
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


25th December 2007 Christmas “Sorrow” Day-1

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”, I made my way to the “Bush Grotto” late in the morning of Christmas Day of 2007 to meet “Our Blesséd Mother” for Midday, to start my 9 Hour “Prayer Vigil” with “Our Blesséd Mother”, for this the first of 3 Consecutive Days of 9 Hour “Prayer Vigils” with “Our Blesséd Mother” for this Christmas, for the Intentions of The “Suffering” Children of “Our Blesséd Mothers” throughout the World.

As the weather forecast was for an extremely hot day, a forecast maximum of around 40° Centigrade, and bearing in mind that at 3 P.M. in the afternoon, the time “Our Blessed Mother” had requested of me to join Her on the “Road to Her Belovéd Son’s Calvary”, and carrying “My Heavy Cross”, would be around the time the maximum temperatures would start peaking, I allowed myself a little extra time to arrive at the “Bush Grotto” in time (normally approximately a 1 Hour walk for me).

However, on the way to the “Bush Grotto” and on arriving at an area en route, which in the Wetter Winters of the past, was a “Wetlands Area” often submerged in water up to as far as the Knees at its maximum depth, but which in recent years only manages a few “Pools” of water, but with a stream running through the area, and which during the summer months, such as now, is totally dry, on entering this “Wetlands Area”, I was confronted by “Satan” who appeared, as he always has done with me in the past, as a very Suave Middle-aged Businessman, dressed in a 3-Piece Pin-Striped Suit, and who now began to constantly Cross my path, this whilst I was Praying My “Rosaries”, as I usually do when “Bush Walking”.

“Satan” continually kept on pestering me as he continued on “Criss-Crossing” my Path attempting to stop me from getting to the “Bush Grotto” to meet “Our Blesséd Mother”, as requested of me by “Our Blesséd Mother”, in the first place.

However, I continued on walking and Praying my “Rosary” and trying to the best of my inadequate ability, to ignore “Satan”, but the more I ignored him, the more He Pestered me by Darting in front of me, from the Left and from the Right, continually “Criss-Crossing” my path, which in turn, continually forced me to stop in my tracks, slowing me down to no end, which was now clear to me was his now “New Tactic”, namely, to at least prevent me from arriving on time.

If this was indeed his “Tactic”, then it was definitely working for “Satan”, because as I finally reached the far end of the “Wetlands Area”, and to a “Hill Climb”, being the Final stretch of the Route to the “Bush Grotto”, I now had only 10 minutes to complete this final stretch, a stretch that on a good day when I am feeling relatively “Fresh” and “Fit” would normally take me between 15 and 20 minutes to complete.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I cannot begin to tell you how much this had upset me, as on the rare Occasion that “Our Blesséd Mother” has invited me to meet Her at a “Specified Time”, I have always felt it to be so important for me to be “Punctual”, and by the “Grace of God” and with “Our Blesséd Mother’s” help, I have, in the past thankfully, never Failed “Our Blesséd Mother” in this respect of “Punctuality”.

However, now for the first time, I had resigned myself, albeit with extreme Frustration and immense Sadness in my Heart, that I was for the first time about to let “Our Blesséd Mother” down, because not even a “Super-fit” athlete, could have reached the “Bush Grotto” in time, let alone a middle aged man with Health Issues, now wilting in the heat of the day and also now in an Agitated and in an extremely Frustrated state of mind.

Nevertheless I put every effort that my now tired legs could muster up, to climb the “Hill” as fast as my now Weary legs would carry my also Hot and Tired body, but all that I felt that I managed to do, was to drag myself up the “Hill”, even more slowly, which now began to seem more like a “Mountain”, than a “Hill”, as I puffed and panted painfully up the “Hill”, almost breaking down in “Tears” of utmost Disappointment in my “Pending” Failure to arrive at the “Bush Grotto” “On Time”.

However on my arrival, and with a sense of imminent Distress, I plucked up the courage to look at my watch to check out exactly how Late I was on arrival, and to my Amazement, I had arrived at One Minute to Midday!

I simply could hardly believe my eyes, as I had completed this Final “Hilly” stretch in only 9 Minutes, with One Minute to Spare!

