
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


27th December 2007 Christmas “Sorrow” Day-3


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Once again as Requested of me by “Invitation” by “Our Blesséd Mother”, I again set out to make my way to the “Bush Grotto”, on this day, 27th December 2007, for now the third day of the 3 Day, 9 Hour “Prayer Vigils” for this Christmas, and as was the case yesterday, I set out an extra 30 minutes or so earlier in case I was to be confronted by “Satan” along the way on the “Bush track” to the “Bush Grotto”.

Again as was the case yesterday, I was continually on the “Look Out” for “Satan”, or any signs of his “Diabolical” appearance or attempts to Hinder me or Delay me with my “Rendezvous” with “Our Blesséd Mother” for today’s “Prayer Vigil” and “Stations of The Cross”, as I walked along the “Bush Track” En Route to the “Bush Grotto” and Praying my “Rosaries” along the way.

Now even though today’s forecast temperatures of mid 30°’s Centigrade, almost positively Cold, in comparison to mid to high 40°’s Centigrade over the first 2 days of the “Prayer Vigils” for this Christmas, I was nevertheless feeling quite Tired and Worn out, even at the very start of today’s Walk to the “Bush Grotto”, and this even before the “Prayer Vigil” for today had begun.

The effort of the first 2 days of Prayer and Sacrifice, combined with the Oppressive Heat both day and night for these first 2 days, had quite obviously taken its toll on my now weary body, which in addition to the past 2 days Punishment, I think was also beginning to feel the effects of the Indefinite (up this point in time) Total Fast, of All Foods, allowing me to only take in Non-Alcoholic Fluids, that “Our Blesséd Mother” had “Invited” me to join Her in, on 3rd of December 2007, which was now well into its Fourth week.

Nevertheless in spite of this discomfort, I tried so much to focus on the “Mission” in hand that “Our Blessed Mother” had “Invited” me to carry out, and continued along the “Bush Track”, and as was the case yesterday, without incident from “Satan”, until, I again, as was the case yesterday, I reached the “Wetlands Area”, where as soon as I entered into this “Area”, I was confronted with the most Powerful and Appetizing “Aromas” of a Variety of Foods, and although at this very moment I could not “See” him, but I knew that it was the “Handiwork” of  “Satan”.

Now My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, in order to reach a greater appreciation of what I was now experiencing, I feel it would be helpful to visualize exactly what and where this “Wetlands Area” is.

It is in fact a spot which would be approximately 5 to 6 Kilometres from the nearest Residential property, with an area of “Bushland”  between it and the nearest Road, with nothing but “Bush Vegetation” , Mainly a Forrest of Large “Gum” Tress, and a series of “Bush Tracks”  running through it, starting from the nearest Residential street, and then running through the “Bushland”, connecting it to the “Wetlands Area”, then with the “Bush Tracks”  continuing on its path, running through the “Wetlands Area”, with the “Bush Tracks” then running beyond the “Wetlands Area” and continuing on into many more Square Kilometres of “Bushland” beyond the “Wetlands Area” itself, again with a Forrest of mainly Large “Gum” Trees.

The “Wetlands Area” itself is a Relatively open Area of about 100 acres, and was originally an area of “Bush” that had been “Cleared” (hence its lack of Large “Gum” trees) and had been used for some kind of Agricultural purposes, apparently in the early part of the 20th century, but has been disused for at least 60 years if not more, evidenced by the remnants of a Discarded piece of Agricultural Machinery.

The “Wetlands Area” has sparse Vegetation, consisting of mainly low lying Scrub, with 2, now Disused Wells that have been filled in, and a couple of Large Water Holes, which have also now been filled and with a “Dried out” Stream (dried out right now as it is Summer) that used to connect the 2 Water Holes, running through the entire “Area”.

Because of its extremely Remote and Distant location, I knew full well that the extremely strong “Aromas”, could not possibly have been coming from a nearby, house, homestead or any other building with a kitchen in it, as the nearest house to this location is many kilometres away.

Needless to say, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, these “Aromas” were driving me “Insane” with Hunger, because they instantly stirred up my Appetite, bearing in mind that as a result of the “Fast” that “Our Blesséd Mother” had “Invited” me to join Her in, I had not by this point, eaten any food for the past more than 3 weeks, 24 days to be more precise, so my Appetite quite naturally, by now, was in a heightened state.

Then as I progressed along the “Bush Track” further into the “Wetlands Area”, and approached an area to the right of the track, and about midway into the “Wetlands Area” where the disused Agricultural Machinery was located, to my amazement, I could “See” a man standing behind a  Large Portable Outdoor Barbecue, much like those that can be seen  in the backyards of many Australian Homes, a man dressed in what looked like a typical Apron, again as could be seen worn by many Hosts, hosting “Barbecue Party’s”, so common place in Australian homes.

This man, who at first I could not recognise, was cooking what smelt like Sausages, Steak and Onions, and next to the Barbecue, I could “See” a “Rotisserie” that had Chicken Cooking on a Spit, with the resultant “Aromas” absolutely driving me “Insane” with Hunger.

Then as I reached closer to the spot where the man cooking the food on the Barbecue was located, I could the “See” a “Bakery” to the left of the “Bush Track” almost directly opposite to the location of the “Barbecue”, where one of the now Filled in Waterholes is located, baking the most Appetising variety of Breads and Bread rolls, that simply added to the Pain of the Hunger Pangs, but to my amazement, I could suddenly “See” the man who was standing at the “Barbecue”, was now in an instant standing outside the “Bakery”, still wearing the Apron, that he was wearing at the “Barbecue”.

