
Pray for me O Holy Mother of God, that I, your Humble Servant, will carry out, Your requests, with True and Unfailing Faith in You, and Your Blesséd Son, Jesus Christ.


28th December 2007 Christmas Reflection


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As requested by “Our Blesséd Mother”, only yesterday, I made my way to the “Bush Grotto” shortly after noon on Friday 28th December 2007, to join “Our Blesséd Mother” for today’s “Stations of The Cross” at 3 P.M., in an attempt to allow myself ample time to arrive in time, in anticipation of any “Interference” from “Satan”, as I had to endure over the previous 3 days of my Christmas “Prayer Vigils” with “Our Blesséd Mother”.

Much to my Surprise but even more, to my “Relief”, today’s Journey to the “Bush Grotto” was completed without “Incident” from the “Evil Abomination” in “Satan”, resulting in an early “Arrival” on my part, allowing me some Extra time of Prayer and Meditation with “Our Blesséd Mother” at Her “Bush Grotto”.

Then at the appointed time at 3 P.M., I joined “Our Blesséd Mother” for today’s “Stations of The Cross”, with firstly, as I usually do, “The Blessing of the Rosary Prayer”, during which “Our Blesséd Mother” Blesses the “Rosaries” of and for, all of those Present, as She has most Graciously offered to do at the Start of each and every “Stations of The Cross” that I join “Our Blesséd Mother” in, followed by the “Prayer Intentions” of the Day, for all of Her Children on My “Prayer List”, again as Graciously requested of, by “Our Blesséd Mother”.

Then at the completion of the “Prayer Intentions” of the Day, I proceeded to Place and Strap “My Heavy Cross” onto my back and then Started today’s “Stations of The Cross”, in the company of “Our Blesséd Mother”, and even though the Temperature was again quite mild, being again, as was the case yesterday, in around the mid 30°’s Centigrade, I still Struggled with “My Heavy Cross”.

I stumbled along from Station to Station, again nearly falling on several occasions, under the ever increasing Weight of “My Heavy Cross”, until finally I reached the 12th Station, at which point, I removed the “Cross” from my back, and Lay Prostrate at the Foot of “Our Blesséd Mothers” “Bush Grotto” to receive My “Vision” for today.

Then as the “Vision” started, I could “See” myself at the Foot of the Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother”, as has always been the case during the “Standard Visual Image”, (as described in Message No.17, “The ‘Agony’ of  Christ”), and again as had been the case during each “Vision” over the past 3 Days, after some time, the Large “Eucharistic Host” appeared over the Chest of Our Blesséd Lord, and again, as was the case during each “Vision” over the past 3 Days, the Large “Eucharistic Host” opened up at the Centre of the “Host” and I could “See” the “Cavern-Stable” Filled with everyone from yesterday’s “Vision”.

I could “See” St, Joseph and “Our Blesséd Mother” standing next to each other at the Head of the “Trough-Crib”, looking down so affectionately at the  “Baby Jesus” lying on the Bed of Hay with the Baby Lamb at the Little Feet of the “Holy Infant” licking the Little Feet of the “Baby Jesus” that had popped out from under the “Swaddling”, which in turn invoked a bout of Cute Giggling from the Playful Little “Baby Cherubim”.

I could also “See” Huddled around the “Trough-Crib”, the Group of Poor “Suffering” People from the Disused “Burial Vault”, the young man that had killed his Wife and Brother, and the young “Priest”, all of whom that I had met in yesterday’s “Vision”, together with young woman (Mary) and the 2 men, whom I  had met in the “Vision” 2 day’s ago, and the older Shepherd and I, all of us equally in Awe at being in the very Presence of the “Infant Son of God”, and filled with “Heavenly Joy and Happiness” in being so “Honoured” to be “Witness” to the “Baby Jesus” at Play in His “Trough-Crib”.

I could “See” and “Hear” all of us Present “Singing” Harmoniously, Welcoming the “Baby Jesus”, Our Saviour, into the World in accompaniment with the 2 “Angels”, who were looking so Striking with the Beautiful “Aura” behind them, as they were kneeling on either side of the Lantern on the Natural Shelf along the “Cavern-Stable” Wall just below the Roof, and situated just behind St, Joseph.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the entire “Cavern-Stable” was positively Filled with an Air of “Peace, Love and Tranquillity” which I was so Clearly able to “Feel”, unlike anything that I have experienced in my life on Earth, which was equally Clear to me, could have only come from “Heaven”.