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this was simply not physically possible for me to achieve, certainly not on my own, and then it suddenly occurred to me that it was “Our Blesséd Mother” who had assisted me, either by “Carrying” me along the way (even though I did not feel as though I was being carried), or maybe that “Our Blesséd Mother” had momentarily stopped “Time” itself.

Whatever the explanation, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it was without doubt, that it was through the Intervention of “Our Blesséd Mother”, that enabled me to arrive “On-Time”, in spite of “Satan’s” efforts to delay me.

On arrival, although completely exhausted from my efforts in attempting to arrive “On Time” in the Searing Heat of the day, I began My Prayer Vigil at the “Bush Grotto”, as requested of me by “Invitation” from “Our Blesséd Mother”, until 3 P.M. in the afternoon, at which point I joined “Our Blesséd Mother” on “The Road to Her Belovéd Son’s Calvary”, along “Our Blesséd Mother’s” own “Stations” in the “Bush”, carrying “My Heavy Cross” along the way.

Then as I reached the 12th Station, I removed “The Heavy Cross” from my back and lay Prostrate at the Foot of the “Bush Grotto”, which itself is the 12th Station that, “Our Blesséd Mother” Herself had Chosen and originally directed me to, in order to receive my “Visual Image” for this, today’s “Stations of the Cross”.

At first the “Vision” started as “The Standard Visual Image” (as described in Message No. 17, The “Agony” of Christ), until after some time of sharing in Our Blesséd Lord’s Suffering, together with “Our Blesséd Mother”, as we both knelt at the Foot of the Cross, I could then “See” a Large “Eucharistic Host” cover the entire Chest of Our Blesséd Lord, from just beneath Our Blesséd Lord’s Bearded Chin from the top of the “Eucharistic Host”, down to Our Blesséd Lord’s Navel, at the bottom of the “Eucharistic Host”.

Then after only a short period of time, I could “See” the “Eucharistic Host” open up from the Centre of the “Host”, at which point I could “See” from beyond the Opening the same “Trough-Crib” within the same “Cavern-Stable” that I had been “Blessed” with being present in, during the “Visions” last Christmas.

As with the “Visions” during the “Stations of the Cross” at this same location, namely the “Bush Grotto”, last Christmas, I could “See” that the “Trough”, a drinking trough, constructed of Clay, and approximately 1 metre or so wide, and approximately 3 metres or so in length, clearly installed in this “Cavern-Stable” for the benefit of the Animals sheltering from the Cold elements outside, had been partly converted into a “Crib”, with a “Divider” roughly midway along the length of the trough, with one half (top half of the trough from my viewpoint in the “Vision”) filled with Hay, making it into a “Bedding” of Hay or “Crib”, and the other half (the bottom half of the trough from my viewpoint in the “Vision”) approximately 75% filled with Water, clearly for the benefit of the Animals sheltering in the “Cavern-Stable”.

Again as was the case during my “Visions” last Christmas, I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” laying on the bed of Hay in the top half of the “Trough-Crib”, wrapped in a “Swaddling” totally covered up to His Neck, with only His little Head visible from beneath the “Swaddling”.

As the “Baby Jesus” lay asleep on the bed of Hay in His “Trough-Crib”, I could “See” an Ox lapping up some Water from the bottom half of the Trough with its Large Dark Brown eyes looking at the Sleeping “Baby Jesus” at the same time, and with a “Steam Vapour”, coming from out of its Nostrils, indicating that the air temperature in the “Cavern-Stable”, was clearly very cold, but at the same time providing some natural warmth around the “Trough-Crib” of the “Baby Jesus”.

I could also “See” St. Joseph and “Our Blesséd Mother”, both standing at the Head of the “Trough-Crib”, St. Joseph to the Left of the Head of the “Trough-Crib”, and with “Our Blesséd Mother” to the right, with both of them looking down with so much Love at the Sleeping “Baby Jesus”.

I could “See” that St. Joseph who was wearing a Dark Brown Cloak with a Beige Coloured Hood which was covering his Head, holding in His Right hand, a tall “Staff” about 2 Metres in Height with a curled Top such as those used by many Bishops during certain ceremonies, with the top of the “Staff” just below a Lantern sitting on a “Natural Shelf” about 1.5 metres below the roof of the Cavern.