By now, as I was much closer, to both Spots, namely where the “Barbecue” was located, as well as the where the “Bakery” was located, I could “See” that this man was indeed “Satan”, still dressed in his 3 Piece Pin Striped Suit, but because of the Apron that he was also wearing, I did not immediately recognise him at first sight.

Then almost immediately upon “Seeing” Satan” appear outside the “Bakery”, I then spotted a “Delicatessen  Counter” with a variety of Continental Style Sausages and Salamis, hams, Cheeses and many other Small goods Items on display, in a very special spot in the “Wetlands Area”  located about 50 metres away from the location where now stood the “Bakery”, from which was emanating again for me the most “Appetizing Aromas” from all of my favourite foods, and as I was looking on in great Pain from Hunger at this most “Appetizing” Scene, I could “See” “Satan” suddenly appear in front of the “Delicatessen Counter”, still adorning the Apron.

Hardly, had I taken in this demonstration of “Diabolical Power”, when at another location in the “Wetlands Area”, a further 50 metres away from the location where the “Delicatessen Counter” was now situated, I could “See” a “Fruit and Vegetable” Stall, with an extremely  “Appetizing” display of all of my favourite, Vegetables such as Capsicums, Cucumbers, Onions, Radishes and many more, only to add to the “Torture” to my Hunger Pangs, and once again “Satan” suddenly appeared in front of this Stall.

Then as I surveyed, most Painfully I might add, each of these locations, “Satan” instantly would appear at each location, in order to continually Torment me, as each time he appeared he kept Taunting me by firstly holding an item of Food in his right hand, holding it out for me to take.

At the “Barbecue” it was a Freshly Barbecued Sausage that he held in his hand, at the “Bakery” a freshly Baked and still warm Bread Roll, at the “Delicatessen Counter” a stick of “Gyulai” Hungarian Sausage, and at the “Fruit and Vegetable” Stall a Freshly picked Capsicum, all the while further “Taunting” me at each location by repeatedly saying to me;

“You know you want to eat.    Come on enjoy yourself.    All of your Favourite Foods.   Come on join me – it’s Christmas you know.   Come on, you deserve it, you know you do.”

However, in spite of “Satan’s” continual Taunts and Temptations, which were driving me almost “Insane”, with the Hunger Pangs causing me so much Pain and Discomfort, I tried so hard to ignore all of this “Appetizing” Temptations, by closing my eyes in order to shut out all this Temptation of all of the Foods that I was so much desiring right at this point of time, but in spite of my efforts all of the “Aromas” simply would not go away.

In great Pain I continued on walking through this “Diabolical Food Hall”, all the while screaming at “Satan” at the same time, screaming;

“Leave me alone “Satan”, leave me alone “Satan”.

I have to meet “My Blesséd Mother”.      Leave me alone “Satan”, leave me alone.”

Then as I eventually struggled towards the foot of the “Hill”, the final stretch leading up to the “Bush Grotto”, “ Satan” began Darting in front of me Taunting me Further and “Admonishing” me at the same time, saying;

“You fool, you know you want to eat.   Why allow that Woman to make you Suffer, you fool, you idiot.

You can’t ‘Defeat’ me, you fool.  You are nothing, I can and I will ‘Crush’ you, you fool.”

Then I Screamed at him;

“Yes ‘Satan’, you can ‘Crush’ me, you ‘Evil Abomination’.

I know that I am nothing, and that I alone cannot Defeat you, but I am not alone.

‘My Blesséd Mother’ is with me, and She can and will Defeat and Banish you.”

I then stretched my right hand out in front of “Satan’s” face with my “Rosary” wrapped around my hand, and thrust the “Crucifix” of the “Rosary” into his face, to which he let out a “Scream” of Fear and instantly Disappeared.

By now, I had reached the foot of the “Hill”, and as “Satan” had Disappeared, I looked back momentarily behind me at the “Wetlands Area” and found that the “Wetlands Area” had been instantly Restored back to its normal state with the “Diabolical Food Hall” now having Disappeared.

I then continued on with my journey up the “Hill Climb” towards the “Bush Grotto”, with the Hunger Pangs thankfully easing, and continuing on praying my “Rosary” that I had been Praying, before I had earlier on reached the “Wetlands Area”.

Then having at last reached the “Bush Grotto”, still somewhat Disturbed by the Events and Encounter at the “Wetlands Area”, I checked my watch, and for the third day I was amazed to find that I had arrived at One minute before Mid-day noon, again for third time having arrived with One minute to spare, and again in spite of “Satan’s” efforts to Stop me and Delay me.

Once again for the third day, I started off my 9 Hour “Prayer Vigil” by firstly thanking “Our Blesséd Mother” for helping me to arrive “On Time”, and thereby in not letting “Our Blesséd Mother” down.

Today however, unlike yesterday, I did not have to endure the same oppressive heat as the temperatures were substantially lower about 15° lower, now in the mid 30°’s Centigrade, nor had “Our Blesséd Mother” requested me to share in Our Blesséd Lord’s suffering either, as She had done yesterday.

Today, as I started my “Prayer Vigil”, all I needed to contend with was my Tiredness and Exhaustion from the effects of the previous 2 days Events and Activities, which in itself seemed to be presenting me with enough of a challenge on its own.

Then after the first 3 hours of today’s “Prayer Vigil”  it was now time for me join “Our Blesséd Mother” for today’s 3 P.M. “Stations of the Cross”, so Weary and Tired, I Placed and Strapped “My Heavy Cross” onto my back, to start today’s “Stations of The Cross”.

Then as was the case yesterday, I struggled along from Station to Station,  nearly falling on several occasions as the “Cross” became unbearably Heavy, until I finally reached the 12th Station, at which point I removed “My Heavy Cross”, again with difficulty and almost Falling with the “Cross” which no doubt would have Pinned me to the ground.