I could, oh so clearly “See”, that everyone present, including myself were Totally Overwhelmed by the “Privilege” of being in the very Presence of the “Baby Jesus”, Our Lord and Saviour, and with the knowledge that it all came about by the Personal “Invitation” from “Our Blesséd Mother”.

Then after a period of Singing I could “See” St. Joseph raising His right hand, as to Capture the attention of all of us present, and then could “Hear” him addressing all of us present, saying;

“I thank you all for coming to ‘Visit’ the ‘Baby Jesus’, The ‘Christ’, your Saviour, and also for ‘Visiting’ your ‘Blesséd Mother’.

I thank you all for bringing with you, your Love, the ‘Greatest’ and most ‘Precious Gift’ that anyone could possibly give to the ‘Saviour of Mankind’.

‘Jesus’, The ‘Christ’, has been sent into this World by ‘The Heavenly Father’ with the most Wonderful ‘Gift’, for All of Mankind, ‘Present’ and ‘Future’, namely the ‘Gift’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, through the ‘Words of God’.

I ‘Invite’ all of you Present here today, to accept this ‘Heavenly Gift’ being offered to you this very day.

God Bless you all and be with you for the whole of your lives.”

Then after St. Joseph had spoken, I could “See” St. Joseph bending down over the “Crib”, and gently kiss the “Baby Jesus” on His Little Forehead.

Then I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” raise both Her Arms in a Welcoming Gesture, Welcoming all of us Present, and then could “See” and “Hear” “Our Blesséd Mother” Herself, now addressing all of us, Saying;

My Dear Faithful Children, I, Bless you all for your Demonstration of your ‘True Faith’ and enduring ‘Love’ for ‘My Belovéd Son, Jesus’.

All of you, My Faithful Children, are ‘True Witnesses’ to this Sacred Heavenly ‘Gift’, of The ‘Heavenly Truth’, a ‘Truth’ that will remain Unchanged in ‘Heaven’ for all ‘Time’ and ‘Eternity.’

I, your Heavenly Mother, also ‘Invite’ you all to testify as ‘Witnesses’ to this ‘Truth’, to all of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters that you meet throughout your lives, by the ‘Example’ of the way that you Live out this ‘Heavenly Truth’ that the ‘Words of God’, call each and every one of you, as well as the whole of Mankind, to do.

I Love each and every one of you present here today, and will from today onwards, continue to Shower My Blessings upon you and your Families, for the rest of your Lives.

Please remain in ‘Faith’ in ‘My Belovéd Son, Jesus’, from today onwards, and please continue to ‘Visit’ Him, if possible, everyday of your Lives, never letting Him out of your Hearts, and continuing to let Him ‘Lead’ you to the ‘Heavenly Father’.

God Bless you all for today, and for all time.”

Then at this point I could “See” myself back at the Foot of the Cross with “Our Blesséd Mother”, looking up at Our Blesséd Lord Hanging on the Cross with the Large “Eucharistic Host” still covering His Sacred Chest, but with the Centre of the “Host” now Closed up.

Then, after some time of “Our Blesséd Mother” and I, both of us Kneeling and Praying at the Foot of the Cross, I could “See” the Large “Eucharistic Host” becoming Extremely Bright, as was the case in the “Vision” 2 days ago, as the Brightness of the “Host” Gradually covered up firstly the Entire Sacred Body of Our Blesséd Lord, and then eventually the Entire Cross as well, at which point I could “See” “Our Blesséd Mother” giving me Her Customary Blessing, as the “Vision” for today came to its Conclusion.

I then lifted my Aching body from the ground, and replaced “My Heavy Cross” onto my back, and joined “Our Blesséd Mother” in completing the “Stations of the Cross” for today.

On completion of today’s “Stations of the Cross”, I sat down in front of the “Bush Grotto” to thank “Our Blesséd Mother” for today’s “Vision” and as was I doing so, “Our Blesséd Mother” suddenly “Appeared” in front of Her “Grotto” absolutely Resplendent as usual, with Her Beautiful rich Apricot coloured Gown and Sky Blue coloured Veil with the Gold coloured Trim around the edge of the Veil, positively “Shimmering” in the late afternoon Sunlight, beaming down on “Our Blesséd Mother”, as She proceeded to sit down upon the Small Rock in front of Her “Grotto” with the Palm in front of it, in the same spot where “Our Blesséd Mothered” had briefly “Appeared” yesterday.