Then to my amazement I cold “See” 2 Angels Dressed in Pure White, Dazzling within an “Aura” of Light around them, radiating outwards, like the Rays of Light radiating outwards from around the Sun.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother”, whose Youthful and Heavenly Beauty and Purity that was so strikingly complimented by the Pure White Veil that covered Her Jet Black Hair, which in turn accentuated Her Sky Blue Coloured Eyes, and the Smooth Texture of the Olive Skin of Her Beautiful Face that was Radiating with “Heavenly Joy” at the “Birth of Her Baby Son Jesus”, I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning me to Come Forward to join St. Joseph and Herself to “Adore” and “Admire” Her “Baby Jesus”.

 I could then “See” myself come forward and then lay “Prostrate” on the “Cavern-Stable” floor before the “Baby Jesus”, and then get up from the floor reaching out to the Outstretched Arms of “Our Blesséd Mother”, Lovingly Embracing my “Heavenly Mother”, the “Heavenly Mother” of the “Baby Jesus”.

Then I could “See” myself embracing St. Joseph as well, after which I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Look at me “Inviting” me to Kiss the “Baby Jesus” on His Little Head, which I did, and as I did so I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” awake and Smile at me so, so Sweetly.

Then I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” stretch out His Little Hands from under the “Swaddling”, and with my face still close to His “Holy Face”, I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” with a Cute “Baby Giggle” playfully Clasp the tip of my nose with His Left Hand and began to play with this “Newly discovered Plaything” (i.e. the tip of my nose!) which in turn invoked a Smile and gentle Laughter from both St. Joseph and “Our Blesséd Mother”, at this rather Cute “Innocent” Baby Game that the “Baby Jesus” had engaged Himself in.

Then I could “See” myself offering the “Baby Jesus” the little finger of my right hand as a plaything in exchange for the release of my nose, which (thankfully for me) the “Baby Jesus” quite happily accepted, and then I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” promptly proceed to make use of my little finger as a “Dummy”, which then in turn invoked another burst of momentary Gentle Loving Laughter from St. Joseph and “Our Blesséd Mother” at the “Innocent” and “Pure” infant Antics of the “Baby Jesus”.

After a short while of wondering when and if my little finger will ever be Rescued and Retrieved from the now extremely “Playful Baby Jesus”, who by now (much to my concern) had taken an extreme “Shine” to my little finger, I could “See” the Large Wooden Door that had been constructed to form the Entrance of the “Cavern-Stable” opening up from the outside, and I could then “See” entering into the “Cavern-Stable” 2 Shepherds with Snow Covered Hoods covering their Heads with a sharp Gust of an “Icy Cold” draught fill the “Cavern-Stable” as they struggled to close the large Wooden Door behind them.

On the arrival of the 2 Shepherds, I Could then “See” the “Baby Jesus” (much to my relief!) release my little finger, lift his Little Head up slightly to get a clearer view of the new arrivals, and with the 2 Shepherds still standing by the now closed large Wooden Door, I could “See” both of them lift the Hoods off their heads and as they did so I could “See” that one of the Shepherds was only a teenager, probably about 14 or 15 years of age while the other Shepherd, probably a man in his Thirties in age.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning the 2 Shepherds to come forward to get a closer look at Her New Born Child, the “Baby Jesus”, and as they responded to “Our Blesséd Mothers” Heavenly and Loving “Invitation”, I could “See” the 2 Shepherds with their Dark Grey coloured Cloaks still wrapped around them as protection from the Wildly Cold elements outside, fall to their knees in front of the “Trough-Crib”, bowing most Reverently before the “Baby Jesus”.

Then still kneeling before the “Baby Jesus”, I could “See” the young Shepherd open up his Cloak, and under his right arm and “Nestled” closely to his chest, I could “See” the young Shepherd carrying a Baby Lamb, Bleating away, as the young Shepherd proceeded to lay the Baby Lamb onto the Hay next to the “Swaddling-Covered” Feet of the “Baby Jesus”.