Then Tired and in Pain, I Lay Prostrate on the ground at the Foot of the “Bush Grotto” to receive the “Vision” for today.

Today’s “Vision” as was the case yesterday and on Christmas day, started as the “Standard Visual Image” as described in (Message no. 17The “Agony” of Christ’), and after some time, with “Our Blesséd Mother” and I kneeling at the Foot of the Cross looking up at Our Blesséd Lord, I could “See”, as again was the case in both Yesterday’s “Vision” and on Christmas Day’s “Vision”, the Large “Eucharistic Host” appear over Our Blesséd Lord’s Chest, from beneath His Chin down to his Navel.

Then as was the case yesterday and on Christmas Day, the “Eucharistic Host” opened up at the Centre of the “Host”, and as it did so I could “See” St, Joseph and “Our Blesséd Mother” standing at the head of the “Trough-Crib”, the 2 men and young woman (Mary), from the “Huge Plaza” from Yesterday’s “Vision” to the left side of the “Trough-Crib”, and the 2 Shepherds and I to the right of the “Trough-Crib”, with the Ox between the older Shepherd and I, sipping water from the “Trough”, and with the “Baby Jesus” and Baby Lamb side by side asleep on the bed of Hay.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” turning to me and then could “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” speaking to me, saying;

“My Dear Faithful Child, I, your Heavenly Mother, again ‘Invite’ you and my ‘Faithful Shepherd’ and your 2 Newfound Brothers in Christ, in My Belovéd Son, Jesus, to go out once again and ‘Invite’ as many people as you can, to ‘Visit’ my Belovéd Son, The Heavenly Saviour of All Mankind, who came into the world 2 days ago, to be with Mankind until the end of time.

Go tell all those you can find, that My Belovéd Son Jesus, has come to deliver the ‘Words of Eternal Life’, for All who come to Him in ‘Faith’, now and into the Future.”

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd, the 2 men from the “Huge Plaza” from yesterday’s “Vision”, and I, walk towards the Large Wooden Door, and as we did so the young woman (Mary) turned to the middle-aged man from the Group of her friends from the “Huge Plaza” from yesterday’s “Vision”, and with Tears in her eyes I could “Hear” her speaking to him, saying;

“Could you find my Brother and Sister and also Invite them to come and Visit the ‘Baby Jesus’ and ‘Our Blesséd Mother’?”

Then I could “See” the middle-aged man smiling gently at the young woman (Mary), as all 4 of us left the “Cavern-Stable” via the Large Wooden Doors.

Then I could “See” all 4 of us walking along the Narrow lane in the Darkness and Cold of the night towards the “Huge Plaza” with the older Shepherd and I leading the Praying of the “Rosary”, with the 2 men with us, repeating the Prayers of the “Rosary”, as it was obvious that they were Praying this Beautiful “Gift” from “Our Blesséd Mother”, for the first time.

Then I could “See” all 4 of us arriving into the Well Lit Huge Plaza”, but unlike, as was the case over the past 2 days, there was an “Eerie Silence” with no Booming of Ear Shattering Drumming from the music that was so Overbearingly present over the previous 2 days.

Momentarily, it seemed as though we had entered into a “Ghost Town”, but then as I “Surveyed” the scene, I could “See” the Flashing Lights all around, still Lit Up although some of the Christmas Figures of Santa’s, Sleighs etc., were now in various states of Disrepair, with some hanging precariously from their “Frameworks” and some actually laying on the ground.

But then, much to my Horror, I could “See” what seemed like Thousands of people lying about on Chairs, on Tables, and on the ground in the body of the “Huge Plaza”, in a variety of states of Undress, with many lying on top of each other, men on top of women, women on top of women, men on top of men, but all of them in a state of Unconsciousness from what looked like a combination of effects of over indulgence of Food, Alcohol and Drugs.

Some were lying in a variety of Pools of spilt drinks, and others in Pools of vomit, while yet others were also surrounded by a variety of used syringes and empty bottles of beer and spirits, as they all lay Unconscious on the ground.

I could “See” that all the Food Stalls, all the Shops and even the “Fun Park” empty, with an uneasy “Silence” in the Air, a “Silence” that was only broken momentarily, as I could “Hear”, by the occasional “Shout” of anger and the occasional “Scream”, way into the Distance.

Then I could “See” the older Shepherd, the 2 men and I, walking through and over a “Sea” of Unconscious bodies strewn all around us, and could “Smell” a “Stench” of Stale Alcohol, Stale Tobacco, Stale Food, Drugs, Vomit and even Urine and Fesses, in search of anyone that was either Awake or Conscious.

Eventually I  could ‘See” myself coming across a middle-aged man and could “Hear” him murmuring something as he struggled to lift off a semi-clad but Unconscious young woman lying on top of him, but I could “See” that this man was completely unaware of his surroundings, as he was obviously deeply under the influence of some kind of Drug.

Then I could “Hear” a Sobbing coming from behind me, and as I turned around to see where it was coming from, I could “See” the middle-aged man that came with us from the “Cavern-Stable”, kneeling down beside 2 people, one a young woman, the other a young man, but both of whom were lying Unconscious on the ground in a pool of vomit.

Then I could “See” myself asking him why he was crying, and could “Hear” him replying, saying;

“This is.........(then he coughed to clear his choked up throat)....Mary’s Brother and Sister.”

Then I could “See” myself going up to him and place my right arm around his right shoulder, to offer him some Comfort and beckoned him to continue to search through this “Sea” of Unconscious bodies for anyone we could talk to.

Then as I could “See” us continuing on climbing over body after body, I could “See” myself catching sight of a man probably in his 30’s in age, in the distance, dressed only in shorts and thongs, and with Tattoos all over his body, kneeling down over someone, and could “Hear” him weeping profusely.