Then as “Our Blesséd Mother” sat down, She Smiled at me ever so Gently, and then began to speak to me, saying;

“I, your Heavenly Mother, would like to thank you for accepting My ‘Invitation’, for you to spend the last 3 days of ‘Christmas’ at My ‘Grotto’, in the 9 hour ‘Prayer Vigils’ and joining Me, as I Walked ‘The Road to My Belovéd Son’s Calvary’, as you carried your ‘Heavy Cross’, but especially for accepting the ‘Extra’ Discomfort and ‘Sacrifice’ that you ‘Willingly’ endured with such extreme Heat, in addition to the ‘Strength of Faith’ that you Demonstrated during your encounters with My ‘Adversary, Satan’

My Dear Faithful Child, I, your Heavenly Mother wished for you over this Christmas Period to be ‘Witness’ Simultaneously, to both the ‘Past’ and the ‘Present’ in the ‘Visions’ that I have brought down upon you, during this ‘Christmas’ Period, in order that you could gain a ‘Clearer’ understanding of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, both in ‘As’ it was given, by My Belovéd Son, Jesus, some 2000 years ago, and in what ‘Man’ has done to this ‘Heavenly Truth’ today in your Lifetime, in this the 21st Century.

As you could ‘See’ My Dear Faithful Child, from the simple ‘Example’ of ‘Christmas’, a time of the ‘Celebration’ of the very ‘Birth’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, how it is that Mankind, My Children of the 21st Century, have completely ‘Changed’ the very ‘Meaning’ of ‘Christmas’, even in many cases oh so sadly, within My own Church, being led by many of My own Belovéd Priests.

My Dear Faithful Child, the ‘Heavenly Truth’ and within this ‘Heavenly Truth’ the very ‘Meaning’ of ‘Christmas’ Cannot and Will Not be ‘Changed’ by the ‘Heavenly Father’ in Heaven.

The ‘Heavenly Truth’, My Dear Faithful Child, was given by the ‘Heavenly Father’ for All Time’, for ‘All Periods of Time’ for All Ages’ and for ‘All Eras’, given to Allof Mankind to accept and to Live by, as Given, and Unchanged for All Time’.

This, My Dear Faithful Child was the very ‘Will’ of the ‘Heavenly Father’ when He sent My Belovéd Son, Jesus with this ‘Heavenly Gift’ for All of Mankind, ‘Past, Present and Future’.

Please remember, as I have often reminded you in the past, My Dear Faithful Child, that it is only My ‘Adversary, Satan’ who does not wish the ‘Will’ of the ‘Heavenly Father’ to be Accepted, Obeyed and Carried out.

My Dear Faithful Child, it Was, it Is and it Will Always be the ‘Will’ of the ‘Heavenly Father’ for ‘Christmas’, the very ‘Celebration’ of the ‘Birth’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, to be ‘Celebrated’ with My Belovéd Son, Jesus, to be present in the Hearts and Souls of All of My Children throughout the world.

But My Dear Faithful Child.............”

Then at this point, “Our Blesséd Mothers” most Beautiful Loving Eyes became filled with Tears of Immense Deep Sadness, and with a slight “Tremble” in Her Voice, “Our Blesséd Mother” continued on saying to me;

“But My Dear Faithful Child, as I looked into the Hearts and Souls, Minds and Homes of All of My Children throughout Australia and other parts of the World, during this ‘Christmas’, so few of My Children had My Belovéd Son, Jesus, either in their Hearts and Souls, or even in their homes.

During this ‘Christmas’, I your Heavenly Mother, and the Heavenly Mother of All of Mankind, was ‘Witness’ to so much focus and emphasis on Materialism and Worldly Goods, and much giving of Material ‘Gifts’, and yet so Little of the only ‘Gifts’ that My Belovéd Son, Jesus, was looking out for, those of ‘Love and Peace’, True ‘Love and Peace’ that Resides in His ‘Sacred Heart’ and in My ‘Immaculate Heart’.

During this ‘Christmas’ I ‘Witnessed’ so much ‘Partying’ around the World, as you too had been ‘Witness’ to, over the past 3 Days in the ‘Visions’, ‘Partying’ of a ‘Frenetic’ nature, in so, so many cases, including from many of My Churches throughout the World, and yet so few instances of the ‘Celebration’, ‘True Celebration’ of the ‘Birth’ of My Belovéd Son, and the ‘Gift’, ‘Heavenly Gift’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, that He Came into the World with, in His Sacred Heart.