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the “Baby Jesus” let out a little Baby “Cry of Joy” as a Beaming Smile covered His Little Face and then I could “See” the Baby Lamb clamber over the “Baby Jesus” and with its little head close to the “Baby Jesus”, I could “See” the Baby Lamb begin to Lick the Cute Little Face of the “Baby Jesus” to which I Could “See” and “Hear” the “Baby Jesus” begin to Laugh out Loudly and with great Excitement, clearly enjoying the Attentions of this “Baby Jesus’ ” new “Kissing Playmate”!

Then after a short while of “Witnessing” this Wonderful and Joyful “Innocent” game between the “Baby Jesus” and His newfound Playmate which warmed the Hearts of St. Joseph, “Our Blesséd Mother”, the 2 Shepherds and a very relieved person in myself, now very appreciative of my rescued finger (still in one piece, I might add!), I could then “See” the young Shepherd lift the Baby Lamb off the “Baby Jesus”, seemingly out of concern for the Safety of and prevention of any inadvertent harm to the “Baby Jesus” from the Baby Lamb, and place the Baby Lamb once again at the “Swaddling-Covered” Feet of the “Baby Jesus”.

Then almost immediately I could “See” this Cheeky little Newfound Playmate of the “Baby Jesus”, poke its little head under the “Swaddling”, clearly in search for the Feet of the “Baby Jesus”, and having Found its Desire, I could then “See” the Baby Lamb lie down on its side with its head still under the “Swaddling” and only its Body (minus its head!) still visible laying on the Hay, outside of the “Swaddling”.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” turn to the older Shepherd still kneeling in front of the “Baby Jesus”, and to me and then I could “Hear” Her speaking to both of us saying;

“My Dear Faithful Children, I your Heavenly Mother, ‘Invite’ both of you to go out and ‘Invite’ everyone you can find, to ‘Come and See’ My Belovéd Son Jesus, who has been Born into the World in order that All of Mankind can be ‘Born’ into ‘Eternal Life’ ”.

I could then “See” the older Shepherd get up from the ground and embrace firstly “Our Blesséd Mother” and then St. Joseph, and then I could “See” the older Shepherd bend over the “Trough-Crib” giving the now Sleeping “Baby-Jesus” a Gentle “Peck” on His Little Forehead, followed by me also embracing “Our Blesséd Mother” and St. Joseph, and also giving a Gentle “Peck” on the Forehead of the “Baby Jesus”, after which I could “See” both the older Shepherd and I leave the “Cavern-Stable” via the Large Wooden Door.

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd and I, albeit from a distance, having arrived and reached the end of a narrow Lane which was coming from the direction of the “Cavern-Stable” in the Coldness and Darkness of the night, but which seemed to have entered into a place that looked much like “Huge Plaza” extremely Well-Lit by many Huge Floodlights, much like those one would see in “Sporting Arenas”.

This Huge Well-Lit area would have been the size of dozens and dozens of Sporting Arenas where towards the Centre I could “See” an Open Area filled with what looked like 10’s of Thousands of people “Frenetically” Partying and could “Hear” a Horrendously loud “Cacophony” of Ear-Shattering noise of “Heavy-Metal” style of music booming in the air combined with Screaming of Laughter, Jollity and Drunkenness.

I could “See” many people, young and old, male and female dressed in “Santa” hats, “Santa” tops and some women in “Santa” dresses, most provocatively adorned, and many also wearing “Reindeer” hats and adorned in “Tinsel”.

I could “See” many women, mostly young women, but even some older women as well, most, most provocatively and scantily dressed, gyrating and dancing most provocatively and flaunting themselves at both men and women, young and old alike.

I could “See” around the Perimeter of this Huge Area many Shops and many Stands selling all manner of worldly goods, and others selling a variety of Foods, Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs.

In the distance I could “See” a “Fun Park” with a variety of “Rides”, fully Patronised with the Resultant “Screaming” of delight from the many Patrons.

In the foreground I could “See” many Tents that had all manner of Foods and Cuisines laid out on many, many tables and I could “See” many “Barbecues” and “Beau-Maries” from which were emanating a variety of appetizing “Aromas” that I could Clearly “Smell” from a variety of cooked foods.