I could then “See” myself approaching him and could “Hear” me speaking to him, saying;

“Are you alright, what is troubling you so much?”

I could then “See” the man turn to me, with his eyes filled with Bitter Tears, pointing to 2 people, one man and one woman, lying in a Pool of Blood, then I could “Hear” him say to me;

“What have I done?   Look, I have killed my Wife and my Brother.   Oh God, what have I done?”

Then I could “See” him begin to cry profusely, and “See” myself placing my right arm around his shoulders and tried to comfort this extremely now Distraught young man, and as I was doing so, I could “See” the older Shepherd come over to me and to this most Distraught young man, and I could then “Hear” the older Shepherd begin to talk to the Distraught young man, saying;

Have you had an argument with you Brother and your Wife?”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the Distraught young man Sobbing and in a most Distressed voice and nodding his head began to speak, saying;

“I hate Christmas, every Christmas is the same, argument after argument, hatred after hatred, and now this – Oh, what have I done?”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the older Shepherd in reply, answer, saying;

“Young man, do you know what Christmas really means?   It does not mean what you so sadly have seen it as.

The ‘Christ’ that has been Born, came into the world for you and for everyone, with Peace and Love in His Heart.

Would you like to come and meet Him?”

Then I could “See” the young man stop crying and looking into the older Shepherds eyes, and seeing the Love and Compassion in the eyes of the older Shepherd, I could “Hear” the young man address the older Shepherd saying;

“Who is this Christ?”

To which I could “Hear” the older Shepherd reply, saying;

 “He is your Heavenly Saviour, sent to the earth by The Heavenly Father for the Salvation of ‘Allof Mankind.

He has come to this world with the ‘Heavenly Truth’ and has arrived to lead all those who come to Him in ‘Faith’, to their ‘Eternal Salvation’ and to be born into ‘Eternal life’.

He is waiting for you right now, and if it be your wish, we can take you to Him now.

Would you like to meet Him, and to meet His, and your ‘Heavenly Mother’ as well?”

Then I could “Hear” the young man in an Embarrassed tone of voice, saying;

“Would you, please would you?”

Then I could “See” the young man picking up a Green and Gold covered track suit top, and start to follow the 4 of us, as we headed back in the direction of the narrow Lane and back to the “Cavern-Stable”.

Then as we, now all 5 of us did so, and en route, as we were walking in the direction of the Church, with the “Marquee” in the Church grounds, with the Huge Speakers inside the “Marquee”, which now having fallen into a state of an “Eerie Silence”, I could “See” a scene almost identical to that which greeted us in the “Huge Plaza” on our arrival, earlier on.

I could “See” many people lying about, mainly on the ground, in all manner of states of Undress, and all in a state of Unconsciousness, some in Pools of Spilt Alcoholic Drinks and others in Pools of Vomit, and again with some surrounded by used Syringes and empty Alcoholic cans and bottles.

Having been greeted by this “Horror” Scene, and furthermore in the grounds of the Church, an older “Gothic” style of Church, I could then “See” myself looking up towards and at the Church itself, almost as if to offer some Consolation to Our Blesséd Lord, Present in the “Tabernacle”, from within the Church, and as I did so I could “See” standing in the Open Doorway of the Church and under a “Gothic” style Arch, a small Demure and Lonely figure of a young “Priest” probably in His late 20’s or early 30’s in age, dressed in a Black Shirt and Slacks with the White “Priests Collar”.

This young “Priest” however, I could “See” had an expression of “Fear” on his Drawn Face, waving towards us, seemingly wishing to attract our attention.

I could then “See” myself waving to him in acknowledgement, and as I did so. I could then “See” the young “Priest” beckoning us to come over to him, which I could “See” now all 5 of us, including the “Sobbing” young man that we had only just now found, responding, as we started to make our way to the entrance of the Church.

Then as we climbed over the Unconscious bodies strewn about in the grounds of the Church, I could “See” us coming across the “Priest” that had abused the older Shepherd and I, during yesterday’s “Vision”, laying Unconscious on the ground with the same 3 semi-clad young women that had so affectionately greeted him after yesterday’s “Tirade”, one of the young women lying across  the “Priests” body, and the other two lying beside him, one on either  side of him, all 3 young women also in a state of Unconsciousness.

Momentarily, I could “See” myself stopping next to the Unconscious “Priest”, offering up a small Prayer for him and for the 3 young women with him, and I could “See” myself together with the other 4 with me, continuing on to meet up with the young “Priest” in the Doorway of the Church.

Then as we all 5 of us reached the young “Priest” in the Doorway of the Church, I could “See” and “Hear” the young “Priest” speaking to me saying;

“Thank God that my Prayers have been answered, Praying for your return.

I have been Praying since yesterday after I had witnessed what My Brother ‘Priest’ had done to you and your Friend.

I feel so ashamed of myself for not having come to your aid, but I was so Frightened and Fearful for my own Safety and that of my Friends.”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” myself replying and saying;

“Father, you do not need to apologise, I can truly understand your Fear, but what Friends, are you referring to?”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the young “Priest” speaking again, saying;

“Come with me, and meet my friends, but before I do so, would you be prepared to take my friends and I to meet ‘Our Blesséd Mother’ and ‘Our Blesséd Lord and Saviour’?”

To which I could “See” and “Hear” myself replying, saying;

“Of course Father, I will truly be honoured to do so.”

