
Extracts From Message of The Five Mysteries of the Eucharistic Host as given by Our Blessed Lord to His most humble und unworthy servant Zoltán Hardy


Extracts From Message of Eucharistic Host of Love

Received on 1st October 2004

Our Blesséd Lord Speaks:

“Today, My Dear Faithful Brother, you have been Called to be ‘Witness’ to the Most ‘Divine and Heavenly’ Love which is ‘Present’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’.

It is for this purpose that My Belovéd Mother had Requested of you to ‘Visit’ me today, in order that you could ‘Testify’ to My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth, that within My ‘Presence’ within the ‘Eucharist’, there is ‘Present’ the existence of My ‘Heavenly Love’.

It is a ‘Love’ that is ‘Ever’ available within the very ‘Presence’ of My ‘Eucharistic Host’, each and every day that any of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth Choose to Receive it.

I first ‘Gave’ it to and made it ‘Available’ to Mankind, on the eve of My ‘Passion’, and ‘Consecrated’ it through My ‘Passion’, out of ‘Love’ for ‘All’ of Mankind, Past, Present and Future, not only for the Redemption of Sin, the Sins of ‘All’ Mankind, but also so that each and everyone of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Me, your Heavenly Brother, can ‘Get to Know’ Me more ‘Intimately’.

This ‘Heavenly Love’ that is ‘Present’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’, is what I bring with Me in My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, which in turn I bestow upon you and All those who Choose to Receive Me, during The Celebration of ‘Holy Mass’.

Therefore, My Dear Faithful Brother, anyone that Receives Me in the form of the ‘Eucharistic Host’ but with ‘True Faith’ in Me as the ‘Risen Lord’, will in turn Receive My ‘Love’, through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’, that you can now ‘See’, into their Hearts and Souls as much needed ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for their Souls.

It is purely out of ‘Love’ that I wish to make Myself available to ‘All’ of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth, and this in order, again out of ‘Love’, that I can help to ‘Guide’ each and every ‘Child’ along the most ‘Difficult and Arduous Path’ towards ‘Eternal Salvation’, that each and every ‘Child’ needs to Traverse during this Journey in Life.

Please let as many of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth as possible, know of this ‘Heavenly Love’ and of its ‘Availability’ from within the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’, and the Reason for its ‘Availability’, and whenever possible, My Dear Faithful Brother, please ‘Share’ with others what you have been called to ‘Witness’ and ‘Feel’ today, as a ‘True Testimony’ to the very ‘Existence’ of this Most Precious Gift of ‘Heavenly Love’.

It is through this ‘Awareness’ of My ‘Heavenly Love’, combined with ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, that you My Dear Faithful Brother are right now, together My Belovéd Mother, ‘Witnessing, Feeling’ and ‘Experiencing’, that of My ‘Drawing of All Mankind to Me’, exactly as I had mentioned to Mankind some 2000 Years ago, when I said ‘If I be Lifted up, I will Draw All Mankind to Me’, which of course  through My ‘Passion’ I have indeed carried out.

Please let My ‘Sacrifice’, made out of ‘Love’ for ‘All’ Mankind through My ‘Passion’, be the ‘Banquet of Love’ as well as ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for the Souls of ‘All’ Mankind for their own Personal ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Eternal Salvation’, and this through both the ‘Availability’ and the ‘Receiving’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, let this very ‘Heavenly Love’ that you are right now ‘Receiving’, help to ‘Strengthen’ your ‘Faith’ and enable it to ‘Grow’ in Stature from its present ‘Littleness’, as indeed it will for everyone that receives it through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’.



Extracts From Message  of Eucharistic Host of Hope

Received on 5th October 2004

Our Blesséd Lord Speaks:

“You have been Called today to ‘Witness’ through the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ another very important ‘Power’ and ‘Mystery’ that exists within My Heart and is ‘Present’ within the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, this being ‘The Eucharistic Host of Hope’

Just as with ‘The Eucharistic Host of Love’ where My ‘Heavenly Love’ is ‘Present’ through My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, so it is that My ‘Heavenly Hope’ is also ‘Present’ along side My ‘Heavenly Love’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

Again just as with My ‘Heavenly Love’ which I bestow upon those who receive Me with ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’ as the ‘Risen Lord’, so it is that I bestow upon those who receive Me in this same ‘Faith’, My ‘Heavenly Hope’ for their own ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Eternal Salvation’ at the end of their Journey through this Life.

