
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 42 Light of Faith


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the evening of the 15th June 2004, and towards the end of my “Bush” exercises for the day, I took a rest, as I very often do during my “Bush” exercises, at the “Rock” which I have described in previous Messages as the “Rock of Sorrows”.

However, in light of the “Wonderful” and “Enlightening” Message from Our Blesséd Lord during the “Visual Image” that I received on the 4th June 2004 as described in the Message “Divine Mercy”, I have now decided to rename this “Location” to what I now feel to be more a appropriate title of, “The Rock of Hope and Sorrows”.

It was here, at “The Rock of Hope and Sorrows”, where as I was resting and taking in the View of the night Skyline overlooking the City of Perth, that “Our Blesséd Mother” once again “Came” to me with a Personal Message, which in keeping with “Our Blesséd Mother’s” request to open my Heart and Soul to everyone, I would like to share with all of you My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

This is what “Our Blesséd Mother” said to me;

“My Dear Son, I have been waiting for you tonight at this ‘Rock’, in order that I can show you the extent of the Mission that you and All My Messengers throughout the world, have before them.

In recent months you have often stopped at night, to rest at this ‘Rock’ and Pray to Me, your Heavenly Mother, during which I have sat down next to you in Prayer, and as you Prayed you would often Gaze at the Night Sky and look at the ‘Lights’ in the distance overlooking your City of Perth.

Tonight, My Dear Son, I am ‘Inviting’ you to Look at these ‘Lights’ again, but this time with your Heart and Soul, because these ‘Lights’, will Reveal to you The ‘Lights of Faith’ of you’re your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, but together with this it will Reveal to you the ‘Darkness’ of those who most sadly are Lacking in this most beautiful ‘Gift of Faith’ that your Heavenly Father is continuously ‘Offering’ All of My Children on earth.

As you Look at the ‘Lights’ tonight, take notice of the ‘Brightness’ of these ‘Lights’, and how much Area of ‘Darkness’ there is in between the ‘Lights’, but also take notice of how so many of the ‘Lights’ are ‘Wavering’ in the ‘Dark’ of the Night, as if they were Candle Flames ‘Wavering’ in the Breeze.”

So, as requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”, I did at that point look more “Closely” at, or perhaps better described, more “Intently”, at something which I have observed many times over the past few months during my evening “Bush” exercises, namely the “Lights” of the City and nearby Suburbs at Night, whilst resting and Praying at this “Rock of Hope and Sorrows”.

However on this occasion, I could most definitely “See” the “Lights” in a completely different Prospective than before, and could quite Clearly “See” many of the “Lights”, particularly those in the Distance, “Wavering” as “Our Blesséd Mother” described, almost as if they were Candle Flames that were on the Brink of being “Extinguished” in the Breeze of a Wind.

Of course this Visual effect of the “Wavering Lights” was in reality due to the “Heat Haze” from the Surface of the ground rising Skywards, but nonetheless, it was something that I had not “Consciously” observed before tonight, until “Our Blesséd Mother” had pointed it out to me.

In addition, as pointed out to me by “Our Blessed Mother”, there were “Lights” of different “Luminosity” or “Brightness”, where some of the “Lights” were very “Bright”, such as the “Floodlights” in the Commercial areas of the City, but where most of the “Lights” were very much “Dimmer” such as the Street “Lights” of the Suburbs, which as “Our Blesséd Mother” pointed out had Areas of “Darkness” around them, almost as if each individual “Street Light” was located in its own individual Area of “Darkness”.

Then as I was taking in this “New Prospective” of what really for me has been in past months a relatively regular Scene, “Our Blesséd Mother” continued on with Her Message saying;

“These ‘Lights’ that you are now looking at, Represent, as I have just told you, the ‘Lights of Faith’ of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, but where the ‘Bright Lights’ Represent those with much ‘Strength’ in their ‘Faith’, of which, as you can ‘See’, there are but Few in numbers.