Then I could “See” the young “Priest” lead us through the body of the Church, a most Beautiful “Gothic” style Church with Arches to the left  and to the right of the Central Aisle, leading to a large “Sanctuary”, with a Large Pain Glass Window With the Scene of  “The Last Supper” within an Arch along the back Wall, and With a Life-Size Wooden “Crucifix” above the Pain Glass Window, and an Ornate Gold Coloured “Tabernacle” with a Gold coloured Crucifix attached to top of the “Tabernacle” and with 2 White Marble “Angels” on either side of the “Tabernacle” Beneath the Pain Glass Window and immediately above an Altar, itself built into the back wall, but with another Marble Altar positioned towards the front of the “Sanctuary”.

Then as we reached the “Sanctuary”, I could “See” all 5 of us, being led by the young “Priest”, fall onto our knees and could “See” all 6 of us (including the young “Priest”) bowing Reverently to Our Blesséd Lord in the “Tabernacle”, and then all of 5 of us following the young “Priest” into the “Sacristy” which was located to the left of the Altar.

On entering the “Sacristy”, I could “See” the young “Priest”, going to the back of the “Sacristy” and opening a large Wooden Door, Built into the back wall, beyond which I could “See” a row of Vestments hanging in what was obviously a Built-in Wardrobe.

Then I could “See” the young “Priest” pushing the Vestments to one side along the rod on which the Vestments were hanging inside the Wardrobe to expose the back of the “Robe” which had a Wooden Panel, which I could then “See” the young “Priest” then lift away from the wall to expose a Door behind this Panel.

Then I could “See” the young “Priest” opening this Door which then exposed a Staircase leading downwards, as if it were leading to a Cellar.

Then I could “See” the young “Priest” Inviting me to descend down the Staircase, and could “See” him handing me a Torch, which I then used in order that I could “See” where I was Stepping as I descended down the Staircase.

Then by the light of the Torch I could “See”, as I reached the bottom of the Staircase that the Staircase itself, led into what looked like a Large Underground Room or Dungeon with a small “Air Vent” style Grate built into the Wall directly opposite the foot of the Staircase, but just below the Ceiling of this Underground Room, and much to my Amazement, huddled in a Corner of this Underground Room, to the Left of me, I could “See” a Group of about 20 or so People, consisting of Men, Women, and Children, with some of them shielding their eyes from the light of the Torch.

I could then “See” myself standing in my spot at the foot of the Staircase in a State of Shock, until I suddenly “Heard” the voice of the young “Priest” catching my attention, as he spoke to me, saying;

“Please, go down and meet my Friends!

This is an old Disused ‘Burial Vault’ that has been closed up for some time, but my Fellow Brother ‘Priests’ are not aware that I have come across it, and I have been hiding my Friends in here, giving them some Shelter’ and have been, as often as I can, sneaking in Food and Drinks for them.

My friends have been abandoned by everyone, by all Authorities and Society itself, and even by my Fellow Brother ‘Priests’ who do not want them either, especially in the vicinity of the Church, so I have had to hide them, down here, behind the backs of my Fellow Brother ‘Priests’, in order that my Friends can’t be found, for if they were, they would be evicted back on to the Streets again.”

Then I could “See” myself approaching this Poor Unfortunate Group of People, directing the Light of the Torch away from their eyes, with Tears of Sadness filling my own eyes, as I approached them.

At first I could “See” some of these Unfortunate People Shaking and Trembling with “Fear”, as I neared them, until I could “Hear” the young “Priest”, who by now I could “See” was standing at the foot of the  Staircase, addressing this Poor Group of People saying;

“Don’t be afraid, this is a Friend, who has come to take you to meet ‘Our Blesséd Lord’ your Heavenly Saviour and ‘Our Blesséd Mother’.

Let us all welcome this Friend.”

Then I could “See” the “Fear” with which I had been greeted by this Poor Unfortunate Group of People, in an instant being replaced with an Aura of Relief, as I could “See” myself hugging and shaking hands with as many of this Poor Group of People as I could.

I could “See” and “Feel” that they were all Cold and Hungry, and could “See” me Inviting all of them to Follow the young “Priest” and I up the Staircase, which with a sense of Hesitancy, clearly out of “Fear”, they did nevertheless do, until the Small “Sacristy”, was filled with all of this Poor, Poor Group of People, the young “Priest” and the 5 of us who had originally been led into the “Sacristy” by the young “Priest”.

Then I could “See” oh so clearly, in the bright light of the “Sacristy”, so bright from having just left the Darkness of the Disused “Burial Vault”, the Poor state of Health of this Unfortunate Group of People, as they each and every one of them Shielded their eyes from the Sharp Brightness of the Light in the “Sacristy”, as they were trying to adjust to the Light, from the Darkness of their temporary “Dungeon of Safety”.

It was extremely apparent to me now, as I could “See” that this Poor Group of People had not had a Shower or Wash for quite some time, as the state of their Hair, Clothing and their Faces made this quite visible.

Then I could “See” one young woman Weeping Profusely, hugging a young infant tightly against her chest, and could “See” myself approaching her in order to offer her Comfort, and as I did so, I could “See” that the young infant was extremely Feverish, and was obvious that the young infant was Seriously ill.

Then I could “See” the young “Priest” rather Nervously looking out into the Church from the “Sacristy” Door, as if to make sure that the “Coast was Clear”, and after a few moments, after which he seemed somewhat less tense, I could then “See” him leading all of us together with this Poor Unfortunate Group of People out of the “Sacristy” and through the Body of the Church towards the Entrance situated at the back of the Church.

Then as we all reached the Doorway at the back of the Church, I could “See” all of us momentarily standing in the Doorway looking into the grounds of the Church and could “See” everyone still lying around Unconscious as they all were originally, when the 5 of us who had been first invited by the young “Priest” to enter into the Church, a little earlier.