Sadly, My Dear Faithful Child, of the few instances where the ‘Birth’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, had been ‘Celebrated’ within the ‘True Spirit’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, it was in most cases amongst the ‘Poor, Suffering’ Children of Mine throughout the World, again as you were ‘Witness’ to in yesterday’s ‘Vision’.

My Dear Faithful Child, My ‘Immaculate Heart’ has been so wounded by so many of My Children throughout Australia as well as many other parts of the World, by their ‘Willingness’ to turn their backs on the Unchanged  ‘Heavenly Truth’ as given to Mankind by My Belovéd Son, Jesus, on the day of His ‘Arrival’ some 2000 years ago, and yet their ‘Avid Willingness’ to accept a ‘Changed Truth’, changed by Man himself, a change which itself removes the ‘Heavenly’ Nature of the ‘Heavenly Truth’.

But My Dear Faithful Child, what ‘Severs’ My ‘Immaculate Heart’ even more deeply, is when I further ‘Witness’ this ‘Changed’, now ‘Un-Heavenly’ Truth, being so ‘Ardently’ Adopted, Preached, Promoted and Practised by so many of My Belovéd Priests throughout the World.

My Dear Faithful Child, Oh how ‘Painful’ it is for Me, your Heavenly Mother, the Heavenly Mother of All of Mankind, to ‘Witness’ so much ‘Blindness’ shown by so many of My Children, so ‘Willingly’ carrying out the ‘Will’ of My ‘Adversary, Satan’, and so many of My Children together with, and even more hurtful, often even being led by, so many of My Belovéd Priests throughout the World, so ‘Fervently’ and even so ‘Energetically’ Adopting and Living by this ‘Changed’, ‘Un-Heavenly’ Truth.

My Dear Faithful Child, The ‘Heavenly Father’, My Belovéd Son, Jesus, and I, your Heavenly Mother, Do not and Will not ‘Change’, as we are a ‘Part’ of the Unchanging ‘Heavenly Truth’, and have been available in the Past, are at the Present and will be in the Future, for All of mankind, and will be for even beyond ‘Time’ itself.

Our Heavenly Love for All of Mankind Cannot and Will Not ‘Change’ as it is ‘Divine’ by Nature, as ‘Divinity’ itself, is as, the ‘Heavenly Truth’, Unchanging’.

My Dear Faithful Child, the ‘Changes’ that are being made to the ‘Heavenly Truth’, today in the 21st Century, that you also are ‘Witness’ too, has NOT come from ‘Heaven’, or from My Belovéd Son, Jesus, they have in fact come from My ‘Adversary, Satan’, who does not want Any of My Children throughout the World, to accept ‘Anything’ that comes from ‘Heaven’, particularly the ‘Heavenly Truth’.

My Dear Faithful Child, in the ‘Visions’ over the past 3 days you were ‘Invited’ to go out together with a ‘Shepherd’ to pass on ‘Invitations’ and Messages to as many People as you could, and this ‘Shepherd’ that accompanied you, was the ‘Example’ of the ‘Good Shepherd’, the ‘True’ and ‘Faithful’ Earthly ‘Example’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, that He mentioned in the very ‘Words of God’, the ‘Heavenly Truth’ that He came from ‘Heaven’ with, some 2000 years ago.

This ‘Good Shepherd’ is the very ‘Reflection’ of My ‘Faithful’ Belovéd Priests, that just like the ‘Good Shepherd’ in the ‘Visions’, Live by their ‘Professed Faith’ and the ‘Heavenly Truth’, and to whom I, your Heavenly Mother ‘Invite’ you, My Dear Faithful Child, to offer your assistance, together with Me, Their Heavenly Mother, to carry out their ‘Professed Vocation’ in ‘Conversion and Evangelisation’ of My Children, when called upon by My ‘Faithful’ Belovéd Priests, to do so.