The Preparation so ‘Sorely’ needed to attain ‘Eternal Salvation’ cannot be made without My ‘Heavenly Hope’ being ‘Present’, which in turn cannot be achieved without ‘Faith’ in the Hearts and Souls of those receiving the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, and without the ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ so much needed for those very Souls.

It is when this ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ within the ‘Eucharistic Host’ has reached its ultimate ‘Strength’ that this ‘Heavenly Hope’ then becomes the ‘Heavenly Promise’ of ‘Eternal Salvation’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, it is from My very ‘Resurrection’ from whence ‘Heavenly Hope’ was born, and this in order that I could Offer this ‘Heavenly Hope’ to ‘All’ of Mankind.

Once again it was purely out of ‘Love’ for Mankind that I Offered up My Life in ‘Sacrifice’ on the Cross, which then enabled Me to ‘Rise’ again conquering both Death and Sin by so doing, thereby Giving ‘All’ of Mankind their own ‘Heavenly Hope’ for their own ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Eternal Salvation’.

It was through this ‘Paschal Sacrifice’ of My own Body and Blood on the Cross, and subsequent ‘Resurrection’, that I was able to make available this ‘Paschal Meal’, in the form of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, through which I am able to ‘Give’ Myself to you, as a form of ‘Heavenly Food’ or ‘Heavenly Nourishment’, and through My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’ able to offer you My ‘Heavenly Hope’ and the ‘Heavenly Graces’ that come with it, in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’.

This ‘Heavenly Hope’, is so important for you to possess in your Heart and Soul, My Dear Faithful Brother, as without it your Soul will very soon be emptied of ‘Grace’, and yet with it in abundance in your Soul combined with other elements Such as ‘Heavenly Love’ which is so readily available to you through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’, serves to ‘Strengthen’ your Soul and your Resolve to reach your ‘Eternal Salvation’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, I your Heavenly Brother so much want for ‘All’ My Belovéd Mothers Children on earth to ‘Get to Know’ Me, but more and more ‘Intimately’, as in this way, I am better able to Help them to reach their ‘Eternal Salvation’, and through Receiving My ‘Heavenly Hope’ through the Frequent Receiving of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, and thereby the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’, they will eventually gain that all necessary ‘Intimacy’.

The ‘Power’ of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ is multi ‘Faceted’ and once an understanding of the many ‘Facets’ has been reached by you, My Dear Faithful Brother, and by your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Faith in Me, this newfound understanding combined with your ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, will enable you to ‘Strengthen’ the ‘Power’ of the ‘Graces’ that you receive from the ‘Blesséd Eucharistic’.

Your Soul, My Dear Faithful Brother, as indeed the Souls of ‘All’ My Belovéd Mothers Children on earth, each and every one, is ‘Sorely’ in need of ‘Strengthening’, more so today than ever before in the Short History of Mankind.

Therefore, My Dear Faithful Brother, I implore you to Receive Me in the ‘Blesséd Eucharistic’, in ‘Faith’ in My ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, as often as you can, so that you can help ‘Strengthen’ your Soul with My ‘Heavenly Hope’ for your own Personal ‘Resurrection’ and your own ‘Eternal Salvation’ through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’.

This Plea, however I reach out to ‘All’ of Mankind, again out of ‘Love’ for each and every one, but it is so important for each and every one to Receive the ‘Blesséd Eucharistic’ with Complete ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, for without this ‘Faith’, I will not be able to fill those Souls with ‘Heavenly Hope’, ‘Heavenly Love’ or the ‘Heavenly Graces’ that flow from them.

My Dear Faithful Brother, My ‘Love’ for ‘All’ of Mankind is so deep that just like My Heavenly Mother, I too wish for ‘All’ of Mankind to reach their own ‘Eternal Salvation’, but this simply cannot be achieved without ‘Divine’ Help.