Then at this point I could “Hear” the older Shepherd speaking, saying;

“Before we go to meet ‘Baby Jesus’, let us gather some Food for all of these People to take with us, to give them such very much needed Nourishment for their Weary and Undernourished bodies to give them much needed strength for the journey.”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the young man that we met today, looking absolutely Horrified and totally filled with Deep Heartfelt Compassion for this Poor Group of People, turn to the 2 men that the older Shepherd and I had met yesterday, who themselves, I could “See”, were totally Moved by the Scene in the Disused “Burial Vault”, saying;

“Come with me and let us gather some Food, there is plenty around, come give me a hand.”

Then immediately I could “See” these two men and the young man who had just spoken, together with another 2 men, these 2 men from the Poor Group that were now with us, now all 5 of them heading into the “Huge Plaza”, and as they did so, I could “See” them picking up along the way 3 Large and empty “Esky’s” that were now laying abandoned amongst the “Sea” of Unconscious bodies, that we had earlier Searched through, for people to “Invite” back to the “Manger”.

Then I could “See” the young man who we had met earlier today begin to pick up a Large Leg of Ham from a now abandoned table, which I could also “See”, was still Wrapped and Uncut, and about to place it into one of the Large “Esky’s”, when I could “Hear” one of the 2 men from the Poor Group who had only just moments earlier volunteered to assist in the gathering of this Food Supply speaking, as this man said;

“No, don’t take that!

Leave the Untouched Food alone, for this Food does not belong to us.

Instead take only Food Scraps that have part eaten or Discarded, as this Food we can in all honesty claim to be ‘Ours’!”

I could then “See” the young man quite Startled by this statement, which was quite clearly displaying a level of Humility that it would appear that this young man that we had met today, had in all probability never Witnessed before today, nevertheless did respond to, as I could “See” him immediately place the Leg of Ham back onto the abandoned table.

I could then “See” the 5 men busily collecting many “Scraps” of Food, filling up the “Esky’s” with all manner of Discarded Foods including some very burnt Steaks and Sausages, left abandoned on a Barbecue, amongst the “Scraps”.

Then after a short while  I could “See” the young “Priest”, the older Shepherd, the rest of the Poor Group from the Disused “Burial Vault” and I proceeding to climb over the Unconscious bodies strewn about the place, outside the Church and all around the Church grounds, and then I could “See” the young “Priest” catch sight of  the now Unconscious “Priest” with  whom the older Shepherd and I had the most unfortunate Encounter during yesterday’s “Vision”, I could “See” the young “Priest” immediately fall to his knees, next to his Fellow Brother “Priest”, still laying Unconscious on the ground with the 3 young women, also still Unconscious, with him.

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the young “Priest” invite the older Shepherd and I to kneel down with him and join him in Prayer, to pray for his Fellow Brother “Priest” and for the young women with him, which we did, concluding the Prayers for them with a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all 4 of them.

At the conclusion of our Prayers, I could “See” the 5 men gathering the Food “Scraps”, had finished their Little Food Collection “Mission”, coming back to the rest of us, who at this stage were all gathered around the Unconscious “Priest” and the 3 young Unconscious women, and could now “See” the entire Group of Poor People, the young “Priest”, the young man that we met today, the 2 men from yesterday’s “Vision”,  the older Shepherd and I, now with 3 “Esky’s” of Food “Scraps”, all of us now ready to head off to the “Manger”.

Then just as we were about to start to head off, I could suddenly “See” and “Hear” the young “Priest” stop and speak, saying;

“Please, can you just wait for a while?    I need to fetch something for ‘Baby Jesus’.”

I could then “See” the young “Priest” hurriedly heading back into the Church, climbing over one Unconscious body after another, on the way, leaving us all waiting a short while, and then as he reappeared in the Doorway of the Church I could “See” the young “Priest” wearing a Large Beaming “Smile” on his Face, and carrying in his right hand a Wooden “Crucifix”, about 500mm in length, that I had earlier noticed hanging on the Wall above a bench top in the “Sacristy”.

Then I could “See”, all of us begin to walk towards the Narrow Lane in readiness to make the journey to the “Manger”, in the “Cavern-Stable”, and as soon as we reached the beginning of the Narrow Lane, I could “See” the young “Priest” stop at the head of this Narrow Lane, beckon towards him, the men that were carrying the “Esky’s” of Food “Scraps”, then I could “See” him Blessing the Food “Scraps” and invited everyone to eat.

Then after some time after everyone had eaten, I could then “See” all of us proceed along the Narrow lane in the Cold and Darkness of the night, Praying and Singing the “Rosary” with such Joy in all of our hearts, an “Aura of Joy” particularly evident on the Withdrawn Faces of all of the members of the Poor Group of People from the Disused “Burial Vault”.

Then finally after one more stop for “Nourishment” for the Poor Group of People, I could “See” all of us arriving at the “Cavern-Stable” and as I opened the Large Wooden Door Entrance into the “Cavern-Stable”, I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” standing next St. Joseph at the Head of the “Crib-Trough” looking up at the Entrance of the “Cavern-Stable”, and as She did so , I could “See””Our Blesséd Mother’s” Radiant and Youthful Face light up with so much Joy, emanating from Her most Loving Immaculate Heart, that it filled Her most Beautiful Eyes with Tears of Heavenly Joy, and then could “Hear”  “Our Blesséd Mother” speak, saying;

“Come My Dear ‘Suffering’ Children, come meet ‘My Belovéd Son, Jesus’, your Heavenly Saviour.

Come, My Dear ‘Suffering’ Children, come find Refuge in ‘My Immaculate Heart’.

Come, My Dear ‘Suffering’ Children, come let ‘My Baby Son, Jesus’ fill your Hearts, Souls and Bodies with Heavenly Graces, Blessings and Comfort.”

