
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 28 From Hope to Heavenly Promise


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the evening on the 18th April 2004, and once  again during my “Bush” exercise, “Our Blesséd Mother” “Came” to me with another Message.

This is what She said;

“My Heart, My Dear Children on earth, is so Saddened, when I ‘See’ that so few of you, are ‘Visiting’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, at the ‘Tabernacle’.

I, your Heavenly Mother, had explained in My previous Message, ‘Devotions to Jesus’, that My Belovéd Son, awaits all of you, that is those of you who attend the ‘Holy Mass’ on Sundays, as you enter into your Churches.

He awaits your ‘Personal Visit’, to Him, in order for you to ‘Get to Know’ Him more ‘Intimately’, and thereby better understand Why and How it is that He Loves you so Dearly.

My Dear Children on earth, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, is, as I have mentioned on many occasions, ‘Ever Present’ as ‘The Risen Lord’, having ‘Risen’ from the ‘Tomb’ after His Death on The Cross, and by so doing, He gave All of Mankind, ‘Hope’ for ‘Eternal Salvation’.

But, My Dear Children on earth, for this ‘Hope’ to be Truly ‘Meaningful’ to you, you need to reach a greater understanding, of the ‘Meaning’ of His ‘Crucifixion and Death’, and the ‘Suffering’ that He endured, along the way to, and during the ‘Crucifixion’ itself.

Without any ‘Appreciation’ or ‘Understanding’ of the ‘Meaning’ of His ‘Suffering’ and ultimate ‘Death’, His ‘Resurrection’ would then in turn be Rendered ‘Meaningless’, which in turn would Render this ‘Hope’, that He so Lovingly ‘Gave’ to All of Mankind, a ‘Forlorn and Empty Hope’.

However, My Dear Children on earth, if an ‘Appreciation’ or ‘Understanding’ of the ‘Meaning’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ ‘Suffering, Crucifixion and Death on the Cross’ together with ‘The Glorious Resurrection’, is indeed reached by you, then not only will the ‘Hope’ not be ‘Forlorn’ or ‘Empty’, but in fact it will then be transferred into ‘The Heavenly Promise’ of ‘Eternal Salvation’.

It is this very ‘Heavenly Promise’ that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, so much wants  you to recieve, each and every one of you, because of the ‘Immense’ Love that He has for each and every one of you, My Dear Children on earth.

By ‘Visiting’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus at the ‘Tabernacle’, and by doing so regularly, you will eventually build up that All-Important ‘Intimacy’, so much ‘Desired’ by My Belovéd Son for you, and so much ‘Needed’  for you, each and every one of you.

It is once you reach this ‘Intimacy, that you will then be able to ‘Reflect’ upon the ‘Meaning’ of His ‘Suffering’ and ‘Death’, a ‘Suffering’ so ‘Cruelly’ inflicted on Him by your Sins, but which He so Lovingly ‘Endured’ for you, and then eventually conquering ‘Death’, a ‘Death’ so necessary to conquer the ‘Evil’ of Sin itself, and this,  through the ‘Glory’ of His ‘Resurrection’, in order that He could ‘Give’ you, each and every one of you, ‘Hope’, in the first place.

My Dear Children on earth, it is so ‘Disappointing’ for Me, your Heavenly Mother, to be ‘Witness’ to so few of you, taking up both the ‘Invitation’ as well as the ‘Opportunity’ to reach this ‘Intimacy’ with My Belovéd Son, so much needed in order for you to ultimately reach  an ‘Understanding’ of the Transformation of ‘Hope’ to ‘Heavenly Promise’.

My Belovéd Son, ‘Invites’ you and awaits you, every single day, and each and every time that you enter into a Church, where ever in the world it may be, ‘Ever Present’ with His Arms open to welcome you.

Will you make the Choice to ‘Accept’ His ‘Invitation’ to ‘Speak’ to Him and  to ‘Get to Know’ Him more ‘Intimately’ at the ‘Tabernacle’, the next time you enter the Church?

Will you allow My Belovéd Son, Jesus into your Hearts, into your Souls, into your lives, in order to help you reach a better ‘Understanding’ of the ‘Meaning’ of the ‘Hope’ that has been ‘Given’ to you, each and every one of you, My Dear children on earth?

My Belovéd Son, Jesus, will welcome you whenever you Choose to ‘Visit’ Him, but I ask you My Dear Children on earth, if you have not already done so, then please make your next ‘Visit’ to the Church, the First ‘Personal Visit’ to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, at the ‘Tabernacle’, and thereby the Start of a ‘Meaningful Dialogue’ with your Heavenly Brother.

Please do not continue to ‘Abandon’ Him, and thereby cause Him so much ‘Undeserved’ Anguish and Pain, with your ‘Rejection’, when you leave Him ‘Abandoned’ and ‘Lonely’, every time that you ‘Ignore’ His ‘Heavenly Presence’ in the ‘Tabernacle’, when you enter into the Church.

Please remember My Dear Children, My Belovéd Son never has, and never will ‘Abandon’ you, if, or as and when, you ask for His help, so please, in return for His Love, please don’t ‘Abandon’ Him as He awaits your welcome.

Please allow My Belovéd Son to help you to reach your own ‘Eternal Salvation’ by attaining the ‘Intimacy’ that is so much needed, to do so.

Remember, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, who is your Heavenly Saviour, so much wants to do this, and all because of the Great Heavenly Love, that He has for you.”

With this  request, “Our Blesséd Mother” left me with Her now Customary Blessings, to continue on with my exercises, and, once again with much to Ponder and Meditate upon.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
