
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 3 Come to my Heart


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During the period from 14th December 2003 to 21st December 2003, “Our Blesséd Mother” had, once again, during my “Bush” exercises, “Visited” me in my Heart 3 times, during which She revealed and then expanded on the first “Messages” that were to form the foundation of my task, as “Our Blesséd Mothers” Messenger.

It is important to note, however, that it was some days after the Revelation of these first “Messages” that I was eventually to accept this Mission”, the reasons for which I will explain a little later on.

Some 10 days had passed since “Our Blesséd Mother” had come “Directly” to me in my Heart, but in spite of this, I would always Feel Her “Divine” presence during my “Bush” exercises.

However “Our Blesséd Mother” returned into my Heart, and on Her return She said to me;

“I, your Heavenly Mother, have been calling you for 51 years of your life, but you have not been ‘Listening’, and you have not been ‘Hearing’ Me.”

This statement, although so most wonderful to receive directly from “Our Blessed Mother” most puzzled me, as I couldn’t remember or recall to memory any specific occasion in my life where I could identifiably interpret a “Calling” from “Our Blesséd Mother”.

However, unlike on the occasion of Her “Second” “Contact” with me in relation to the “Suffering” that I was to endure, this time “Our Blesséd Mother” was so Gracious as to offer me both an explanation and illustration of this “Puzzling” statement.

This is what She said;

“I, your Heavenly Mother, stand face to face with Satan, but with you and every one of My Children on Earth positioned between Satan and Myself. When you or anyone, has their back turned to Me, they are at that point, facing Satan, and with your or their backs to Me, neither you nor they can ‘Hear’ Me, as your ears face forwards.

But when you turn to face Me, your Heavenly Mother, your back is then turned to Satan, and now in facing Me, you are able to ‘Hear’ Me.

That is why you are now able to ‘Hear’  Me,  because you are now  facing Me, your Heavenly Mother, and not Satan.

Furthermore, when you are facing Me, your Heavenly Mother,  and  your back is turned  to Satan, I am still facing Satan, and I, your Heavenly Mother, on your behalf, am able to deal with Satan, who now cannot  be ‘Heard’  by  you.”

Then at this point “Our Blesséd Mother” painted a visual image of how I have been, most of my life, positioned in between Her and Satan, but in such a way that I was effectively facing “Side-on” to both “Our Blesséd Mother” and Satan, so that in this position, I was effectively positioned, where one ear was “Side-on” facing towards Satan, and the other similarly “Side-on”, facing towards “Our Blesséd Mother”, which in effect would have enabled me to only partially “Listen” to, or “Hear” Satan whilst at the same time partially  “Listen”  to,  or  “Hear”, “Our Blesséd Mother”.

This enlightenment, of how I have been positioned in relation to “Our Blesséd Mother” and Satan, enabled me now to understand more clearly what She meant when She said, that on calling me I did not “Hear” Her call.

After all, if I have not been facing “Our Blesséd Mother” full on, then how could I possibly be able to “Hear” Her clearly?

Then “Our Blesséd Mother” did a most extraordinary thing, and showed me, or more accurately, took me back to various events in my past, an experience, which can probably be best described as similar to, although probably  not exactly the same as, what is called, “near death experience”.

This is an experience, that even though I personally have never experienced, but others I know have, where one’s entire life seemingly flashes before them.

In this Manifestation, however, “Our Blesséd Mother” showed me, how at key points in my life, when I was experiencing particularly difficult times, and at which point I Prayed to “Our Blesséd Mother” for help, which was my usual practice during difficult times in my life, She  did  indeed answer my Prayers.

“Our Blesséd Mother” showed me how, during these Difficult times, She would  “Pick” me up in much the same way as a mother “Picks” up her little toddler who is starting to learn to walk, when in that learning process the child stumbles, and if after a few more steps the child stumbles again, the mother once again will “Pick” the child up onto his or her feet to attempt the next few steps, and so the process goes on with the mother always ready to pick up the stumbling child.