Then I could “See” all of the Poor Group totally fill the “Cavern-Stable” as they all came in, all Huddled around the “Trough-Crib” and could “See”  all of them with Tear-Filled eyes, clearly with Love, Heavenly Love, that in turn, I could quite Strongly “Feel” had now filled the entire “Cavern-Stable” to the roof, filling it  to Bursting Point.

I could then “See” and “Hear” the 2 “Angels” sitting on the Natural Shelf sitting on either side of the Lantern, as I had “Witnessed” in yesterday’s “Vision”, burst into Singing of Beautiful Heavenly Hymns, welcoming this Poor “Suffering” Group of People to the “Cavern-Stable”, meeting the “Baby Jesus” and His “Heavenly Mother”, as the “Angels” looked Resplendent with the Beautiful Aura behind them in turn accentuating their Heavenly Beauty.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning the young woman from the Poor “Suffering” Group of People, whose young infant was so Feverish, to Her, and beckoned the young woman to hand the Ailing infant to “Our Blesséd Mother”, which I could “See” the young mother most willingly doing.

Then as “Our Blesséd Mother” cuddled the Ailing infant, I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” gently Kiss the infant on the head, which quite clearly was burning up with Fever, and then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” lay the Seriously Ill infant on the Hay next to the “Baby Jesus” in the “Crib”, to the right of  the “Heavenly Cherubim”, on the other side to where the Baby Lamb was still laying asleep next to “Baby Jesus”.

Then I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” pop out His Little Hands from under the “Swaddling”, and with His Little Right Hand, I could “See” the “Baby Jesus” take hold of the Ailing infants  little left hand, and immediately I could “See” the infants Fever lift, and the infant opening her little eyes and starting to smile.

On the mother of the infant “Witnessing” this “Miraculous” Instant Cure of her Ailing infant, I could “See” the mother break down crying out with Joy and could “See”  her instantly Embrace “Our Blesséd Mother”, with such Heart Rendering emotion and Eternal Gratitude for this most Wonderful “Miracle”, that she had just been “Witness” to.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” firstly giving the young now “Overjoyed”  mother, Her Blessings, then one by one I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” “Invite” each and every one of the Poor “Suffering” Group to Her, Welcoming each and every one of them, Embracing them and giving each and every one of them Her Beautiful Heavenly Blessings.

Then after having Blessed all of the Poor “Suffering” Group, I could then “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” call up the young man that we had met today, and as he came forward, I could “See” him falling to his knees, and kissing “Our Blesséd Mothers” hands and then could “See” and “Hear” him starting to cry and saying;

“Dear ‘Blesséd Mother’, how can you and your ‘Dearly Belovéd Baby Jesus’ ever forgive me, for out of Anger, I have killed my Wife and my Brother.

Please my Dear ‘Blesséd Mother’, show me how to receive Forgiveness and how to make amends for my sins.”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” speak to this now extremely Remorseful young man, saying;

“My Dear Child, your Contrition from your heart, has earned you ‘Forgiveness’, a ‘Forgiveness’ given to you from Heaven.

The ‘Gift of Faith’, that you now have accepted from ‘The Heavenly Father’, will help you to make atonement for all your Sins.

Go now My Dear Child, and ‘Grow’ in your newly accepted ‘Gift of Faith’ and live a life in the ‘Truth’ of the ’Heavenly Commandments’ and in the ‘Truth’ of the ‘Words of God’.”

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Bless this young man, and as She was doing so, I could “See” the older of the 2 men that the older Shepherd and I had met in yesterday’s “Vision”, look at the young woman (Mary), whom I had also met in yesterday’s “Vision”, but looking at her with great Sadness, slowly shaking his head, as to give acknowledgement to her that her Brother and Sister would not be coming.

At this acknowledgement, I could “See” a great Sadness in the young woman’s (Mary’s) eyes and face, which I could “See” that “Our Blesséd Mother” had also noticed.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning the young woman (Mary) towards her, and then could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Lovingly Embrace the young woman (Mary) Comforting her and in a quiet voice I could “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” saying;

My Dear Child, with your Love for your Brother and Sister, together with your ‘Faith’ in ‘My Belovéd Son, Jesus’ and in Me, your ‘Heavenly Mother’, and the ‘Example’ of your ‘Faith’ that you have shown in accepting My ‘Invitation’ for you to visit ‘My Baby Son Jesus’ and Me, your ‘Heavenly Mother’, this will save your Brother and Sister.

Please do not Despair, for I, also their ‘Heavenly Mother’ Love them just as dearly as I love you”

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Bless the young woman (Mary), after which I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” beckon the young “Priest” to Her, and could “See” the young “Priest” in response come forward and firstly lay “Prostrate” in utmost Respect and Reverence, before the “Baby Jesus”, then lift himself up from the ground, and then kneel before “Our Blesséd Mother” Kissing Her Hands and then handing over to “Our Blesséd Mother” as a Gift for the “Baby Jesus”, the “Crucifix” that the young “Priest” had removed from the “Sacristy”.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” inviting the young “Priest” to stand up, then could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Embracing him with such Heavenly Love and affection.

Then I could “See” and “Hear” the young “Priest” addressing “Our Blesséd Mother”, saying to Her;

“My Dear ‘Belovéd Mother’, I am so sorry for having failed you and my ‘Blesséd Lord’ with such ‘Weakness’ in my ‘Faith’.

My Dear ‘Belovéd Mother’, I haved lived in such ‘Fear’ of my Brother ‘Priest’, ‘Fear’ for my own Safety, in addition to the Safety of my Friends.