Again as you had ‘Witnessed’ in the ‘Visions’ over the Past 3 days, when you and the ‘Good Shepherd’ met with much ‘Opposition’ to the ‘Invitation’ of ‘Visiting’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in the ‘Manger’, including from even one of My Belovéd Priests, so it will be the case, as you continue to ‘Invite’ others, including My Belovéd Priests, to accept the  ‘Heavenly Truth’ that My Belovéd Son, Jesus gave to Mankind some 2000 years ago, and My, your Heavenly Mothers Reminders of that ‘Heavenly Truth’, in many of My Messages to you and My Messengers throughout the World.

Again as you were ‘Witness’ to in the ‘Visions’ over the past 3 days, this ‘Opposition’ to the ‘Heavenly Truth’, itself being ‘Orchestrated’ by My ‘Adversary, Satan’ himself, will at times continue to be ‘Vitriolic’ and even ‘Violent’, but as you had ‘Witnessed’ in the ‘Visions’, you and My Belovéd Priests that call upon your assistance, will experience many Disappointments, but with My Help, and your continued ‘Faith’ and ‘Obedience’ in Me, your Heavenly Mother, and in My Belovéd Son Jesus, combined with your own Perseverance, you and My Belovéd Priests will also experience moments of ‘Heavenly Joy’.

Sadly, oh so sadly, My Dear Faithful Child, Many of My Belovéd Priests have CHOSEN to ‘Reject’ the ‘Will’ of The ‘Heavenly Father’, by turning their backs on the Unchanged’ ‘Heavenly Truth’, and by CHOOSING in its place,  the ‘Will’ of My ‘Adversary, Satan’, by adopting and in so many cases most ‘Fervently’ accepting the ‘Changed’ ‘Un-Heavenly Truth’, and when these ‘Poor’ Belovéd Priests of Mine are either ‘Reminded’ of , or are ‘Confronted’ by the ‘Heavenly Truth’, then unfortunately it can and at times will, invoke ‘Strong Opposition’, as you were ‘Witness’ to in the ‘Vision’ 2 days ago.

My Dear Faithful Child, just as I your Heavenly Mother, had done in the ‘Visions’ over the past 3 days, I continue to ‘Invite’ you to support My ‘Faithful’ Belovéd Priests with their Personal Mission of ‘Conversion and Evangelization’, especially of their ‘Stray Flock’, and as a part of their Vows of ‘Ordination’, to Preach, Support and carry out the ‘Words of God’ in the ‘Heavenly Truth’, as was brought into the World with the ‘Birth’ of My Belovéd Son Jesus, to All of Mankind on that 1st ‘Christmas’, some 2000 years ago, that I, your Heavenly Mother had ‘Invited’ you to be a part of over these past 4 days.

Over these past 4 days you, My Dear Faithful Child, you have been ‘Witness’ to the ‘Purity’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’ that was Already ‘Present’ in the Heart and Soul of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, as He lay in the ‘Crib’, Unchanged, Holy and Heavenly Truth’, at the very time of His ‘Birth’ some 2000 years ago.

My Dear Faithful Child, you were ‘Witness’ to the ‘Heavenly Joy’ of the ‘Arrival’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, by the ‘Heavenly Welcome’ of the ‘Arrival’  into the World, of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, from the ‘Angels’ sent by the ‘Heavenly Father’, to the ‘Manger’, through which you were ‘Witness’ to and brought into, the ‘Heavenly Spirit’ of the very ‘Meaning’ of ‘Christmas’ in what you both ‘Saw’ and ‘Felt’.

But, My Dear Faithful Child, by contrast, you were then ‘Witness’ to the ‘Change’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, and with it the total ‘Absence’ of the very ‘Meaning’ and ‘Spirit’ of ‘Christmas’ when you and the ‘Good Shepherd’ arrived at the ‘Plaza’, now in your time, that of the 21st Century, some 2000 years after the ‘Arrival’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’ with My Belovéd Son Jesus, and the Results of the ‘Carrying Out’ of the ‘Will’ of My ‘Adversary, Satan’, in the ‘Changing’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’ particularly, in the very ‘Heavenly Truth’ of the ‘Meaning’ of ‘Christmas’ itself.

Then, My Dear Faithful Child, you were ‘Witness’ to the Unchanging Nature of the ‘Heavenly Truth’ again particularly in the very ‘Meaning’ of ‘Christmas’, when you ‘Witnessed’ all of those who had taken up My ‘Invitation’ to ‘Visit’ My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in the ‘Manger’ where all of you were called to ‘Witness’ the very ‘Arrival’ of the Unchanging’ ‘Heavenly Truth’ with the ‘Arrival’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, in the ‘Manger’ itself, also some 2000 years ago.