I ask you, My Dear Faithful Brother, to inform as many of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Faith in Me, of what you have ‘Heard’, been ‘Witness’ to and ‘Experienced’ today, and once again wherever possible ‘Share’ in your ‘Experiences’ with others, so that they too can ‘Strengthen’ their own ‘Faith’ in Me their ‘Heavenly Brother’, but particularly their ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.”


Extracts From Message of Eucharistic Host of Faith

Received on 12th October 2004

Our Blesséd Lord Speaks:

You have been Called today to ‘Witness’ through the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ yet another very important and indeed Significant ‘Mystery’ Present within the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’ through My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, this being the ‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’.

This ‘Faith’, indeed ‘Heavenly Faith’ that is ‘Present’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’, is like a ‘Central Pillar’ that effectively holds up the Structure of the Soul.

But because the Soul, that is your Soul, My Dear Faithful Brother, and the Souls of ‘All’ My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth, is a ‘Living Entity’, indeed a ‘Heavenly’ Sent ‘Supernatural Living Entity’, this ‘Central Pillar’ is also ‘Alive’, and therefore needs its own ‘Nourishment’, ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for it to Gain and then Maintain the necessary Strength to Support the Structure of the Soul.

This ‘Faith’ can be likened to the ‘Trunk’ of a Tree, where not only does the ‘Trunk’ support the Structure of the Plant, but also from which Grow its ‘Branches’, where within the Soul they are like the ‘Branches of Love’ growing from the ‘Trunk of Faith’, and from these ‘Branches’ of the ‘Tree’ will Grow Leaves and Buds, where within the Soul these are like ‘Leaves and Buds of Hope’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, your Soul needs much ‘Nourishment’ for it to simply Survive, and even Greater ‘Nourishment’ for it to Grow and Thrive, in exactly the same way that a Plant needs for it to Survive, Grow and eventually Thrive.

However, with your Soul, My Dear Faithful Brother, just as with a Plant, it is not just the quantity of ‘Food’ or ‘Nourishment’ that you need to pay attention to, but also the quality and the contents and ingredients.

In the first instance, for your Soul to even begin Receiving ‘Nourishment’, that is the ‘Graces’ Present in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, you need to both have ‘Faith’ in My ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ within the ‘Eucharist Host’ and also Receive the ‘Eucharist Host’ in this ‘Faith’.

It is in this way that this Initial ‘Faith’ both forms the ‘Seed’ of the ‘Tree’ that will eventually Grow into the ‘Central Pillar’ that in turn will Support the Structure of your Soul, and also forms the initial ‘Soil Base’ to receive further Future ‘Nourishment’.

Therefore, just as with a Plant, it is so important to you, My Dear Faithful Brother, for this ‘Soil Base’ or ‘Foundation’ within your Soul, to be sufficiently sound for it to be able to both Receive and Nurture ‘Good’ and ‘Solid Nourishment’, otherwise it will Weaken the Structure of your Soul so much, that it could even eventually lead it to the very ‘Spiritual Demise’ of your Soul.

It is therefore of ‘Critical’ Importance that your ‘Faith’, My Dear Brother, at the time of Receiving the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ is both ‘Strong’ and ‘True’.

Sadly, most sadly, many of My Belovéd Mother’s Children do not Receive the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ in this State of ‘True Faith’, therefore not only do they not Receive the ‘Graces’, that form the ‘Good Nourishment’, as essential ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for their Souls, but in fact are by the very ‘Absence’ of the ‘True Faith’, ‘Feeding’ their Souls with ‘Infected Food’, which in turn is effectively ‘Poisoning’ the Soul, in much the same way as ‘Defective Nutrients’ being fed to a Plant, will cause ‘Disease’ in a Plant, which if not arrested in time, will eventually ‘Kill’ the Plant.

However, if you do Receive the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ in the ‘True Faith’ of My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ within the ‘Eucharist Host’, then through My ‘Presence’ in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, I bring with Me into your Soul the ‘Graces’, that form the ‘Good Nourishment’ for your Soul, ‘Graces’ from My Heavenly Father, directly from Heaven as ‘Heavenly Nourishment’.