Please my Dear ‘Heavenly Mother’, if you could find ‘Forgiveness’ in Your ‘Immaculate Heart’, Please my Dear ‘Blesséd Mother’, then please ‘Forgive’ me.”

Then I could “See” and “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” offer a reply to the young “Priest”, saying to him;

“My Dear ‘Faithful and Belovéd Priest’, you are a ‘True’ Brother to My ‘Belovéd Son’, a ‘True’ and ‘Faithful’ Brother to His ‘Words’.

Of all My ‘Belovéd Priests’ you ‘Truly’ deserve to meet the ‘Word made Flesh’ in My ‘Belovéd Son, Jesus’.

Your ‘Faith’, My Dear ‘Faithful and Belovéd Priest’, will Strengthen as you continue to carry out your ‘Vocation’ and in your ‘Professed Faith’ and living by the ‘Heavenly Truth’, as you have been doing since the day of your ‘Ordination’.

However, My Dear ‘Faithful and Belovéd Priest’ you will, in spite of this, face many, many hurdles along the way, in the future.

My Dear ‘Faithful and Belovéd Priest’ you are a ‘True’ Earthly Representative of My ‘Belovéd Son, Jesus’, and a ‘True’ living ‘Example’ of the living of and in, the ‘Heavenly Truth’.

Always remain close to Me, your ‘Heavenly Mother’ but most importantly, close to My ‘Belovéd Son, Jesus’ your ‘Heavenly Saviour’ and the ‘Heavenly Saviour’ of All of Mankind.”

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” Blessing this most Wonderful young “Priest” within a Backdrop of the most Beautiful Singing from the 2 “Angels” on the Natural Shelf, just below the Roof of the “Cavern-Stable”.

Then finally, I could “See” Our Blesséd Mother” beckoning the older Shepherd and I forward, Blessing first of all the older Shepherd, and then Blessing me, and I could then “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” addressing the 2 of us. Saying;

“My Dear Faithful Children, I, your Heavenly Mother thank you for the ‘Faith’ and ‘Obedience’ that you have shown to Me in carrying out the ‘Mission’ that I had ‘Invited’ for both of you to carry out.

What you have both done, is what The ‘Heavenly Father’ wishes from All of My ‘Faithful’ Children throughout the whole the World, to ‘Invite’ as many of My Children throughout the world to ‘Visit’ My ‘Belovéd Son, Jesus’, The ‘Heavenly Saviour’ of Allof Mankind, in order that they can ‘Get to Know’ their ‘Heavenly Saviour’.

I love you both oh so very Dearly.”

Then at this point, I could ‘See” myself back at the Foot of the Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother” looking up at Our Blesséd Lord hanging on the Cross with the Large “Eucharistic Host”  still Covering His Chest, but now Closed Up.

Then after a short while the Large “Eucharistic Host”  Disappeared, exposing Our Blesséd Lord’s “Excoriated” Chest, and I could “See” Him bowing His Head slowly, and as He Slowly closed His Eyes, and then I could “See” the “Tear of Joy”, (as described in Message No.20, “Tear of Joy”), rolling down His Face, as He Died.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” giving me Her Customary Blessing, at which point the “Vision” came to its Conclusion”.

At the conclusion of today’s “Vision” I then replaced “My Heavy Cross” onto my back, and resumed with the “Stations of the Cross” with “Our Blesséd Mother”, still struggling with “My Heavy Cross” right to the very end of the “Stations” for today.

At the conclusion of today’s “Stations” I then finally removed “My Heavy Cross”, much to my relief, and continued on with my “Prayer Vigil” for the day.

Then, whilst continuing on in Prayer for the remainder of today’s “Prayer Vigil”, I found myself also in Deep “Meditation” over the contents of the “Visions” over this Christmas Period, finding myself somewhat Confused over the fact that the “Visions” seemed to be Simultaneously in the Present day, as in the “Huge Plaza” and also in the Past, as in the “Cavern-Stable”, and both Past and Present being combined at times in the “Visions” as was the case towards the end of each day’s “Visions”.

Then as I was trying to make some sort of sense of this in my mind, “Our Blesséd Mother” suddenly appeared in front of Her “Bush Grotto”, standing on the small Rock with a Palm at the Foot of this Rock, situated in front of the “Grotto”, and started talking to me, saying;

“My Dear Faithful Child, I your Heavenly Mother, would like to ‘Invite’ you to join Me on ‘The Road to My Belovéd Son’s Calvary’ here at My ‘Grotto’, both for Tomorrow and again on New Years Day, at 3 P.M. on both days.

I love you so Dearly, My Faithful Child, and ask you to let Me Remain in your Heart today and for the remainder of your life.”

Then after this short Message, “Our Blesséd Mother” left me, somewhat Stunned and in all honesty, momentarily, somewhat Disappointed, at the Shortness of Her “Blesséd Visit”, but then I quickly brought my thoughts back to the task at hand, namely the “Prayer Vigil”, and in thanking “Our Blesséd Mother” for having “Visited” me in the first place, regardless of the length of the time of Her “Visit”.

After all My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I a Great Sinner, who is totally Unworthy of any kind of “Visit” from “Our Blesséd Mother” should be  Grateful for any “Visit” from “Our Blesséd Mother”, regardless of the length of time of any “Visit” that “Our Blesséd and Heavenly Mother” should chose to Bless me with.

Once again My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would like to extend my Deepest Heartfelt “Thanks” to all of you, Lay and Clergy alike, that have offered up your Prayers to “Our Blesséd Mother”, asking Her to Help me not only today but over the entire Christmas Period with these “Prayer Vigils”.

May God’s Blessings be with you, and May “Our Blesséd Mother” continue to Protect all of you, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, within Her Heavenly Mantle.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
