
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 40 Ignoring Christ


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the afternoon of 11th June 2004, and at the 12th Station of “The Stations of the Cross” at the Schönstatt’s Outdoor Stations in Armadale, W.A., for this Friday, a “Devotion” that I have been “Invited” by “Our Blesséd Mother” to carry out for each Friday, “Our Blesséd Mother” Revealed to me during the Promised “Visual Image”, some additional “Images”, that I found most Upsetting, if not even Disturbing to me.

The “Visual Image” started out with what I have previously described as what has now become the “Standard” Image, as described in the Message “The Agony Of Christ”, to the point where at the end of the “Visual Image” at which point “Our Blesséd Mother” had released the Foot of the Cross, I could “See” Her kneeling at the Foot of the Cross on Her own, still totally covered in Blood from the Blood Soaked Cross itself, looking up at Her Belovéd Son, Jesus Christ, Our Heavenly Saviour.

Then as I was focusing on “Our Blesséd Mother” looking up at Her Belovéd Son, all of a sudden I noticed that the entire “Scene”, namely Jesus Christ hanging on the Blood Soaked Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother” kneeling at the Foot of the Cross, was no longer on “Calvary”, but was in fact at this moment in time, behind a “Shop Window” in fact a “Display Window” of what appeared to be from a Large Department Store, such as one would see in a Large City Mall, such as the Mall in the Centre of the City of Perth.

Momentarily, I was utterly Confused, if not even Bemused, because it all seemed to be so Surreal, but then I could “See” many People, mainly shoppers carrying shopping bags packed with various items of shopping, walking past this “Display Window” which was “Displaying” Our Blesséd Lord on the Cross, with “Our Blesséd Mother” kneeling at the Foot of the Cross looking up at Our Blesséd Lord.

I would have “Seen” many Scores of People walking by, as there were what seemed like hundreds of People in the general vicinity.

However, even with such a large number of People about, many of whom were walking by past the “Display Window”, most of them totally “Ignored” this “Sacred and Holy Display”, as if it wasn’t even there, with no more than 5 or 6 People even bothering to “Glance” in the “Display Window” as they walked by, but not even stopping for a Single Moment to take in the “Sacred and Holy Display”, as they were walking by.

Then as I was “Witnessing” everyone, one by one walking by passed this “Display Window”, I began to develop a sense of total “Abandonment” on behalf of Our Blesséd Lord and “Our Blesséd Mother”, and even a sense of “Frustration”, a sense of “Shame” and dare I say it, a sense of “Disgust” at those people that walked passed the “Display Window” with a manner of what seemed like total “Indifference” towards Our Blesséd Lord, but most definitely an attitude of total “Disrespect” towards Our Blesséd Lord as they all and one “Ignored” His very “Presence”.

Then, hardly having taken in what I had just “Seen” and “Witnessed”, the entire “Sacred Scene”, namely the Blood Soaked Cross with Our Blesséd Lord still Hanging on it, and with “Our Blesséd Mother” kneeling at the Foot of the Cross looking up at Him, was now all of sudden “Located” in the Centre of a “Mall”, which very much looked like the Hay Street “Mall” in Central Perth, W.A.

Once again I could “See” many, many scores of People walk by passed the Cross, many even walking around the Cross as it was located in their “Path”, but with each and every one totally “Ignoring” the “Sacred Scene” as if it wasn’t even there.

But then as if that wasn’t bad enough or Disrespectful enough, I even “Witnessed” a few People who were walking in the direction of the “Sacred Scene”, where it was clearly in their Path, and as they hurriedly walked around the Cross, they “Scowled” and “Whinged” as they “Glanced” in Anger at the Cross, whilst they were hurriedly walking around it, muttering out aloud;

“What “Idiot” put that “Obstacle” in our way?”

I cannot tell you My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, how much this “Blatant” and “Blasphemous” display of Total and Complete “Disrespect” towards Our Blesséd Lord had Offended me and Hurt me.

