
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 34 I Am The Way


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the evening of 15th May 2004, during my “Bush” exercises, “Our Blesséd Mother” once again, “Came” to me with yet another Message, as She has been doing so often now, over the past Six months.

Even though “Our Blesséd Mother” has been so Loving and Gracious to “Honour” me with Her “Divine Presence” in this Beautiful and Heavenly way, through Her “Invaluable and Priceless” Messages for what seems to me to be lengthy period of time, I still find it almost too incredible to “Fathom” that She has chosen to place Her “Divine” Trust in me, a totally “Unworthy” and “Sinful” Chid of “Our Blesséd Mother’s”, in this way.

On this particular “Visit”, this is what “Our Blesséd Mother” said to me.

“My Dear Faithful Children, I your Heavenly Mother wish to remind All My children on earth, of something that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, had told all of Mankind some 2000 years ago relating to reaching your ‘Eternal Salvation’ at the end of your Journey on this earth.

What My Belovéd Son said was ‘I Am The Way’, and indeed My Belovéd Son, Jesus, is ‘The Way’, the ‘Only Way’, for you to reach the ‘Kingdom of God’ and your ‘Eternal Salvation’, and this very much applies to you My Dear Children of the 21st Century.

My Belovéd Son, Jesus, so much wants to show each and every one of you, My Dear Children, ‘The Way’, because of the Immense Love that He has for each and every one of you.

However, how can My Belovéd Son possibly carry out His Heavenly Wish, if you My Dear Children do not ‘Know’ Him or ‘Recognise’ Him?

If you, My Dear Children, do not ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, and moreover, ‘Intimately’, He simply cannot Show you ‘The Way’, for His Heavenly Wish is for all of you to have a Burning ‘Desire’ in  your own Hearts and Souls, to ‘Want’, to Know ‘The Way’.

It Saddens Me so much to ‘See’ that so many of My Children on earth, have not even begun to ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

My Dear Children on earth, I can’t emphasize strongly enough the Importance of ‘Getting to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, for you to be able to reach ‘Eternal Salvation’, for I have reminded you on a number of occasions in previous Messages that the Path to ‘Eternal Salvation’ is not, and will not be an easy Path to Traverse, and that you cannot possibly reach your ‘Eternal Salvation’ without ‘Divine’ help.

My Belovéd Son, Jesus, so much wants you to ‘Get to Know’ Him, as I have reminded you also in previous Messages, and that this can be achieved, in a number of ways, among them Receiving Him in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ through ‘Holy Communion’, and through Sacred ‘Devotions’ to Him such as ‘Benediction’ and ‘Exposition of The Blesséd Sacrament’.

Then of course there is the most ‘Personal’ way, that I have reminded of you at some length in previous Messages, at the ‘Tabernacle’ where My Belovéd Son, Jesus is ‘Ever Present’ as ‘The RISEN Lord’!

Then most importantly in conjunction with all this you, My Dear Children Will, ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son Jesus by Reading, being Familiar with and Living the ‘True’ ‘Word of God’ in the ‘Holy Scriptures’ AS it was Given to Mankind by My Belovéd Son, some 2000 years ago.

Please remember, My Dear Children, that ‘The Heavenly Father’ Himself sent down His Heavenly Son to earth, in the form of Man, as My Belovéd Son, in order that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, could pass these most Sacred Words as ‘Heavenly Instructions’ to help you to reach His ‘Heavenly Kingdom’, by both Abiding by and Living by these Sacred ‘Words of God’, in the form of the ‘Holy Scriptures’, but AS Given some 2000 years ago.

However, it Saddens Me so much when I ‘See’ so many of My Children, Not Abiding by or Living by these Sacred Words, AS Given to you by My Belovéd Son, Jesus some 2000 tears ago.

