
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 2 Suffering


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On the eve of 4th December 2003, the day after “Our Blesséd Mother’s” “First” Message to me, I went back to my “Bush” exercises, to carry out “Our Blesséd Mother’s”  request to pray the Rosary for the Priest, as She had requested of me, and also, in truth, in the hope, that “Our Blesséd Mother” might come to me again.

The Beautiful experience of the previous evening was so overwhelming, that virtually all I could focus on and concentrate on, was, in recapturing that wonderful feeling of “Joy” and “Peace” that I had experienced the previous night.

Far more in hope, than in expectation, I Prayed my Rosaries and after the 3rd Rosary, “Our Blesséd Mother” did indeed enter into my Heart and mind with what had now become her “Second” visit to me, and on this occasion all “Our Blesséd Mother” said was;

“You will have to Suffer, but do not be fearful, as I, Your Heavenly Mother will be beside you to help you bear the Pain of your Suffering.”

Then with that brief message “Our Blesséd Mother” left, although, as was the case the previous evening, I could still feel Her “Presence” around me.

This brief message had left me somewhat puzzled, as “Our Blesséd Mother” did not offer an explanation to me, in what way I was to Suffer, so  now I was in state of mind where I was trying to work out, in my mind, what exactly “Our Blesséd Mother” meant, by this Message.

All that I could think of, was that the Priest who had brought me to the level of Bitterness that I had previously been experiencing, was going to further attempt to hurt me and that it was the Pain from this hurt, that “Our Blesséd Mother” was trying to “Shield” me.

Of course, I must stress, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, that this was mere “Speculation” on my part, which I openly admit, on reflection, was very wrong of me to have done.

But, because “Our Blesséd Mother” did not expand on, or reveal the reasons for Her statement of my forthcoming suffering, I, quite ashamedly and wrongly, brought it upon myself to “Speculate”  upon the  potential  reasoning, for  myself.

I will, at this juncture, confess, that although I did not look upon it in that light at the time however, but what I was actually demonstrating by this “Speculation”, was in fact a lacking of, or at least a weakness in Faith”, in “Our Blesséd Mother”.

After all, with the benefit of hindsight, I should have simply accepted “Our Blesséd Mothers”  Message, without question, either in thought or mind.

Now, without wishing to offer it up as an excuse, this clearly demonstrates my own weakness, within my own humanness.

Nonetheless, this message had left me somewhat puzzled, if not even a little apprehensive about what was to take place in the future, but tried so hard, within my own apprehension, to keep my “Faith” in “Our Blesséd Mothers” integrity.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love. 