Eventually after what seemed like many long minutes of “Witnessing” what in turn seemed like hundreds of People, some carrying shopping bags and parcels, others carrying Brief cases, and yet others carrying Files under their arms, but all of them one by one, either walking past or walking around the “Sacred Scene”, but with not one of them, not a single Person stopping even for an instant to look at or observe the “Sacred Scene”, eventually I “Saw” one Elderly Lady, struggling along the Mall with a walking stick, trying desperately to avoid being knocked down by this “Thoughtless” and “Uncaring Throng” of People simply knocking and bumping into her and her walking stick, as they were hurriedly Bustling by, slowly but “Determinedly” this Elderly Lady headed in the direction of the “Sacred Scene”.

Then, having finally arrived at the Cross, through this “Uncaring” Crowd, I could “See” this Elderly Lady, struggle down onto her knees with the aid of her walking stick,  and with a set of “Rosary Beads” in hand, knelt next to “Our Blesséd Mother”, who upon Seeing her, helped to Prop up the Elderly Lady, offering her support for her quite obviously Frail body, as they both knelt and Prayed together to Our Blesséd Lord, while at the same time, both together, looking up at Our Blesséd Lord, as He Hung on the Blood Soaked Cross.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Seeing” this Elderly Lady, this one “Solitary” Soul among the hundreds present in the Mall, struggling as she did, to reach the Cross to Pay her “Respects” to Our Blesséd Lord, simply caused me to break down and Cry.

Then as I was trying to absorb this Beautiful Scene, with this Elderly Lady, together with “Our Blesséd Mother”, paying “Homage” to Our Blesséd Lord, the “Sacred Scene”, that is the Blood Soaked Cross with Our Blesséd Lord hanging on it and “Our Blesséd Mother” kneeling at the foot of the Cross looking up at Our Blesséd Lord, but once again on Her own, was now suddenly “Transferred”, or more accurately “Located”, in the Centre of  the Driveway of the Grounds of “St. Mary’s” Cathedral in Perth W.A., at the Back end of the Cathedral Building, Midway between the Building itself and the Wrought Iron Gate Entrance.

Once again as with the two previous “Locations” in the “Display Window” in the “Mall”, and the “Mall” itself, many, many scores of People both from those entering into the Cathedral Grounds from the Wrought Iron Gates, some of whom were even entering into the Cathedral itself, and those who were either coming out of the Cathedral or simply walking through the Grounds, but out towards the Wrought Iron Gates, walked right passed or around the “Sacred Scene” totally “Ignoring” Our Blesséd Lord with Indignant “Indifference”, and some, like in the “Mall”, “Scowling” angrily, with a sense of annoyance from the “Inconvenience” of having to walk around, what clearly they felt was an unnecessary “Obstacle” so “Inconveniently” and “Thoughtlessly” placed in their path.

But this time, unlike in the “Mall”, where there was only one “Solitary” Soul that made the effort to “Acknowledge” Our Blesséd Lord, here in the Cathedral Grounds I “Witnessed” a total of 5 People, from the many, many scores of People that entered into or passed through, the Cathedral Grounds, that were prepared to “Acknowledge” the presence of Our Blesséd Lord, and kneel down at the Foot of the Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother”, and Pay “Homage” to Our Heavenly Saviour.

Among this pitifully small number of 5 people, were and elderly couple who came together, a young Mother with a toddler in a pram, and the fifth and last Person to “Acknowledge” Our Blesséd Lord, was a middle aged man that may have been a business man, as he  wearing a Suite and carrying a brief case, who on coming out from the Cathedral, saw the “Sacred Scene” and immediately headed straight towards it.

Then at this point the “Visual Image” concluded, leaving me most, most Saddened and Disturbed in “Witnessing” what clearly showed me, was exactly how few of us not only do not or could not be bothered to Pay “Homage” to Our Blesséd Lord, choosing instead to “Ignore Christ”, but far more Tragic even than that, how few of us even “Recognise” His very “Presence”.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