It is only ‘Satan’, My Dear Children, who wishes for you not to Abide by or Live by the ‘True’ Words of the ‘Holy Scriptures’.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants you to be both Denied and Deterred from carrying out ‘Devotions’ to My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

It is only ‘Satan’ who does not want the Importance and Significance of ‘Devotions’ such as ‘Benediction’ and ‘Exposition and Adoration of the Blesséd Sacrament’ for your Personal ‘Salvation’, to be ‘Emphasized’.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants you to Give ‘No Recognition’ to the ‘Presence’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, ‘Ever Present’ as ‘The Risen Lord’ in the ‘Tabernacles’ of Churches throughout the world.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wishes for you Not to show ‘Reverence’ and ‘Respect’ to My Belovéd Son for His ‘Presence’ in the ‘Tabernacle’, and then most Hurtful and Offensive to Him, to ‘Ignore’ His very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Tabernacle’ and ‘Abandoning’ Him, all the while that He awaits your welcome.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants you to show No Reverence and Respect to My Belovéd Son during the Miracle that takes place at the ‘Consecration’ during the Celebration at ‘Holy Mass’.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants you to show No Reverence and Respect when you are either ‘Receiving’ My Belovéd Son at ‘Communion’ or when you are ‘Delivering’ My Belovéd Son at ‘Communion’.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants to Diminish the Importance of My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ ‘Suffering’ for your Sins.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wishes to ‘Downplay’ the Importance and Relevance of My Role, your Heavenly Mother, in being  The Mother of Christ and The Mother of God, and thereby Deter, and in some cases even Deny ‘Devotions’ to Me, as requested by My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants to ‘Downplay’ the ‘Evil’ of Sin, and the harm it does to your Souls, and Promoting the ‘Evil’ of Sin as ‘Virtues’ through the Promotion of the ‘Feel Good’ Factor as being ‘Good’, and Promoting ‘Instant Gratification’ in the same light.

It is only ‘Satan’ who wants the ‘Truth’ of the ‘Words of God’ in the ‘Holy Scriptures’ to be ‘Reinterpreted, Altered and Changed’ from the ‘Truth’ AS it was Given to Mankind by My Belovéd Son, Jesus, some 2000 years ago, and this in order that it should be more acceptable to and in keeping with, the ‘Modern Lifestyle’ of the 21st Century, instead of Living by the ‘Truth’ AS it was Given.

My Dear Children on earth, it is only ‘Satan’ who wants all of these things in order to Maximise the Hurt to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, and through this Hurt, in turn to Hurt Me, your Heavenly Mother, and by so doing attempt to Gain Control and Possession of your Soul.

Therefore any of My Children, be they ‘Clergy’ or ‘Lay’, who ‘Promote’ or ‘Extol’ the ‘Virtues’ of ‘Satan’s Desires’, are by that very action, carrying out ‘Satan’s Works’, and this most Tragically, in place of the Works of both The Heavenly Father, and that of My Belovéd Sons, Jesus.

How then, My Dear Children, can you be expected to ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, if you are following ‘Satan’s Desires’ and Wishes?

How then can you even come to ‘Recognise’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, if you are allowing yourselves to be ‘Led’ by those who both ‘Promote’ and ‘Carry Out’ ‘Satan’s Works’?

Finally, how can My Belovéd Son, Jesus Show you ‘The Way’, if as a result of following the ‘Works of Satan’, you neither have ‘Recognition’ of My Belovéd Son, nor have Him in your Hearts and Soul?

My Dear Children, please do not be led by those who carry out ‘Satan’s Works’, but rather Pray for them in order that can they can gain the Strength to ‘Evict’ the ‘Abomination’ in the way of ‘Satan’ out of their Hearts and Souls, and thereby Find their way to My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ Heart.

My Dear Children on earth, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, ‘Truly’ is ‘The Way’, so I ask you to ‘Reject’ the Works of ‘Satan’, Live by the ‘Truth’ of the ‘Holy Scriptures’, carry out ‘Devotions’ to My Belovéd Son, Communicate with Him through Prayer, and ‘Visit’ Him often at the ‘Tabernacle’, where He awaits you every minute of the day, thereby building up an ‘Intimate’ relationship with Him, always remembering His Sacred words;

‘I Am The Way’

With this “Our Blesséd Mother” left me with Her now Customary Blessings, once again with so much to Ponder and Meditate upon.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