I could “See” that most of the Buildings, Tents and Stalls were totally decked out with “Christmas Lights” and other Coloured Lights, in a variety of Designs and Logos, depicting the “Christmas” theme with Sleighs, Santa’s, Elves, Reindeers etc., but not a single “Crib” or “Baby Jesus” or “Mary, Mother of Baby Jesus” or “St. Joseph” or “Shepherds” or “Wise Men” to be seen.

Again in the distance, but to the left of the “Fun Park”, I could “See” a Church, and in the Foreground of this Church I could “See” a “Marquee” within which I could “See” there was a “Rock Band” bellowing out through some Huge Speakers, Ear- Shattering “Heavy Metal” music, but no Carols, or Sacred Hymns to be heard.

I could “See” that this “Marquee” was also adorned with Coloured Lights, but no “Crib” to be seen, and this “Marquee” and within its vicinity, but within the grounds of the Church, was filled with youngsters Provocatively and Frenetically Gyrating to the “Cacophony” that was booming from the Huge Speakers from within the “Marquee”, and most sadly there were a number of “Priests” in the company of and clearly enjoying the company of, this Provocative group of youngsters.

This entire scene, which appeared to me be what I could only describe as “Debourturous”, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, was in such contrast to the “Sacred” and “Holy” setting of the “Cavern-Stable” from which the older Shepherd and I had only just recently come.

Then I could “See” a young man, probably in his 20’s in age, approaching the older Shepherd and I from this Huge Crowd of people, rather dishevelled in appearance, barefooted and wearing only shorts and a singlet and a Santa hat, carrying a bottle of beer in his right hand, and clearly the worse for wear from the affects of alcohol, and as he reached both of us, I could “Hear” him speak, saying;

“Come on you two, come and join us! It’s Christmas you know? Come on let your hair down, let’s Party! You only live once, life is too short you know? Come on, live it up, it’s Christmas you know?”

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd with a sad look on his face, first look at me and then, turning to the young man I could “Hear” the older Shepherd speak to him saying;

 “Young man, don’t you realise that it is “Christmas”, the day that your “Christ” is born?

Come, young man, come, let us Celebrate with your “Christ”, who wishes you a long and “Eternal Life”.

Then I could “See” this young man turn away, and Flicking his left hand as to “Dismiss” the older Shepherd and I out of hand, the young man then headed in the direction of two very Provocatively and Scantily Clad young women, that were in turn, gyrating Flirtatiously towards him.

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd and I attempting to approach a number of people in the Huge crowd, and even approached many of the young people in and around the “Marquee” and the Church grounds, including 2 of the “Priests” among the young people, only to be greeted by the same Flick of the hand in a gesture of “Dismissal”, as we had received from the young man that had first approached us.

Then after countless “Rejections” from each and every person that we approached, I could “See” the older Shepherd and I, both with expressions on our faces that clearly revealed a deep sense of Dejection and Disappointment, heading back onto the Dark narrow Lane and slowly and with a deep sense of Sadness, make our way back to the “Cavern-Stable”, in the Cold and Dark of the night.

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd and I enter into the “Cavern-Stable” through the Large Wooden Doors, and as we did so, I could “See” that “Our Blesséd Mother” noticed the Great Disappointment in our faces, and then could “See” the most Beautiful Eyes of “Our Blesséd Mother” begin to fill with such Deep Sadness.

Then almost Choking with emotion, I could “Hear” myself addressing “Our Blesséd Mother” saying;

“Dear Blesséd Mother, not one person took up your Heavenly “Invitation”. I am so sorry that I have failed you so badly.

Please forgive me, oh please forgive me for having failed you, Dear Blesséd Mother.”


Then I could “See” myself beginning to Cry with a deep sense of both Sadness and Shame for my Failure, and could then “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning the older Shepherd and myself towards Her, still standing at the Head of the “Trough-Crib” with St. Joseph still standing beside Her and with the “Baby Jesus” now awake as He lay on the Hay with the Baby Lamb still asleep at the Feet of the “Baby Jesus”.