It is in this fashion that “Our Blesséd Mother” had shown me, how She “Picked” me up, as I stumbled along the path of my life, straying from Her and Her Blesséd Son, Jesus, from time to time, and at my request to Her, through Prayer, particularly the Rosary, that She “Picked” me up and led me on the correct path, until once again when I would  stumble, when at which point She would again “Pick” me up, and so it continued and has continued throughout my life, to this very day.

This beautiful experience and explanation of my past life, began for me, a total transformation of my understanding and perspective of my life to date, and was the beginning of a  far deeper understanding of both my life, and role in my life, for the present, and hopefully for the future.

Then “Our Blesséd Mother” revealed to me something which made me feel both Humbled and indeed extremely Honoured, when She said;

“The first time that you began to ‘Hear’ Me, was through the ‘Holy Spirit’, with the Music that I, your Heavenly Mother, have been giving you over the Years.”

This most beautiful Revelation was particularly pleasing to me, as whenever I would play this “Beautiful” Music  throughout the years, I would always  tell everyone, that this music was not my music, but that it was “Our Blesséd Mothers” music. Not because I had been told so by “Our Blesséd Mother” at the time, simply because I had not been told, but because I know that  the music and words were way beyond my own natural level of, dare I say, talent.

But now, after all these years, “Our Blesséd Mother” had confirmed to me, what I had always felt in my Heart, to be the case, namely that this Beautiful music, was indeed from Her.

However, “Our Blesséd Mother” then continued, by saying;

It is only ‘now’, that you ‘Know’, Me, your Heavenly Mother, and only ‘now’,  that you are both ‘Hearing’ Me and ‘Listening’ to Me, intently.”

With this, I told “Our Blesséd Mother” that I thought I had always “Known” Her  throughout my life, and indeed as She Herself confirmed to me that it was to “Her” that I turned to, during my troubled  past.

In fact “Our Blesséd Mother” was an integral part of my childhood years, where, as a family unit we would, children included, Pray the Rosary with Our parents, both in a  home setting, and in a  Church setting, although as a child my understanding, indeed my Devotion, to “Our Blesséd Mother” could never in truth, be described as deep and meaningful.

As, when praying the Rosary in the family setting, in particular, it was more of a “Chore” as other home duties would be looked upon in a child’s mind, than a meaningful Devotion to “Our Blesséd Mother”, but nevertheless, Praying the Rosary to “Our Blesséd Mother”, was a part of my life as a child, both at home and in the Church, which then carried on through to adolescence, and eventually into adulthood.

However,  “Our Blesséd Mother” then explained to me, by saying;

“Throughout the years, in the past, you only ‘Knew of me’, and it is only in the past 5 years that you have  actually got to ‘Know me’. ”.

Through  this explanation from “Our Blesséd Mother”, it now became clear to me that it was through the fulfilment of Her wishes to pray the Rosary on a daily basis, that I began to develop an “Intimate” relationship with “Our Blesséd Mother” and eventually got to “Know” Her.

Having helped me to see where I personally stand in relation to “Our Blesséd Mother”, She then went on to say;

“I, your Heavenly Mother, have been, and am continuing, to call you and all of Mankind into My Arms and My Heart, and I am asking you and all of mankind to open their hearts to Me, so that I can enter into your hearts and fill all of you with My Love.

I reach My hands out to you, and all mankind, in order that I can lead you, and mankind to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, who Loves every one of you, so Dearly, in order for you to ‘Get to Know’ His Love more ‘Intimately’, and in order to prepare you, during this Journey, to reach ‘Eternal Salvation’ and happiness with Him, in Heaven.

Please remember, that your lives on this earth, are only a Journey, a Journey of preparation for ‘Life Eternal’, where, My Belovéd Son Jesus, wants to be sharing His Sacred Love with all of  you, together  with His Heavenly Father in Heaven.

This Journey, however, is  not  an easy Journey.

The path along which you have to travel in order to reach ‘Eternal Salvation’, is pitted with many ‘Hurdles’, many ‘Potholes’ and many ‘Pitfalls’, and that no Human Being, whoever they maybe, will ever traverse this path successfully, on their own.