But My Dear Faithful Brother, in the Receiving of Me through the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’ in the ‘True Faith’ of My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharist Host’, I also bring with Me, the very Best of ‘Nutrients’, ‘Heavenly Nutrients’, making this ‘Nourishment’, ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for your Soul, the Richest ‘Mix’ of ‘Heavenly Nutrients’ possible.

With the ‘Mixture’ of ‘Love’ through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Love’, of ‘Hope’ through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’, and ‘Faith’ through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’, all three being ‘Delivered’ directly into your Soul by Me, through My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, your Soul is therefore receiving the ‘Strongest’ and ‘Richest’ form of ‘Heavenly Nourishment’, which is what is needed for your Soul, in order that it should ‘Grow and Thrive’, and not just simply ‘Survive’.

Then My Dear Faithful Brother, from these three ‘Heavenly Ingredients’, it is the ‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’ that forms the ‘Backbone’ of ‘Graces’ for the ‘Trunk’, in fact ‘Spiritual Trunk’ or ‘Spiritual Central Pillar’, stemming from the initial ‘Faith’ that was sown in your Soul, and the most essential ‘Ingredient’ necessary for this ‘Spiritual Trunk’ to Grow both in ‘Stature’ and in ‘Strength’, to support the Structure of your Soul.

Therefore My Dear Faithful Brother, the importance of the Frequency of the Receiving of this most ‘Sacred’ of ‘Heavenly Gifts’ given by Me to Mankind some 2000 years ago, in the form of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, cannot be stressed enough.

Not only is it essential for your Soul to receive the necessary ‘Heavenly Nourishment’ for its ‘Spiritual Health’, but also for its ‘Spiritual Growth’.

Then as your Soul, My Dear Faithful Brother, Grows in ‘Spiritual Stature’, so does your ‘Spiritual Intimacy’ with Me grow, enabling you to ‘See’ My ‘Love’ for you, which in turn allows you to open your own Heart to Me, therefore allowing Me to Help you and Assist you along the ‘Difficult’ Path to your ‘Eternal Salvation’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, today you have been called for the Third time to ‘Testify’ to the ‘Power’ and ‘Mystery’ that is ‘Present’ within the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, a ‘Power’ that I carry with Me through My very ‘Presence’ in this Most ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, and which I so much want to Pass onto ‘All’ My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’.

Once again I ask you to inform as many of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth, your Fellow Brother and Sisters in Faith in Me, of all that I have told you, and once again whenever possible, to ‘Share’ with others what you have been called to ‘Witness’ and ‘Feel’ today.

Please continue to Receive Me, and as often as you can, but now with a better understanding of both the ‘Power’ and importance of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, and please encourage others to do the same, again as often as they can, but most importantly, with ‘True Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharist Host’ in their Hearts and Souls.”


Extracts From Message of Eucharistic Host of Peace

Received on 19th October 2004

Our Blesséd Lord Speaks:

You have been Called to ‘Witness’ today, the ‘Power’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host’ in yet another ‘Mystery’ that Lives within this Most ‘Holy and Blesséd Sacrament’, that of the ‘Eucharistic Host of Peace’.

This ‘Peace’, ‘Heavenly Peace’ that emanates from within the ‘Eucharistic Host of Peace’, will ‘Bloom’ from the ‘Leaves and Buds of Hope’ from the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’, when The ‘Eucharistic Host’ is Received in Total and Complete ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’, within the ‘Eucharistic Host’ itself.

This takes place, My Dear Faithful Brother, when the ‘Heavenly Graces’  which become like ‘Heavenly Nutrients’, being Received from the ‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’, Fully ‘Nourish’ the Soul’s ‘Foundation’ or ‘Soil Base’, which in turn ‘Nourishes’ the Entire Soul by ‘Nourishing’ the ‘Trunk of Faith’, Giving Strength to this, the ‘Central Pillar’ of the Soul, then flowing through to the ‘Branches of Love’, finally reaching the ‘Leaves and Buds of Hope’ leading to the ‘Blooming’ of these ‘Heavenly Buds’ to open up into a ‘Heavenly Spray’ of ‘Flowers of Peace’, that helps to ‘Brighten up and Cleanse’ the Soul with a ‘Heavenly Scent of Purity’ from these Heavenly ‘Flowers of Peace’, to Transform the Soul in this ‘Cleanliness’, so to help ‘Purify’ the Soul from the ‘Stains’ of Sin.

