself, as well as gather the strength to “Haul” myself up from the ground in order to complete the “Stations of the Cross”.

However after a few minutes, I did manage somehow to achieve both, and may I say that this Intense experience has left me in Absolute “No Doubt” as to How “Evil” Sin is, and How Much “Suffering” that Sin itself causes, to Our Most Heavenly, Forgiving and Loving Lord.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as I had mentioned in the Message “The ‘Legacy’ of Sin”, I had been requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”, to carry out the “Stations of the Cross”, twice, for this Most Special and Solemn of days, Good Friday, which I most Willingly and Lovingly did, but for these Second Stations for the day, as requested By “Our Blesséd Mother”, in the company of my “Invited” Guests.

As with the First “Stations of the Cross”, for the day, and again at the same location, my emotional state, during these Second Stations for the day, was the same, from station to station, even in the company of my “Invited” Guests, and the “Visual Image”, that “Our Blesséd Mother” brought down upon me, again at the 12th Station, was exactly the same in every “Painful” Detail, as it was during the “Visual Image”, for the First “Stations of the Cross” earlier in the day.

However, at the completion of the “Visual Image”, for this, the Second “Stations of the Cross” for the day, “Our Blesséd Mother” had asked me to “Give” Her “Blessings” to my “Invited” Guests, which, once I managed to compose myself and lift myself up from the ground, I most Happily and Lovingly did, and then together with my “Invited” Guests, completed the days Second “Stations of the Cross”, as Requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I cannot begin to tell you, how deeply these two “Stations of the Cross” for this most Solemn Day of Good Friday, have affected me, only to say that I Truly believe that I have gained a far Deeper Insight and understanding of both the “Meaning” of Sin, and the “Intense Evil” of Sin, than I have ever had before.

If this understanding that I have managed to gain from this most “Heavenly Manifestation” that “Our Blesséd Mother” has so “Graciously” bestowed upon me, could in some way touch the Hearts, Minds and Souls of just one of you, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, then I would Feel that the “Pain” and “Suffering” that I have been called to be “Witness” to, through these “Visual Images”, will have borne some “Heavenly Fruit”.

I continue to Pray, that this might indeed be the case, not only to one of you, but to many, many of you, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and I ask all of you to continue to Pray for me and to “Our Blesséd Mother,” for Her to continue to “Guide” me, and all of us, with Her Most Beautiful and Heavenly Messages.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