Those ‘Lights’ that are less ‘Bright’ and ‘Diminishing’ in ‘Brightness’, Represent those whose ‘Faith’ is ‘Weaker’, and ‘Weakening’ still further for those, Represented by the ‘Lights’ that are  ‘Diminishing’ even more in ‘Brightness’, which in turn are surrounded by Areas of ‘Darkness’, Representing those who most sadly have either Lost their ‘Faith’ altogether, or those who have chosen to Reject the ‘Sacred Offer’ of the ‘Gift of Faith’, continually being ‘Offered’ to them, by ‘The Heavenly Father’.

But, there are many ‘Lights’ that are ‘Wavering’ among these ‘Lights’ of Lesser ‘Brightness’, which Represent those whose ‘Faith’ in turn is not only ‘Weakening’, but is also on the brink of being ‘Extinguished’, as a Candle Flame is ‘Extinguished’ in the Breeze.

As you can ‘See’ from this ‘Visual Representation’ there are so Few ‘Bright Lights’ and that so many of the Less ‘Brighter Lights’ are ‘Wavering’, and to add to this, the Areas of ‘Darkness’ far outstretch the Combined Area or Number of ‘Lights’, that is ‘Bright Lights’ and ‘Dimmer Lights’ Combined.

My Dear Son, it is through this ‘Visual Representation’, that I, your Heavenly Mother, am showing you just how much work is ahead of you and All My Messengers on earth, in your Mission in notifying those My Children of Mine, who do not yet have either My Belovéd Son’s ‘Love’ in their hearts or that of My own ‘Love’, of both the existence of this ‘Heavenly Love’ and the ‘Urgent Need’ for this ‘Love’ for their own ‘Eternal Salvation’.

There is an ‘Urgent Need’ to firstly ‘Strengthen’ the ‘Faith’ of those whose ‘Faiths’ are ‘Wavering’ and then, to further ‘Strengthen’ their ‘Faiths’ together with those whose ‘Faiths’ while ‘Weak’ but not ‘Wavering’, in order that they too can become as ‘Strong’ in their ‘Faith’ as those Represented by the ‘Brighter Lights’, because as with the ‘Bright Lights’ where the ‘Light’ that shines over the surrounding ‘Darkness’ will ‘Ignite’ or ‘Light’ up the ‘Darkness’, a person with ‘Strong Faith’ in turn, can help ‘Influence’ or ‘Ignite’ the ‘Light of Faith’ on those who do not have ‘Faith’, at this point in time.

The reality of what you can now ‘See’, My Dear Son, saddens Me, your Heavenly Mother so much, because it is a ‘True Representation’ of the ‘Grip’ that ‘Satan’ has on Mankind today, as described in My Message, ‘Satan’s Control Over Mankind’, a ‘Grip’ which ‘Satan’ is not only Intent on ‘Strengthening’, but in fact also ‘Widening’, as described in My Message, ‘Satan’s Diabolical Campaign’.

Please remain ‘Faithful’ in Me, your Heavenly Mother, and in My Belovéd Son, Jesus, your Heavenly Brother, as you carry out your Mission on My behalf, and be mindful of the ‘Urgency’ to so many of My Children on earth, but particularly to those who sadly Lack or are Lacking in ‘Faith’ both in Me their Heavenly Mother and in My Belovéd Son, Jesus, their Heavenly Brother, who ‘Loves’ them so, so Dearly.”

Then with this “Our Blesséd Mother” concluded this Message, leaving me almost in “Horror” at the task ahead of me, as it was now so Clear to me, as I further “Gazed” over the City “Lights” and where it now became so obvious, how few in numbers were the “Bright Lights” and how Great was the Combined Areas of “Darkness”, compared with Combined Area of all the Areas of “Light”, being probably 90% of “Darkness” from my “Visual” Vantage point, as opposed to about 10% of the Areas of “Light”!


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
