
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 26 The Risen Lord


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On the eve of the 10th April 2004, and after the Easter Vigil Mass, in Celebration of the “Resurrection” of Our Blesséd Lord, I went for my regular exercise in the “Bush” during which, once again “Our Blesséd Mother” “Came” to me, with the following Message.

This is what “Our Blesséd Mother” said to me;

“Tonight, My Dear Children on earth, you have been ‘Celebrating’ the ‘Resurrection’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in many Churches throughout the world, and in some parts of the world, even in record numbers.

Having ‘Witnessed’ this, My Dear Children, you would quite naturally assume that it  would have been most pleasing to me, but unfortunately, even though so many of My Children were Present in ‘Person’, sadly, most sadly, so few were Present in ‘Spirit’.

This should have been My Happiest Moment, where, you My Dear Children, together with Me, your Heavenly Mother, should have been ‘Reflecting’ on the ‘True’ meaning of My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ ‘Glorious Resurrection’, where He took with Him from the ‘Tomb’, on ‘Good Friday’, the ‘Joy’ of the ‘True Contrition’ of those Children of Mine that have offered this ‘True Contrition’ to Him, and ‘Transformed’ it, into the ‘Heavenly Glory’ of His Most ‘Glorious Resurrection’.

With this ‘Glorious’ event, My Belovéd Son, also ‘Gave’ you, all My Dear Children on earth, each and every one of you, your own ‘Personal Hope’, for both your own ‘Salvation’ and your own ‘Personal Resurrection’, at the ‘Second Coming’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

However, so many of  My Dear Children, who were Present in ‘Person’, were totally unaware, of the significance, of My Belovéd Sons, ‘Suffering’ on ‘Good Friday’, and even less aware, of  either the existence of ‘True Contrition’ or the ‘Significance’ and  ‘Power’ of it, in relation to My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ ‘Glorious Resurrection’.

In fact, My Dear Children, it has ‘Saddened’ Me, your Heavenly Mother, so much, to ‘Witness’ many of My Priests, throughout the world today, totally ‘Down Playing’ the ‘Significance’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ ‘Suffering’ on the Cross, even preaching that it is not ‘Relevant’ to this Modern world of the 21st Century, and even being described as ‘Out of Date Belief’, in some instances, a teaching, which so many of My Children, are so sadly and very much mistakenly taking on board and taking  to heart.

My Dear Children, this is simply NOT so.

Without My Belovéd Son Jesus’ ‘Suffering’ on the Cross, a ‘Suffering’ that He endured,  for the ‘Sole Purpose’ of the ‘Redemption’ of ‘All’ of Mankind’s  Sins, and in ‘Total Obedience’ to His ‘Heavenly Fathers’ wishes, it would have rendered His ‘Glorious Resurrection’, totally ‘Meaningless’.

In fact, the ‘Relevance’ of My Belovéd Son’s ‘Passion and Suffering of the Crucifixion’ on that Most Solemn of days, on ‘Good Friday’, has  never been ‘As Relevant’, if not ‘More Relevant’, than today, and for you, My Dear Children, of the 21st Century, in order for you to reach a more intimate understanding of the ‘Pain’ and ‘Suffering’ that Sin, your Sins, has done and still does, inflict on My Belovéd Son, Jesus, and this, in order for you to gain a much greater appreciation of the ‘Wonder’ and the ‘Glory’ of His ‘Resurrection’, for the ‘Redemption’ of those Sins.

My Heart, has been filled with so much ‘Sorrow’, in seeing so many of My Children, ‘Filling’ the ‘Pews’ of so many of the Churches tonight, but totally ‘Empty’ of ‘Spirit’.

I was ‘Witness’ to much ‘Seemingly Joyous Celebration’, during many of the Masses Celebrated tonight, but so little ‘True’ appreciation and thought to the ‘Significance and Meaning’, to the ‘Importance’, the ‘Relevance’ and the ‘Connection’, between the ‘Suffering’ of the ‘Crucifixion’, and the ‘Glory’ of the ‘Resurrection’, of My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

Then if this alone, My Dear Children, was not ‘Painful’ enough for Me, to ‘Witness’,   My Heart sank so low, when at the end of the Celebration of  those Masses tonight, throughout the world, there were so few of you, My Dear Children, who made the effort to spend even ‘Five’ minutes, of your time, to visit My Belovéd Son, ‘The RISEN Lord’, at the ‘Tabernacle’, where He is ‘Ever Present’ as the ‘Risen Lord’, and on this, the most ‘Significant’ of days, commemorating the very reason that He is ‘Ever Present’ in the ‘Tabernacle’, in the first place.

In fact, My Dear Children, there were many Churches, throughout the world, where there was not a Single Person, and this including many of My Priests, who themselves, should have been leading, all of you My Dear Children, by ‘Example’, that took the time to even give ‘Recognition’ to My Belovéd Son at the ‘Tabernacle’ tonight, let alone offer Him a  ‘Personal’ thanks, on this, His Most ‘Special’ day.

Do you not realize, My Dear Children on earth, how much it ‘Offends’ My Belovéd son, Jesus, when you ‘Ignore’ My Belovéd Son, let alone fail to even give Him ‘Recognition’ for His very ‘Presence’, in the ‘Tabernacle’?