Please believe Me when I, say, no-one can reach the ‘Kingdom of God’ without help, simply because of the ‘Weakness’, of your human nature.

From the very highest, in ‘Man-Made’ terms, to the very lowest, in ‘Man-Made’ terms, not one person can reach the Kingdom of God’, without ‘Divine’ Help.

Even wonderful people like the late Mother Teresa, and the present Holy Father, both of whom had and have, accepted My Love, would not, and could not be able to successfully attain ‘Eternal Salvation’  without ‘Divine’ assistance.

It is for this reason, therefore, that I, your Heavenly Mother, reach out to you and all of mankind, to offer you My help, the Blesséd Wish of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, who Loves every one of you, so Dearly.

You and all of mankind, are ‘All’ My Children, and as any earthly Mother would want the best of happiness for all her children, I too, as your Heavenly Mother, want the Best for ‘All’ of My Children too.

Please ‘Hear’ My Call. Please open your Hearts to Me, your Heavenly Mother, so that I may fill you all, with My Love.”

With this “Our Blesséd Mother” then totally filled me with “Her” Love, as I had, during Her Message, Totally and Unreservedly  opened my own Heart, to Her.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, try as I might,  I simply cannot find the words that could sufficiently describe, the “Peace”, the “Beauty”, the “Tranquillity”, the “Joy” and the “Happiness” that “Our Blesséd Mothers” Love gave me at that moment. Suffice it to say, that I simply did not want it to leave me, not even for a moment.

Then “Our Blesséd Mother” continued on to say;

“To enable you and all mankind to travel along this extremely difficult path to Heaven, you have available to you, two very important tools, ‘The Holy Rosary’, and ‘The Blessed  Eucharist’.

‘The Holy Rosary’, a ‘Gift’ which I, your Heavenly Mother, gave to all of you, My Children, and which I have asked, through My Dear Faithful Children at ‘Fatima’, for all of you to Pray Daily, is the ‘Key’ to My Heart, and My Dear  Children, I can assure all of  you, that in Praying the ‘Rosary’, you ‘Truly’ reach My  Heart directly, and I will always listen to, and answer, your requests and Prayer intentions, and with this Beautiful Prayer, you will  be able to ‘Open’ My Heart, thereby  enabling you to reach My Love, that I so much want to give you.

The Blesséd Eucharist’, My Dear Children, is The  Blesséd Sacrament, ‘Given’ to you, by My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in order that He may enter into  your ‘Souls’ through the ‘Graces’ present in ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’, and through which you are able to gain an ‘Intimate’ relationship with Him.

I implore you, My Dear Children, to please receive ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’, as ‘Often’ as you can, but most, most importantly, with the utmost of ‘Reverence’.

It saddens Me so much, when I see so many of My Children, receiving, My Belovéd Son, in ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’, with little or even no ‘Reverence’ at all.

Please understand and reflect, on the fact, that it is My Belovéd Son, Jesus, Himself, that you are receiving, and most importantly accepting, into your Hearts and Souls, and that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, made the ultimate sacrifice for you, through His  ‘Crucifixion’ and His ‘Resurrection’, in order that you can receive His Most Sacred ‘Graces’, thereby,  providing  you with the Hope and Promise of ‘Eternal Salvation’.

All too often these days, I, your Heavenly Mother, am witness to so much lack of  ‘Reverence’ shown to My Belovéd Son at ‘Holy Communion’, during the Celebration of the ‘Holy Mass’, both in the act of ‘Delivering’ and of ‘Receiving’ of  My Belovéd Son, in ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’.

Please remember, My Dear Children, you are being ‘Invited’, by My Blesséd Son, Jesus, to share in a ‘Holy Banquet’, at ‘Holy Communion’, so it should be with the utmost of  ‘Reverence’  that you should be accepting,  this ‘Holy Invitation’.

After all, if you were invited to a ‘Banquet’ (or to a Dinner), by an earthly dignitary, such as a member of Royalty or a President of a country or perhaps a Prime Minister of a nation, would you not dress appropriately, turn up on time and behave with appropriate decorum,  showing  ‘Respect’ to the Host?  Of course you would.

