
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


No. 4 Why Suffering


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

More than a week had passed, before “Our Blesséd Mother” again “Came” to me, on 12th January 2004, when on this occasion She said to me;

“I, your Heavenly Mother, told you earlier, that you were going to have to ‘Suffer’, and that when you do, I, your heavenly Mother, will be with you to share your ‘Suffering’.

I now have come to you, to let to you know, that you will, in time, have to ‘Suffer’ for your ‘Faith’ in Me, your Heavenly Mother, and, for your willingness to Openly and Publicly profess your ‘Faith’  in Me.

Even though this will hurt you very deeply, I will, as I had promised you already, be with you to share this pain.”

On revealing the reasons for my ‘Suffering’, which to this point in time, I had firstly “Speculated”, when indeed I  openly “Confess” and admit that I should  not have done, would come from the Priest that I had mentioned earlier on, and then more recently interpreted that, at the time my wife first fell very seriously ill before Christmas and at which point, I honestly thought I was about to lose her, was what “Our Blessed Mother” was referring to, I now, strange as it may seem, felt relieved, and in fact I can honestly say, felt almost pleased, indeed even “Honored”.

It may seem an almost bizarre thing to say, but why this feeling came over me was for a twofold reason.

Firstly it has in my Heart and mind, given this future “Suffering”, a definitive meaning. In other words that I will not be “Suffering” for an unknown Reason, as so often in past Sufferings that I have gone through in my life, seemed to have been for, namely, for no reason. However, now I can accept in my Heart a True and Purposeful Reason.

Secondly, I feel absolutely “Honored” to “Suffer” on behalf of someone who I know Loves me so Dearly, and moreover that this someone is MY, and in fact, all of mankind’s, “Blesséd Mother” in Heaven.

How much more wonderful can it be, that if a person has to “Suffer”, that then it should be for someone that a person Loves so Dearly, and then how much more beautiful, in fact, “Sacred” and “Blessed”, would that “Suffering” be, when that “Loved One” is Divine, and so close to “Our Blesséd Lord” in Heaven, the Very One, that both “Suffered” and indeed gave up His life, with  utmost Love, for ME and “All” of mankind.

So you see, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is for this reason, that I am more than happy to welcome that “Suffering”, even though I quite openly admit that I am definitely not looking forward to the “Pain”, that will come with it.

However, I truly believe, that as indeed, so many people before me that have “Suffered” in the name of their “Faith”, that this will undoubtedly serve to Strengthen my own “Faith” in both “Our Blesséd Mother” and Her Belovéd Son, “Our Saviour and Blesséd Lord” Jesus Christ.

Now even though this Message, was directed to me alone, I feel that in the light of “Our Blesséd Mother” requesting of me, to be prepared to open my Heart and Soul to all those that I pass Her Messages onto, I feel that I should also be prepared to share with you any Messages that “Our Blesséd Mother” may relay to me, which are directed “Personally” to me, as I feel that the contents of these “Personal” Messages may indeed be of intrinsic value to everyone.

So My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please continue to Pray for me, as I share this “Personal” Message with you, that I may continue to stay “Faithful” to “Our Blesséd Mother”  during my Mission as Her Messenger.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