What value is it to any of you, My Dear Children on earth, other than causing ‘Offence’ and a ‘Slap in the Face’ to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, if you are Present in ‘Person’, but Absent in ‘Spirit’, at the Celebration of any ‘Holy Mass’, let alone a ‘Special’ Mass of ‘Celebration’ as tonight’s?

My Dear Children, tonight is the night, that I should have been offering the world ‘Tears of Joy’, but instead, ‘Tears of Sorrow’ are what I am shedding, for so many of you, My Dear Children.

Tonight, is the night, that you, My Dear Children, should have been Celebrating in large numbers, Together, with My Belovéd Son, at the ‘Tabernacle’, in ‘Spirit’ as well as in ‘Person’, the ‘True Glory’ of His ‘Resurrection’, and in ‘Personal Thanksgiving’ to Him, for having ‘Given’ you your own ‘Personal Hope’ for your own ‘Salvation’.

Instead, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, was left ‘Lonely’ and ‘Abandoned’ in the ‘Tabernacle’, by most of you, My Dear Children, just as he had been left ‘Lonely’ and ‘Abandoned’ by His Apostles, as He ‘Prayed’ to His ‘Heavenly Father’ in the ‘Garden of Olives’, just Two nights ago, at the Start of His ‘Passion’.

Oh, My Dear Children on earth, can you not see how heavy My Heart is for you, and this, because I know How Much My Belovéd Son, Jesus, loves all of you, the very reason that He ‘Suffered and Died’ such a ‘Horrific’ Death, only to ‘Rise’ from the ‘Tomb’ in such a ‘Glorious’ fashion?

Please, My Dear Children, I ask, each and every one of you, to look into your own Hearts and Souls, and ask yourselves, if you ‘Truly’ believe that My Belovéd Son, your ‘Heavenly Lord and Saviour’, deserves to be ‘Abandoned’ and ‘Ignored’ in this way.

My Dear Children on earth, I, your Heavenly Mother, who, together with My Belovéd Son, Jesus, Loves you, each and every one of you so much, ask of you, to be ‘True’ to the ‘Words of God’, your ‘Heavenly Father’, given  by ‘The Heavenly Father’s Son’, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, to ‘All’ of Mankind some 2000 years ago, in the form of the ‘Holy Scriptures’, but in the ‘Truth’ and in the ‘Meaning’, as they were ‘Given’, to Mankind, some 2000 years ago.

You, My Dear Children, of the 21sy Century, are faced with many challenges, in this Modern world, not least of all, the danger of being ‘Led’ to believe that the ‘Holy Scriptures’ asGiven’ some 2000 years ago, are not ‘Relevant’, as ‘Given’, to this Modern world.

Nothing, My Dear Children, absolutely nothing, could be further from the ‘Truth’.

The ‘Values’ and ‘Spirit’ of the ‘Holy Scriptures’, have never been  MORE ‘Relevant’, today, than in any time in the short History of Mankind, since the ‘Holy Scriptures’ were first ‘Given’, to Mankind.

In this Modern era of the 21st Century, you, My Dear Children, have been presented with many ‘Distractions’, placed there by ‘Satan’, in order to ‘Steer’ you away from the ‘Focus’ on My Belovéd Son, Jesus, and the ‘True Meaning’ as well as the ‘True Values’ of ‘The Word of God’, and this, most sadly, even through many of My Priests, throughout the world.

It is for this reason, that it is ‘Vital’, for you, My Dear Children, to ‘Realign’ your ‘Focus’ towards My Belovéd Son, and the ‘Truth’ of the ‘Holy Scriptures’ as it was ‘Given’ to Mankind some 2000 years ago, then this way, more of you will be able to not only be Present in ‘Person’ at ‘Holy Mass’ but most importantly, also in ‘Spirit’.

As I, your Heavenly Mother, have reminded you, My Dear Children on earth, on many occasions in previous Messages, you cannot reach your own ‘Salvation’ without  ‘Getting to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, ‘Intimately’, so what better way for you to ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son, than by ‘Talking to Him’ at the ‘Tabernacle’ where he is ‘Ever Present’ as ‘The RISEN Lord’, and by ‘Getting to Know’ the ‘Truth’ of His ‘Heavenly Fathers Words’ in the form of the ‘Holy Scriptures’ as ‘Given’ to you, by My Belovéd Son, some 2000 years ago.

I, your Heavenly Mother, ask you, My Dear Children on earth, to remain in the ‘True Faith’ of My ‘Risen’ Son, Jesus, who is also, your ‘Heavenly Risen Lord’. ”

With this, “Our Blesséd Mother” left me, most Saddened, to continue with my exercises, where I made my way to the Rock, where “Our Blesséd Mother” first Revealed to me, the meaning and significance of Her “Sorrows”, as described in the Message “Blesséd Mothers Sorrows”, and which I have since named “The Rock of Sorrow”, where I sat down until after Midnight, to Meditate on this “Wonderful” event of the “Glorious Resurrection”, and the “Sorrow” that “Our Blesséd Mother” was Feeling, on this very night.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