Why then is it, My Dear Children, that so often the same manner of ‘Respect’, is not afforded to My Belovéd Son, Jesus, who Himself has ‘Invited’ you, with so much ‘Love’ to His ‘Altar’, and who is far more Worthy and Gracious than any Human dignitary, and who Ultimately is your ‘Heavenly King’, this, during the ‘Holy Mass’ and at the Receiving of Him in ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’?

Have you forgotten, My Dear Children, that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, is ‘Ever  Present’ in the ‘Tabernacle’ in your Churches?

Why is it, that so often I, your Heavenly Mother, witnesses  so much lack of ‘Respect’, even lack of ‘Recognition’ of His presence in the ‘Tabernacle’, when  My Children either enter, or when they are present in the Church?

Do you not realise that this lack of ‘Respect’ so much ‘Offends’ My Blesséd Son, who ‘Loves’ you so Dearly, which in turn, makes My Heart Bleed?

I ask of you again, My Dear Children, please receive ‘The Blesséd Eucharist’ with the ‘Reverence’ that is most ‘Deserving’ of My Belovéd Son, your ‘Saviour’ and furthermore, as ‘Often’ as you can.

Please, also Pray My ‘Rosary’ as ‘Often’ as you can, and please open your Hearts, to Me so that I can Fill your hearts with my Love, and if you should choose to do this, I, your Heavenly Mother, will be able to help you, to ‘Get to Know’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, your ‘Saviour’, more ‘Intimately’, on your Journey through this life.”

Then “Our Blesséd Mother” again reiterated to me, for me to open my Heart to Her, which I had already done during this Message, and again She filled my Heart with Her Love, and then momentarily, although seemingly simultaneously, She made me feel Her Sadness, then continued with what was a “Personal” Message to me, saying;

“Sadly, most of Mankind, that is of course, My Children, are  NOT  ‘Listening’ to Me  or ‘Hearing’ Me, yours and their Heavenly Mother, in much the same way as you had not been ‘Listening’ or ‘Hearing’ Me, and this, in spite of My continuing ‘Calls’.

It is this very ‘Rejection’ of My ‘Calls’, and the turning of their backs on Me, their Heavenly Mother,  that  Hurts Me and Saddens Me, so much.

But, if just one of  My Children should ‘Hear’ or ‘Listen’ to My ‘Call’, as you EVENTUALLY did, then the ‘Happiness’ and ‘Joy’ that this gives Me is so overwhelming,  that I will, as I have done with you, ‘Engulf’  them with My Love.

These Messages, that I, your Heavenly Mother, have given to you, have been given, not only for own benefit, but for the benefit of all mankind – ‘All’ My Children throughout the world, and this regardless of ‘Colour, Creed, Nationality or Position in Life’, or society.

Every Human being that ever was born, is now alive or yet to be born, are ‘All’ My Children, and as their Heavenly Mother I Love them all, and so I Reach out to everyone, with these Messages.

It is for this reason, therefore, that I ‘Invite’ you, to be My Messenger on earth, in order that you might pass these Messages onto My Children.

In carrying out My request and passing on My Messages to My Children, I will not let you do this on your own.

Wherever you are, and with whom ever you are, be it one person or a group of people, I will be with you, by your side and in the presence of those to whom you are passing My Messages onto.

You cannot do this on your own, but then, you will not be on your own – I, your Heavenly Mother, will be with you ‘Always’.

Also, whenever you pass My Messages onto anyone, please ‘Invite’ them, in turn, to  also  pass them on to their friends, family and people they know, so that My Messages can be spread and eventually reach ‘All’ My Children, that are willing to ‘Hear’ them.

Please remember, that these Messages are for ‘All’ My Children on Earth, whoever they are or where ever they may be.

In the process of passing on My Messages, I also  ask of you, to be prepared to open your own Heart and Soul to those that you would be talking to, by which you can become both an ‘Example’ and ‘Instrument’ of Mine, on My behalf and that  of My Belovéd Son, Jesus.

Will you do this for Me?”