This, My Dear Faithful Child, was to show you ‘How’ it is, that the ‘Heavenly Truth’ is Unchanged’, regardless of ‘Historical’ Time, and that the ‘Heavenly Truth’ is the ‘Same’ Unchanged Truth, today in the 21st Century, in your lifetime and point in ‘Historical’ Time, the very same ‘Heavenly Truth’ that all of you from your Present ‘Historical’ Time were ‘Witness’ to, at its ‘Arrival’ of the ‘Past Historical’ Time in the ‘Manger’, of some 2000 years ago.

Therefore, My Dear Faithful Child, as you yourself have now been ‘Witness’ to, over the Past 4 days, including today, the Unchanged’ ‘Heavenly Truth’, Can, Does and Will touch the ‘Hearts’ and ‘Souls’ of those of My Children throughout the World, regardless of who they are or how unworthy that they might feel they are, that are prepared to accept My ‘Invitation’ not only to the ‘Manger’ and ‘Crib’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, at ‘Christmas’, but to My ‘Immaculate Heart’ and to the ‘Sacred Heart’ of My Belovéd Son, Jesus, today and everyday of their lives, with the acceptance of this most ‘Precious’ of ‘Gifts’ of the ‘Heavenly Truth’, given to the Whole of Mankind, Past Present and Future, on that 1st most Sacred Holy ‘Christmas’ day.

My Dear Faithful Child, I, your Heavenly Mother, thank you so much, once again, for the ‘Sacrifices’ that you have ‘Offered’ up for My ‘Suffering’ Children, that I had ‘Invited’ you to offer up, but especially for your ‘Willingness’ to do so.

I, your Heavenly Mother, know that this ‘Most Important’ Sacrifice of ‘Fasting’ with Me, has at times been very difficult for you, but, My Dear Faithful Child, it has been of ‘Extreme’ importance to Me, your Heavenly Mother, as it continues to be a very Strong ‘Weapon’ against the ‘Diabolical Grip’ of My ‘Adversary Satan’, especially the ‘Grip’ that he has over many of My Belovéd Priests, throughout the World.

Over the next 5 weeks of ‘Fasting’ I, your Heavenly Mother, ‘Invite’ you to Meditate upon each of the 5 Sacred Wounds of My Belovéd Son, one Sacred Wound for each week and I ‘Invite’ you to offer up your Own ‘Suffering’ over the next 5 weeks for the ‘Reparation’  of all of the ‘Sacrileges’ being committed by My Belovéd Priests, throughout Australia and throughout the World, and so that the ‘Grip of Satan’ over these ‘Poor’ Belovéd Priests of Mine can be more readily ‘Loosened’.

I love you so, so Dearly, My Dear Faithful Child, and I ask of you to remain in ‘Faith’ in My Belovéd Son, Jesus, who has and will continue to ‘Pour’ out His Blessings on you, and on My ‘Suffering’ Child, your wife, and on My young Daughter, also your Daughter, over the remainder of this ‘Christmas’ and during the coming year that you are about to enter into.”

Then at this point “Our Blesséd Mother” stood up on the Small Rock, beckoned me forward, and as I knelt down beside the Small Rock, before Her, “Our Blesséd Mother” gave me Her Customary Blessing, and as the Late afternoon Sun shone down on Her, Lighting Her up so Magnificently, “Our Blesséd Mother” then Left me as She became Engulfed in the Brightness of the Light that shone around Her.

Needless to say, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I was left in a state of “Awe”, but also with a sense of “Sadness” as “Our Blesséd Mother” left, because in all Honesty, I personally never want “Our Blesséd Mother” to leave me, whenever She comes to me, but I have to simply try and accept it, and try and Meditate and Focus on the “Mission” at hand, and try to be so grateful for the time that “Our Blesséd Mother” so, so Graciously grants me and Blesses me with, with Her “Heavenly” Company.

Once again I feel the need to thank all of you My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, who have so kindly offered up your Prayers for me, and would like to extend to each and every one of you My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, my most Heartfelt Good Wishes, Happiness, Good Health and an abundance of God’s Blessings and Graces for the coming New Year.


I pray, O Holy Mother of God, that those who choose to Read or Hear Your Messages, will receive them with Your Blessings, and that their Heart’s too, will be filled with Your Graces and Love.