My Dear Faithful Brother, these ‘Facets’ of the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, these ‘Mysteries’ and ‘Power’ that Live and Exist within the ‘Eucharistic Host’, is what I, your Heavenly Brother, your ‘Risen Lord’,  bring to you and to ‘All’ those who ‘Choose’ to Receive Me within the ‘Eucharistic Host’, but only if it is Received with Total and Complete ‘Faith’ in My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ within the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It is the very ‘Gift’, that when Received in that ‘Faith’, that I so much want to ‘Give’ to ‘All’ of My Belovéd Mother’s Children throughout the world, so that the Souls of ‘All’ those who Receive Me in that ‘Faith’ can Receive the Oh so necessary ‘Nourishment’ for their Souls, in order that they can reach the All important ‘Heavenly Intimacy’ with Me, so that in turn I can Help them ‘All’ to reach their own Personal ‘Eternal Salvation’ at the end of their Journey on earth.

My Dear Faithful Brother you have been reminded on a number of occasions by My Belovéd Mother, that the Path along the Road to ‘Eternal Salvation’ is not an Easy Path to Traverse, and that you cannot possibly Successfully Tread this Path without ‘Divine’ Help.

So, My Dear Faithful Brother, it is for this very reason that I your Heavenly Brother want so much to Help you and ‘All’ My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth in this Personal Mission, if you would only ‘Choose’ to allow Me to do so.

By Receiving Me, your Heavenly Brother, very much ‘Present’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’ as the ‘Risen Lord’, but in that very ‘Faith’, not only ‘Can’ I Help you, but both ‘Want’ to and ‘Will’ Help you, with this most ‘Onerous’ Task or Mission that is ahead of each and every one of you.

This I ‘Will’ do, through the ‘Graces’ that are ‘Present’ within the ‘Mysteries’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host’, and through the ‘Power’ that these ‘Graces’ generate, and in doing so I ‘Will’ indeed ‘Bless’ each and every one of you, through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Peace’, with that very ‘Heavenly Peace’, in your Hearts and Souls, along the way.

My Dear Faithful Brother, today you were called to both ‘Witness’ and ‘Share in’, in this ‘Mystery’ of ‘Heavenly Peace’ and the ‘Power’ within this ‘Mystery’ that enters into your Soul through the ‘Eucharistic Host of Peace’, and so I ask of you to inform as many of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth of this ‘Mystery’, and whenever possible to ‘Share’ in that experience with others.

But above all, My Dear Faithful Brother, I ask of you to impress upon everyone that you come in contact with, with respect to the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’, that I am very much ‘Present’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ within the ‘Eucharistic Host’, and it is only in Receiving Me in The ‘Blesséd Sacrament’ in that ‘Faith’, that I can both ‘Enter’ into your Souls and ‘Fill’ your Souls with the ‘Graces’ that flow from these ‘Mysteries’, that Live and Exist within the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

For those, My Dear Faithful Brother, of which there are so many, who most sadly do not Receive the ‘Eucharistic Host’ in this ‘Faith’, not only do they Not Receive those Most Precious ‘Heavenly Graces’ so needed for their Souls for the All Important ‘Nourishment’ for their Souls, but most Sadly, are by their very action through the ‘Lack’ of this most important ‘Faith’, placing their Souls in ‘Mortal’ Danger, of being ‘Poisoned’, and even more Tragically, placing their Souls in Danger of being Totally ‘Destroyed’, through ‘Satan’s Diabolical Control’.

Therefore, My Dear Faithful Brother, I ask you to impress upon those whom you come in contact with, to Receive Me, their Heavenly Brother, with that All Important ‘Faith’ and then in the acceptance of that ‘Faith’, and with that ‘Faith’, to Receive Me as often as they can, not only to Receive My ‘Heavenly Love’ in its Unconditional Entirety, but also to Receive the ‘Nourishment’ and ‘Graces’ for the ‘Heavenly Health’ and Ultimate ‘Salvation’, of their Souls.”