Then I could “See” firstly the older Shepherd receiving a most Gentle and Loving Embrace from “Our Blesséd Mother”, with “Our Blesséd Mother” whispering something into his ear at the same time, and then as “Our Blesséd Mother” gave me the same Gentle and Loving Embrace I could “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” in a very Gentle but Loving Whisper say to me;

 “Thank you My Dear Faithful Child, I Love you so Dearly.”

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” look down on the “Baby Jesus” laying on the Hay looking up at His “Heavenly Mother” with His Large Blue Eyes, open so wide, and as His Large Blue Eyes saw the “Tears of Sadness” in His “Heavenly Mothers” own Beautiful Blue Eyes, I could both “See” and “Hear” the “Baby Jesus” begin to Cry.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” pick up the “Baby Jesus”, who was so Warmly Wrapped in the “Swaddling”, and Cuddle the Crying “Heavenly Infant” to comfort the “Little Cherubim”, and then could “See” the Little Baby Lamb wake up as it still lay on the Hay, and then could “Hear” the Little Creature of God, start to “Bleat”, as if it too was feeling a sense of Sadness in the Air.

Then I could “See” the young Shepherd, who all the while that I was away on the “Mission” with his Fellow older Shepherd, had stayed in the “Cavern-Stable” with “Our Blesséd Mother”, St. Joseph and the “Baby Jesus” and His newfound Playmate, I could “See” this young Shepherd pick up the now wide awake and “Bleating” Baby Lamb from the “Trough-Crib” and offering it to me to comfort it, which I could “See” myself accepting and as I nestled the Little Creature into my chest in my right arm, I could “See” the Baby Lamb Calming down, and lifting its Little head began so affectionately to lick my bearded chin.

It was then at this point that I could “See” myself back at the Foot of the Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother”, now no longer in the “Cavern-Stable”, with both “Our Blesséd Mother” looking up at Our Blesséd Lord Hanging on the Cross, but with the Large “Eucharistic Host” still covering His Chest, but with the “Host” now Closed up.

Then after a short while the “Eucharistic Host” disappeared exposing the “Excoriated” Chest of Our Blesséd Lord, and as it did so I could “See” Our Blesséd Lord look down on “Our Blesséd Mother” and myself still kneeling at Foot of the Cross, gently let His Chin rest on His Chest and with a Gentle Smile, Our Blesséd Lord Closed His Eyes, releasing the Beautiful “Tear of Joy” (as described in Message No.20 “Tear of Joy”), as Our Blesséd Lord Died.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” turn to me and smiling Gently at me, gave me her Blessing and then at this point the “Vision” concluded.

At the end of the “Vision” I could then feel the Searing Heat on my back and the back of my legs, as I gradually lifted myself off from the ground in front of the “Bush Grotto”, and in the extreme heat of the afternoon replaced the Heavy Cross onto my back to conclude the “Stations of The Cross” with “Our Blesséd Mother” for this day, Christmas Day.

Then at the end of today’s “Stations of the Cross”, I resumed with the Prayer Vigil with “Our Blesséd Mother” in front of Her “Bush Grotto” for the rest of the evening, until 9 P.M., after which I made my way back along the Bush Track, to meet with my transport home, but thankfully without “Incident” from “Satan”.

With this, the first day of this “Christmas Prayer Vigil” requested of me by “Invitation” from “Our Blesséd Mother”, over for the day, and even though extremely Weary and Tired from both the Event and the Searing Heat, it left me with so much to “Meditate” upon, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Yet it still left me wondering what might be install for me for the coming days, grateful on the one hand for having completed today’s “Prayer Vigil”, thanks largely to the Prayers offered up for me by all of those whom I had Personally asked to Pray for me, and yet on the other hand, still somewhat apprehensive and somewhat tense for what I might be in for, over the rest of the “Christmas Prayer Vigil”.

Clearly, my personal “Faith” was at the end of today’s “Prayer Vigil”, still very much being put to the Test, clearly very much reliant on “All” of the Prayers over the next few days.


May God’s Blessings be with all of you My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ over the Duration of this Christmas, and I will continue to Pray for each and every one of you, particularly during this “Christmas Prayer Vigil”.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