Now My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is important for you all to know, that even though I have been able to recall everything that took place, and all the Messages that “Our Blesséd Mother” relayed to me at the time, it so happened that the day prior to the beginning of this series of Messages, my wife had taken so seriously ill, that I had honestly thought that I was about to lose her.

In fact she had been hospitalised briefly during this period of the receiving of these Messages, and I was so distraught over my wife’s medical condition, that during this period I was totally and utterly confused within myself.

Then to compound the situation, towards the end of this period of receiving the Messages, with my wife’s condition still very serious, I myself, fell quite ill, although my condition was very much less serious than that of my wife’s, and very much shorter lived.

Nevertheless, this added to my confusion, and with the timing of these Messages occurring so soon after the events of the “Memorial” Mass request and its subsequent painful difficulties, all in all, I found myself in such a state of confusion, that I have to “Shamefully” admit that I was “Doubting” everything that had taken place.

I was even, I am utterly “Ashamed” to admit, “Doubting” that it was even “Our Blesséd  Mother”, Herself, contacting me, and also, if only for a short period of time, I even thought that I was going insane.

This state of utter confusion carried on through the Christmas Period, right through until shortly before the New Year.

So, with the backdrop of all this confusion that I was going through in my mind, I did not  give a reply to “Our Blesséd Mother” to Her request for me to be Her Messenger, at the time of Her asking.

As a result of this failure of mine to give “Our Blesséd Mother” an answer to Her Request, She returned to me several times during the Christmas period seeking an answer from me, but with me failing to  give “Our Blesséd Mother” an answer.

Thankfully, however, with my sincerest and loving thanks to “Our Blesséd Mother” and Her Belovéd Son, Jesus Christ, my “Lord and Saviour”, my health problems began to ease soon after Christmas, and with my wife’s condition although still serious, but stabilising, the state of confusion that I was going through, was very much abating.

With this improvement of my situation, my mind became so much clearer, to the point that I could clearly see that it was “I”, who was creating the state of confusion, albeit as a result of the circumstances that I have just outlined.

For this reason, I was now able to absorb very much more clearly the events and the Messages that “Our Blesséd Mother” had relayed to me, so that by the time that  “Our Blesséd Mother” came to me after the Midnight Mass on New Years Eve, I was totally “Unconfused”, and then when “Our Blesséd Mother”  once again sought from me an answer, on 2nd January 2004, I was both “Humbled” and “Honoured” to accept “Our Blesséd Mothers”  Invitation.

Although this occasion was undoubtedly the most wonderful and “Blesséd” moment in my life to date, it was very much tinged with a feeling of “Shame” on my part, for having in any way, “Doubted”, “Our Blesséd Mother” during that difficult time, but in spite of that, She still placed Her “Faith” in me, something which I could never thank “Our Blesséd Mother” enough for, but which also, showed me the depth of Love that She has for me.

So My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the very acceptance of “Our Blesséd Mothers” Invitation to me, did not take place without the very “Hurdles” that “Our Blesséd Mother”  had pointed out, that we have to Climb, along the Path to Heaven, and this “First” hurdle in the Mission that “Our Blesséd Mother” together with Her Divine and Belovéd Son, Jesus, have clearly mapped out for me, itself, in fact, needed “Our Blesséd Mothers”  help, for me to overcome.

I would like to add personally that, I truly feel immensely “Honoured”, but, also I truly feel, totally  Undeserved of the “Honour”, and indeed Blessed by “Our Blessed Mother”,  for being  “Invited”,  to be Her Messenger,

However, I feel it important to let you know that I am most aware  that with it, comes an “Awesome” responsibility, which I Pray and hope I will be able to carry out with Sincerity and Love in my own Heart. It is to this end, that I ask all of you, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to Pray for me.

Therefore, I, on behalf of, and in “Our Blesséd Mothers” name, “Invite” you to absorb these wonderful Messages, and if you feel it in your Hearts, then to pass them on, to whoever you feel that you would like to share them with, and be mindful that if any of those people wish to talk to me that I will, as was requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”,  be willing to make myself available, to speak with them.

May God Bless you all, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