Extracts From Message of Eucharistic Host of Glory

Received on 26th October 2004

Our Blesséd Lord Speaks:

Today, I have ‘Invited’ My Beloved Mother to accompany you, as you have been Called to both ‘Witness’ and ‘Share’ in, together with My Belovéd Mother, the Most Sacred and Holy ‘Mystery’ and ‘Power’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host of Glory’.

This ‘Mystery’, My Dear Faithful Brother, Represents the ‘Culminating’ Power and ‘Binding’ Factor of My very ‘Presence’ within this Most ‘Blesséd of Sacraments’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

In being the ‘Binding’ Factor, the ‘Eucharistic Host of Glory’ combines the other four ‘Mysteries’ and ‘Powers’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host’, that is:

Eucharistic Host of Love’,

‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’,

‘Eucharistic Host of Faith’,

‘Eucharistic Host of Peace,

in order to make One ‘Complete Eucharistic Host’, with Me, as your Saviour, Totally and ‘Completely Present’, to be Received in this ‘Completeness’, in order that you can be in a position to ‘Share’ in the ‘Glory’ of My Risen Presence’, which in turn will enable you to reach your own ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Eternal Salvation’.

It is through the ‘Power’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host of Glory’ that your Soul will Attain its ‘Total Cleanliness’, being ‘Cleansed’ of all Stains as a Result of the ‘Purifying Heavenly Scent’ from the ‘Flowers of Peace’, emanating from the ‘Buds of Love’ that have Grown on the ‘Branches of Love’, which in turn have Grown from the ‘Trunk of Faith’, where the entire ‘Trunk’ being the ‘Central Pillar’ of the Soul, has been ‘Nourished’ by the ‘Faith’ with which the ‘Blesséd Sacrament’ in the form of the ‘Eucharistic Host’, had been Received.

This ‘Complete Eucharist’, however, can only be ‘Complete’, when it is Received in Total ‘Faith’ of My very ‘Presence’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, at which point the ‘Five Hosts’, and the ‘Five Mysteries’ of the ‘Five Hosts’, become ‘One Host’, one ‘Complete, Sacred and Holy Eucharistic Host’.

It is in the ‘Faith’ and the ‘Spirit’ of this ‘Faith’ as well as the ‘Truth’ of this ‘Faith’, that you can Reach the Ultimate ‘Intimacy’ with Me, your Heavenly Brother, the ‘Intimacy’ so necessary for you to be able to Successfully Traverse the ‘Challenging’ and ‘Difficult’ Path that you and ‘All’ Mankind Need to Tackle, in order for you to Reach your ‘Eternal Salvation’.

The ‘Heavenly Glory’ that is Present in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Glory’, is that of the ‘Glory’ present at My ‘Glorious Resurrection’, and this in order for Me to be able to be ‘Present’ as the ‘Risen Lord’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’, in the first place.

This ‘Heavenly Glory’ also converts the ‘Heavenly Hope’ present in the ‘Eucharistic Host of Hope’ into the ‘Heavenly Promise’ for your own ‘Resurrection’, when you Receive ‘Heavenly Forgiveness’ for the ‘True Contrition’ for your Sins.

This ‘Heavenly Glory’ is the same ‘Glory’ that My ‘Heavenly Father’, had waiting for Me through His ‘Love’ for Me, His Heavenly Son, at the moment of My ‘Resurrection’, which in turn awaits those that Follow Me and ‘Get to Know’ Me ‘Intimately’, at their own ‘Resurrection’.

This ‘Heavenly Glory’ is the very same ‘Glory’, that I, your Heavenly Brother, together with My Belovéd Mother so much want you and each and every one of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth to Receive, and through the ‘Power’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host’ with My very ‘Presence’ within the ‘Eucharistic Host’, wish to make it available to you every day.

This ‘Heavenly Glory’ within the ‘Complete, Sacred and Holy Eucharist’, is the ‘Gift’ of ‘Eternal Life’ that I can and do Offer you, and each and every one of My Beloved Mother’s Children on earth, when you make the ‘Choice’ to Receive it in the ‘Faith’ of My very ‘Presence’, in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It is in this way, through this ‘Heavenly Glory’, that I am able to ‘Give’ Myself ‘Completely’ to you in the ‘Wholeness’ of My ‘Presence’ in the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, with each ‘Mystery’ that is Present and make up the One ‘Complete Eucharist’, each ‘Mystery’ in turn brings with it, its own ‘Heavenly Graces’ that Flow through your Soul, through My ‘Precious Blood’ within in My very ‘Presence’ in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It becomes therefore the ‘Heavenly Lifeblood’ that Flows through your Soul thereby ‘Enriching’ your Soul ‘Fivefold’ with ‘Heavenly Graces’, each and every time that you ‘Receive’ Me in the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It is through this Strength of ‘Heavenly Graces’ Present within the One ‘Complete Eucharistic Host’ that you are able to ‘Strengthen’ your own Soul, by ‘Nourishing’ it with this Plentiful supply of ‘Heavenly Graces’, as ‘Life Giving’ Fluid for your Soul, that Flows through from the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It is also through the Combined ‘Power’ of the One ‘Complete Eucharistic Host’, that you are then able to both ‘Nourish’ and ‘Nurture’ your ‘Faith’, which in turn will enable you to ‘Gain’ a Greater ‘Intimacy’ with Me, thereby enabling Me to Help you with your Journey towards ‘Eternal Salvation’.

It is only ‘Through’ Me, that you can Reach your own ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Eternal Salvation’, but it is only by ‘Getting to Know’ Me, and furthermore, ‘Intimately Know’ Me, that you can Reach your own Final Destination, ‘Through’ Me.

My Dear Faithful Brother, it is for these Reasons that I make Myself available to you through this Most Sacred and Holy Sacrament of the ‘Blesséd Eucharist’, and it is out of ‘Love’ for you, and ‘All’ of Mankind, that I am ‘Present’ within the ‘Eucharistic Host’ for you to be able to Receive Me both within your Soul and your Heart in this way, but furthermore make Myself available, each and every day.

I ask of you, My Dear Faithful Brother, for you to Receive Me in this ‘Faith’, as often as you can, but I further ask of you to ‘Look’ into your Heart and Soul each and every time that you Receive Me through the ‘Eucharistic Host’, in order that you can gain a ‘Glimpse’ of, and a gradual ‘Understanding’ of, My very ‘Presence’ and of the ‘Graces’ that flow from My very ‘Presence’, as I enter within your Soul and entire being, through the ‘Eucharistic Host’.

It is then, once you begin to gain an ‘Understanding’ of My ‘Presence’ within your Soul through the ‘Eucharistic Host’, that you will  begin to ‘Embrace’ the ‘Power’ and ‘Mysteries’ that Exist within, and Make up, the One ‘Complete, Sacred and Holy Eucharistic Host.’

Please Meditate and Ponder on the ‘Five Mysteries’ of the ‘Eucharistic Host’, each one Represented by the White Doves that you can ‘See’ around the ‘Host’, and do so often, while at the same time please also Meditate upon the Combined ‘Power’  of the ‘Five Mysteries’, as they form the One ‘Complete Eucharistic Host’.

My Dear Faithful Brother, I also ask of you impress upon as many of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Faith in Me, to also Receive Me through the ‘Eucharistic Host’ in that same ‘Faith’ and as often as they can, in order that they too can obtain All that I have just told you.

I thank you once again for ‘Visiting’ Me, in ‘Obedience’ to My Belovéd Mother’s Request, during this very Special Month of October, and once again I ask you to impress upon as many as you can of the Most Wonderful and Sacred ‘Powers’ and ‘Mysteries’ that are ‘Present’ within, and make up, the One ‘Complete Eucharistic Host’, and the importance to everyone of this for the ‘Salvation’ of their own Souls, and whenever possible to ‘Share’ with everyone, what you have been called ‘Witness’ today.

Please never forget, My Dear Faithful Brother, that I, your Heavenly Brother, together with My Heavenly Mother, will never stop ‘Loving’ you, and All of My Belovéd Mother’s Children on earth.”
